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Progress On The Tele

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Just thought I'd show a little of what I've been working on. It's a tele shaped body, with the only difference being on one of the horns. It is slightly less round than the classic telecaster.

The neck is constructed of 3 pieces of red oak. Indian rosewood fretboard. Mini fretmarkers. Zebrawood headplate. And jade (yeah right) keystone tuners.

I want to see if anyone can decipher what the body is made out of from the pics. I'm not very talented at looking at wood and knowing its kind, and I want to see how obvious it is with this guitar. So if you have a guess feel free to share it.

Enough chat though, on to the pics.





neck and guitar

pups, cavity covers, tuner

Let me know what you think :D

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Looks great! Love what you did with the upper bout-- it still looks like a tele, but the 'less round' shape to it is sleeker.

As for the wood... I'm no expert, so I honestly don't know. But for the fun of guessing, I'm going to go with... cherry. Doesn't have the same grain pattern as the cherry I've used, but meh... just a guess. <chuckle>


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It's actually a two piece alder body. Nothing real special, I just wanted to see what woods people might mistake it for. Just today I've finished spraying it with clear. I'll leave it hang for about 2 weeks and see if I can't post some pictures of it assembled.

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Thanks for all the comments. As to the control spacing, they are so close together because 2 of the 3 holes are for mini switches to switch from single coil to humbucker. They don't take up much space.

Here are a few pics now that I have finished with the clear. I'm really pleased with the finish already, aside from all the little dust specks that taunt me so.

I thought this one was pretty good :D


The best neck profile picture I have

And one of the front

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good stuff! My only areas of criticism:

- Not a fan of the jack placement, either. It's cool to try something unconventional, though

- Putting the 'bridge' humbucker actually at the bridge would've given you some more tonal variation

- There are some sanding/tool marks that took the dye (or didn't) and then became quite visible. More time fine-sanding before staining would've given you a nicer finish.

The shape is awesome. The work you put in is only lacking some "fine" touches, but is otherwise excellent. The authority with which you presented and then completed your vision is to be commended, that's for sure.



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I really like the rounded shape of this Tele. The butt of a Tele usually sits to the right of the torso so you could likely get away with putting a jack like that on the back. It still looks unique but a little less feminine. It also looks like it might get cumbersome grabbing that knob where it is.

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