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Ebony Fretboard With Black Binding

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Jon, I don't understand what you mean by "something that is already there".

The problem is something is actually not there (width) and I need to build it up rather than scrap a piece of nice ebony. I just wanted to see pics to see how well the ebony and black plastic blend together. Ideally I would want it as seamless as possible so it won't look like I screwed up (even though I did).

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Well, because I don't want white binding. The original design was for an ebony fretboard with no binding so my only choice now--unless there are such things as ebony binding strips available anywhere--is to use black plastic. Black binding on ebony fretboard would also make any gaps between the two easier to hid I'm guessing (black epoxy). I didn't think it would be common, I just wondered what it looked like if it has been done by anyone for one reason or another.

In searching the web I found a dean guitar that was supposed to have this configuration but the pick wasn't close up enough to make a judgment.

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If you are in serious need for ebony strips of wood. Probably you could use another ebony fretboard to make them, if you can´t find any pre -made stuff. But it would be like a wasting another fretboard to save another.But what about other dark woods rosewood or wenge do they sound too stupid for binding ?

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If you are in serious need for ebony strips of wood. Probably you could use another ebony fretboard to make them, if you can´t find any pre -made stuff. But it would be like a wasting another fretboard to save another.But what about other dark woods rosewood or wenge do they sound too stupid for binding ?

I'm sure you could find ebony binding. There's a place here in Ontario Canada that has 'em. I make my own binding now. Its so easy.

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I can't believe I've never noticed that Stewmac carried that. Thanks Neil. And thanks for the other advice from everyone else too. I think I can fix this problem, but I would still like to see black plastic binding on ebony to satisfy my curiosity if nothing else.

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I bought some of the Stewmac ebony binding and tried to glue it using CA. It wasn't drying like I thought it should but I'll check it again in the morning. Maybe ebony needs more prep work before gluing than other woods. If anyone has any ebony gluing tricks or tips, I'm all ears.

But the look is perfect and this screw up might end up being a blessing in disguise since I'm liking the fact that the fret ends will be hidden. A nice clean look that I think works really well. I'll let you guys know how it turns out as soon as I get it done.

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