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Good $300 Amps?


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OK guys, basically what i'm wondering is what you all think of any amps at this general price point.

I'm not a gigging musician, and have no aspirations to be so. I don't need a $2000 amp, because i'll only be playing around the house. I'll probably do a little home recording with it and that type of thing. It doesn't need monster volume. And obviously i'd like for this to be a combo amp. (most that i've seen in this price range are anyway) I'd like for it to be relatively flexible, because I like to play a fairly wide variety of music, from AC/DC to Green Day to Guster to Jack Johnson. I know that no single amp, especially an inexpensive one, will be able to get me all those tones, but I would like to at least have some flexibility to the sound, something that may at least get me into the ballpark of a couple of them.

So, anyone that may have some experience with any amps in the $300-350 range feel free to give me your comments and opinions as to what models I should check out.


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Thanks guys, all these sound like good options. The tonal flexibility of the Line 6 sounds like it would be fun. The pignose being a tube amp makes it more enticing... I've read good things about the Crate Palomino V16 tube amp as well, slightly on the high end of the price range though.

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Sounds like I'll have to give the Line 6 a serious look. It sounds like it would be a great solution for home recording and just playing around. However, there is something really appealing about a small tube amp, the synergy it has with the guitar. I may have to eventually buy something like the Valve Junior, or perhaps build my own.

This amp would be a birthday present for me (end of next month) I'll let everyone know what I end up with.

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There's nothing like demoing an amp yourself before buying it. To me, every amp, pickup, or guitar sounds the same on the interweb. Find a Line6 dealer 'round your area and check it out yourself. If they'll match MF, buy it from them and you'll get a lifetime of support. My two cents.

Oh, and when you start getting serious, Go Mesa!

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Hmmmmm crafty.... Mesa didn't fit into this post but somehow you managed to "Plug" it. I bet your Mesa has a glory hole....

Roland Cube is a good solid state modeling amp that fits into the low volume home recording scene great. A tube amp in your price range usually has to be cranked pretty high to get a good drive on it since features will be limited.

Roland, Line 6, or even Behringer all fit the bill pretty good for what you are looking for....

Edited by Vince-o-caster
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Go test drive some. I know from the Vox sites I go on, many have set out to buy Line 6 and been disappointed after comparing with the Valvetronic. I have an AD50VT which has 11 amp types and 11 effects. Some of the blue VTX 60 and 120 Valvetronics are going out cheaply as they are being discontinued which is a shame as they are a true giiging amp which can be used with a VC12 floor board.

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i like the epiphone amps (bit bland as somone said earlier) if you want a different sound its best to use a pedal (distortion for instance)

ive got a behringer amp which is ok but a bit boring... maybe i should sell it for a smaller more interesting amp

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If you're spending three hundred bucks, I say go on eBay and find yourself a nice silverface Fender Champ or Vibro Champ from the seventies. Absolute tone monsters, especially if you upgrade the speaker or plug it into a cab. I got mine for about two-hundred not too long ago. Those Epiphone Valve Juniors are nice too. I owned one for a while and it's a good amp and very cheap but when you have a Champ sitting right next to it, it becomes a doorstop so I sold it. Those Line 6 Spiders are fun to tool around w/, I agree, but you have a choice between one of those and a American-made, hand-wired, point-to-point amp tube amp and... well... I know what I'd pick ten times out of ten.

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Crate GLX212...FOR ONLY $250!!!

It comes with a lighted faceplate, lighted footswitch, 4 caster wheels.

It's loud as hell, and has nice effects, too.

You can't go wrong with this one.

You won't be dissappointed.

I bought mine from ZZsounds.

It only took a couple of days, and HAD FREE ground shipping.



Edited by Mista SCARY
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A second-hand Rivera for twice the price, clearly.

Seriously though, go play some. I don't get along that well with solid state amps or modelling amps as amps (I do like my GuitarPort, mind), but that's likely because the Rivera's spoiled me.

Roland's Jazz Chorus is a wonderful amp if you like clean tones.

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I went looking for a few of these amps the other day. Used a Godin LG with only the bridge P90 on to most acurately simulate the guitar i'm building. Played the Crate, and it wasn't bad. I also played a used Fender Blues Junior. I wasn't impressed with it, but then again I didn't crank it up that much, so I'm sure I missed out on its strengths. But given the fact that it's not as flexible as some of these others, it wasn't really a serious contender to begin with, so I wasn't as concerned with giving it a full test drive.

There's a store in town that sells Roland, Vox, and Line 6, so i'll head there next. I checked out the sound clips from a Vox Valvetronix online, and really liked that. So we'll see which I like best head to head in the next few weeks.

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