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A Call Out To Phoenix Rising

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Wez, sometimes it's good to take Drak with a grain of salt and not let him get on your nerves. Sometimes he just does crap like this to get intentionally banned.

Life goes on.

My responses are not really meant for drak - i realised long ago the pointlessness of such things!

Although i havnt agreed with everything pheonix rising wrote in his first 13 posts i hope he doesnt feel he isnt welcome around here because of this kind of attitude we see from some members

I suppose i should just use smileys as a reponse - thats clearly much better than my awfull grammer, punctuation and spelling!

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Hey Drak I know you just like stiring the pot...but this is a little overboard.It was not so much the burning of the guitars but the fact you burnt the hardware too.This guy probably has a very limited buget and can not even get why someone would do that.To be honest I don't really eather.If your not careful you mite get your name spelled with an ic in the middle.Calling someone out on the internet is kind of like running naked thru the streets at 3 am in the morning in the middle of nowhere.You seem like a cool guy .but if you keep this up ,no one will take you serious.

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I totally agree with Wez. I've been considering closing this thread since the first post, since I was pretty sure it was in dubious taste from the get go.

Drak, consider this a polite warning - no newbie baiting, and enough with the cracks at Wez's writing. They're as tedious as they are inaccurate.

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Ah, i have no problem with the comments about my english skills. I'm a big boy me, i can take it!! :D

tbh - i think every time Drak makes a comment like that he publicly shows how childish he can be and thats a good thing for everyone to see - especially the newbies he is trying to bait!!

I do feel this thread should have been closed from the first post though so it might be an idea to consider that now since it clearly isnt going to go anywhere

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Greg, I actually enjoyed your responses. :D

Wez, at least you didn't make any overt grammatical errors this time, but your punctuation is abyssmally bad.

As I mentioned before, I can't take anyone seriously who fancies himself a professional craftsman of any caliber who can't even spell or punctuate properly. :D

get over yourself! you aren't as good as you think you are! you try to act tough by "calling out" a fellow guitar builder-then-you critisize other peoples grammar? you think that you are some kind of luthier worthy of world wide recognition (you never said you are but you certainly act like you do). this is suposed to be an informational forum and you are trying to turn it into a place of ridicule and insults. i know im getting worked up too much but im sick of seeing your bogus remarks and comments.

just get back to building and forget this-you got your 1.5 seconds of "fame", now drop it-go outside and get some air.

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The only thing I can't get over is that because of this "newbie" a member that we debated for a long time if we were going to allow back into the forum decided to go along the ride of, "to burn or not to burn... that is the question" and all hell broke loose and got out of hands and ended up getting banned...

We all know Drak, I really don't think that he is trying to bait the newbies as you all make it seem... it is the newbies that come along and start to push their lame as.. philosophy like this guy did, posting in every thread he found about a guitar being burned or destroyed. And he WAS the one that pointed out at Drak, mentioning the WOD, as we all know Drak was the one that came with that concept years ago... Even David (Myka) got drawn into it and posted this which is not the norm of Davids comments toward other members.

I have stayed out of this thread because I'm a MOD and I always do my best to stay impartial, but I think that we the older members need to take this kind of things more seriously since it has being the cause of quite a few VIP or knowledgeable members leaving the board.

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I still dont understand why every one got so upset about that.

Pheonix Rising had the idea to offer to pay postage to people that wanted rid of guitars - i am sure it seemed very logical to him.

We mostly said it wasnt something we wanted to do because we have a right to do what we want with our own stuff, and we gave lots of good reasons for destroying stuff.... End of. (ok it went beyond that into idle insults but we didnt really get past that point)

I still dont see how that gives Drak the right to behave this way and i dont see why it has been allowed to go on.

I notice his Troll comments have been reduced in size but they are still there!

I know what drak is like, i am not really bothered by the personal insults and digs aimed at me. But we still have a thread where drak has attacked two members with serious insults and very little has been done about it.

I dont see how a general debate between all members has been allowed to become specific attacks on certain members in this way

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I think you guys aren't picking up what Drak is laying down.I agree that if you have never had a guitar you built sitting in a corner,baiting you every day,reminding you of how you screwed up,then you should try to control the urge to spout an opinion.

I for one would never send anything less than a perfect guitar out of my door...even for free.Which is why no guitar of mine has ever been sold or given away...

But this is beating a dead horse anymore,is it not?

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But we still have a thread where drak has attacked two members with serious insults and very little has been done about it.

Can you report that thread... because I haven't seen it and I'm sure Setch hasn't because he is very good at those threads, I'm a little more immune to detecting this kind of stuff.

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Well, he's logged in several times since I posted this.

I guess we all know where he stands now, as my quite civil request for quality work photos has gone completely unanswered.

The Troll Alert on phoenix rising has been sounded from every rooftop of the township!

Greg, I actually enjoyed your responses. :D

Wez, at least you didn't make any overt grammatical errors this time, but your punctuation is abyssmally bad.

As I mentioned before, I can't take anyone seriously who fancies himself a professional craftsman of any caliber who can't even spell or punctuate properly. :D

These two posts are offensive - if any other member made them something would have been done but people are quick to let it go when it comes from Drak. I am still not sure why.

Setch did pick up on it and did warn Drak.

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I think you guys aren't picking up what Drak is laying down.I agree that if you have never had a guitar you built sitting in a corner,baiting you every day,reminding you of how you screwed up,then you should try to control the urge to spout an opinion.

I for one would never send anything less than a perfect guitar out of my door...even for free.Which is why no guitar of mine has ever been sold or given away...

But this is beating a dead horse anymore,is it not?

This is no longer about the issue of destroying past work. i think we all agree thats beating a dead horse. Not only that but it is also an issue i am inclined to side with Drak on and i firmly disagree with Pheonix Risings point of view.

But i have no problem with him having that point of view and i am not sure this thread should have been created in the first place. This is all about Draks attempts to turn a forum wide debate that went nowhere into the specific attack of one member. One member who has only been here for 13 posts and has never made any outward claims of being an experienced builder.

i was under the impression this forum was for people of all skill levels. If thats truly the case we have to let newbies have an opinion. we also have to make sure they are not giving bad advice - but i dont think thats the issue with this member

this is now about Draks attitude and comments towards other forum members and whether we feel thats the kind of atmosphere we all want around here.

i feel draks repeated attacks on my english skills are childish and a non-subtle attempt to undermine any expertise i may or may not have shown. Its offensive but i put up with similar stuff all the time in my everyday life so i wont loose sleep over it.

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Wez, give it a rest and grow a sense of humor.

We're all done with it, maybe you should take a clue and stop taking yourself so seriously.

And stop hijacking my threads for your own benefit please.

I will not post to this thread again since it's pretty much done.

Have a great day! :D

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Wez, give it a rest and grow a sense of humor.

We're all done with it, maybe you should take a clue and stop taking yourself so seriously.

And stop hijacking my threads for your own benefit please.

I will not post to this thread again since it's pretty much done.

Have a great day! :D

i dont appreciate offensive humour if thats what this is meant to be, and this isnt about how seriously i take myself.

i am well aware of the fact people have been here longer than me. I have opinions and they are just as valid as somebody who has been here since the start. I make suggestions and i have no problem with people criticising them. i post my guitars and i have no problem with people who dont like them. for some reason you seem to think i portray myself as an experienced authority figure but that has never been my aim and i dont think that comes across in the majority of my posts.

I dont see what benefit i get from this thread, infact its probably making me look more serious than i really am in everyday life and its definately making me look more serious than i am in most of my posts on this forum. My aim is to question your motives - not to big my self up in anyway. I was nearly the first person to post in this thread but i chose to leave it alone because i fully expected the Mods to remove it straight away.

The reason for my continued participation in this thread is mainly because i think this behaviour would not have been tolerated by any other member - i am not sure why the people of the forum tolerate it from you!

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Ok - this is shut, as was inevitable.

Drak, given that you're the aggressor in this case, I think it's pretty rich for you to be attacking Wez for responding. I also think you need to seriously consider how the forum is benefitted by you calling out new members, and insulting those regulars who are frequent and valuable contributors.

And stop hijacking my threads for your own benefit please.

It isn't 'your' thread. It's posted on a public forum, and that is an invatiation for public participation. Users who get propriatorial about 'their' threads would be best not to post them in the first place unless they're willing to accept responces which they may disagree with.

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