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Bubinga Is My Friend

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Got it fretted. i love the way the headstock looks with all bubinga! anyone else? or am i boring you guys? (probably, it is me thats posting this)

I'm enjoying watching the progress. I simply have nothing to add, be it positive or negative. Nothing is really jumping out at me as being oddball, unusual, or questionable, so I don't have anything to add. :D

But since I'm here... How are the edges of the top looking with the veneer? An explorer would look fruit with binding, but there would still be the reveal line from the veneer. How did you address this?

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Got it fretted. i love the way the headstock looks with all bubinga! anyone else? or am i boring you guys? (probably, it is me thats posting this)

I'm enjoying watching the progress. I simply have nothing to add, be it positive or negative. Nothing is really jumping out at me as being oddball, unusual, or questionable, so I don't have anything to add. :D

But since I'm here... How are the edges of the top looking with the veneer? An explorer would look fruit with binding, but there would still be the reveal line from the veneer. How did you address this?

the transition from the edge really doesnt look as obvious or popping as you might think. i think it looks good, but my taste is usually what people hate. which is probably why peole here dont like me ( along with other reasons)

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yes i am using all black hardware. i havnt decided on pickups yet. i will probably let the buyer choose, and charge actual price of pickups+ a small amount for the installation.

just got the neck pocket routed. i wish i diddnt have to work all night, i coulnd have finished everything but gluing in the neck if i diddnt have to leave in an hour. o well what can you do.

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Hey... don't complain about having a job. Unemployment is on the rise, and you went without one for quite a while. It may not be what you want, but it's a dang-sight better than having nothing.

Any chance of getting a pic of the side at an angle to see the transition and the veneer edge reveal??

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which is probably why peole here dont like me ( along with other reasons)

I don't think people dislike you, they could just live with out the meladrama you occasionally roll out.

I think the headstock looks pretty great, and that's a very pretty piece of veneer you used - good job. I think you could make the headstock transition a bit more flowing - you seem to go for a squarish look to your heels and head transitions which is less fluid than I like. Is the neck carve finished yet, or are you going to tweak it more not that the fretting is done?

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thanks Wes!

i cut off about 1/8" off the whole outline, and made the point a bit longer. besides that, its the same.

i could have routed the control cavity tonight as well, but dang i forgot i ran out of double stick tape. o well tomorow it shall wait until.

as for the job,

i could have worked anywhere else i wanted too. but at the time i had been staying up all night and couldnt sleep, so a graveyard shift sounded good at the time. i have a job offer at sears selling tools, but i dont know if im going to take it.

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As I see it, there are three points to consider:

1) Pay. I'll assume that Sears pays better than Wal-Mart. Total wages is the flip-side, though. 40 hours @ $8/hr is worth more than 25 hours @ $12/hr. Of course, I pulled those wages right out of the air, but I'm sure you get the point.

2) Sears would allow you to re-enter socieity. Working midnights, never seeing the light of day, never seeing people... it's damaging to the psyche. Even if you're on the evening shift, it'd be an improvement. Unless you're an unsociable hermit. :D

3) Employee discount. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. You'd be able to get all your tools at a discount. YAY!!! You might just be handing over your entire paycheck to your employer because you bought too much. Bummer.


You're right - the transition doesn't stand out as strong as I suspected it might. As always, your choices of wood combos are great. The top & base are in the same color tone family, but there's enough contrast to make the top stand out.

Did you mention already if you used woodweld or vaccuum pressed the top on? I have some lacewood veneer I've been thinking about slapping on a face, but I haven't been brave enough to try it yet. I'd have to use woodweld, so I was curious about the results.

Edited by avengers63
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lets see. i get payed 8.35/hr at walmart. and thats only because i get compensation for working nights. i would get an hour less for any shift.

as for sears, thats a tough one. its really 6$/hr + 1% commission. so if i dont sell anything, thats a pretty crappy check. but the holidays are to be here soon also.

and with walmart, you get all the overtime you want. my last check i had 111 hours with 31 hours of overtime. which still only equalled a 827$ check. good, but not worth it for sure. went 3 weeks without a day off.

as for what i used for the veneer, i just used a small amount of wood glue and clamped a template onto it.

Edited by killemall8
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...and clamped a template onto it.




I've effectively glued on 4 tops at this point. Every time, I rig up a bunch of long scrap pieces and clamps ar cross-clamping presses. The whole time, I could have been using the template as a big press with a bunch of clamps around the edge.

Why do the simple solutions always escape me? I overthink things waaaaaaay too much. B)

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i know exactly what you mean John.

got it finished. decided not to do a poly finish. maybe later if i change my mind. all that is left is to make and veneer the cavity cover, and make the nut.

i used a different camera for these pics, so the color isnt nearly as good as it really looks.







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So I just read this thread and WOW. This is awesome!! I'm about to piece together a warmoth Korina body i got for $45 off craigslist, my first amazing find, with a Ibanez roadstar 440 neck. Not gonna look anywhere near as cool but I'm excited about the body shape.

Question- Why do you always fully finish with oil before you rout?

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i oil and polish with the linseed oil before routing because after you rout, if you try to press really hard with the fine sandpaper (1k-2k grit) it will snag and tear on the routs. so i oil it all up before. plus, if it gets in the neck pocket, the glue wont stick or hold the neck in.

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