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The Vihta

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My second guitar is almost done. This one is mostly made of birch, only neck is maple.

Pickups are Duncan Custom at bridge and Vintage Rails at neck. Both have some mid boost too.

I also transplanted Variax circuits into it. Control knobs aren't ready yet, but they will be made of birch. :D

And I should somehow get that trem all golden.

Frets: Dunlop 6000

Trem: Schaller Vintage tremolo with Variax piezo saddles


More pics: (sorry about bad quality)


I have a problem with neck pickup cover. I brushed 10 coats of nitro, in two weeks, and let it cure about four weeks.

Now its bowed.



Is there any way I could bend it back without damaging lacquer?

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Did you finish the back of the cover too?

I'd guess that it's bowed because it's absorbing more moisture through the back than the front, which means the back expands more than the front, and forces the piece to bend. Try placing it somewhere dry (like a sealed box with a pack of solica gel in it) which may help it return to flat, then finish the back to balance the moisture absorbtion.

Oh, and by the way - *beautiful* piece of work, very impressive, doubly so considering it's only your second.

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Thanks guys :D

Did you finish the back of the cover too?

I'd guess that it's bowed because it's absorbing more moisture through the back than the front, which means the back expands more than the front, and forces the piece to bend. Try placing it somewhere dry (like a sealed box with a pack of solica gel in it) which may help it return to flat, then finish the back to balance the moisture absorbtion.

Oh, and by the way - *beautiful* piece of work, very impressive, doubly so considering it's only your second.

Thank you for the reply.

Yep, I brushed the back of the cover too. One coat of lacquer. Thought it had been dry after a week from staining.

Should I sand it back to wood before placing to dry?

How's that birch sounding?

It's somewhere between maple and alder.

I had to change that Full Shred to Duncan Custom to get warmer, more humbucker sound.

So I would say it's pretty bright too.

Beautiful! Looks like a lot of hours have gone into this beauty.

What's with the birch overseas there?

I started a year ago. Have done it mostly on weekends. This have been my "learning to use a chiesel and scrapers" project.

It's much nicer to work without that router noise. :D

I have heard many different opinions about birch as a tonewood, it's cheap and grows on trees here where I live, so I wanted to try it myself.

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