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Are You Suposed To Finish A Neck Pocket

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I would leave the neck pocket unfinished.

If the pocket is a bit loose you could leave the sides of the neck pocket finished and peel off the finish in the bottom where

the body and neck have the best contact anyway. Also the neck should be unfinished at the heel.

I tested it once by finishing a neck pocket with multiple layers of lackuer. The sound was affected. The highs were dampenend considerably. But yes there were many layers of laquer.

Still, when you take a professionally built guitar or bass, usually the neck pocket is free from anything exept filler.

I personally like to spray 1 good coat in the neck pocket for bolt ons and then sand it down to accomodate the neck fit. I use just enough finish to seal off the wood.

Yep same here

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I refinished a guitar many years ago and had problems with it staying in tune afterwards. I scraped the paint from the neck pocket and the problem was gone. In my opinion, leave the neck pock bare. This will help create a better fit (assuming the fit is good before finishing) and will aleviate any problems that could arise from a poor neck joint fit.


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I don't finish a neck pocket unless its a bit "roomy" around the sides. The finish, be it poly or lacquer, also acts as a glue and if its not TOTALLY cured your neck could actually bind in the pocket. When removing the neck later there is the chance that wood from the neck or pocket floor could tear out.

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  • 4 weeks later...
so let me get this straight.. all necks that have screws are bolt on necks?? and whats so bad about fender??

Yes, I believe that every guitar with neck screws and bolts are strictly bolt ons. When glueing them, there is no need to add bolts and vice versa. The point in using strictly bolts is to be able to remove the neck, so adding glue would make that impossible. So necks with no bolts are glued in set necks or are neck throughs. Any neck with bolts are strictly bolt ons and are removable. Bolts ons can make fixing problems down the line much easier and can make shaping the body easier than neck throughs.

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and whats so bad about fender??

Eh, he probably got his hands on one of those Fender Mexican jobs where they slap a little sticker on the heel, then clear coat over it, so it's no small task getting the damn sticker off. Of course, the 'riding high" sticker makes it impossible for a flush seating of the heel to the pocket bottom. I just had a neck like this come in for a re-fret. I think I'm going to remove the sticker anyway.

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