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Having A Play With Some Silver Leaf

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i built myself a strat/tele hybrid last year and its been together in an unfinished state for a while. Anyway, i decided to do a silver leaf over black finish

this is after the first application of silver leaf (actually its aluminium leaf). i did miss a bit which i have added in since. just trying to decide if i want it with this level of black showing through or to actually distress it to show more of it, but so far i am happy... much better than my first attempt a few years back


i may go for a black scratchplate


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i have always liked to piss about every now and again - keeps things fun

the loose flakes are now gone and the edges smoothed down but i wanted a broken look - thats why i went for black first. if i wanted it to be perfect i would have done silver first so you cant see the gaps

i still have some copper too so i am tempted to do a bass i have here

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looks like you stooped half way through. You were supposed to fill the missing spots and burnish the surface. Using a special badger brush and static helps place the sheet. I worked in a custom frame shop many many eons ago and watched a master gold leaf frames all day long. There were spots but they were fixed buy adding pieces over them. The sizing should pick it up if you dont wait too long. I have never seen anyone wait so I have no idea if it drys solid.

It will certainly look better once its burnished..

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I think it looks like crap. Sorry. :D

i dont mind that john - it certainly has some roughness at this stage. but as i put more clear on i am liking the way its going, although i am aware i may have to do more to tie it together as a coherant theme

i dont want to go for a perfect leaf finish as good as they can look:


i am after something a bit different and the options i am considering to develop it further are more extreme distressing, a black burst or spray over it with a deep trans black with some areas masked or left lighter to create a pattern, maybe flames or something- but i will carry on with the clear for now and see what develops... and of course there is always the option to strip it all off - but not before i have had my fun :D

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You were supposed to.....

there are probably lots of things i am 'supposed to do' :D

for what its worth this imitation leaf does not apply the same way as traditional leaf. It is not the type of leaf which you pick up with a static charged brush. it comes on a paper backing so you slap it on and rub the back - but once you remove the paper the same techniques apply and it is possible to get a solid finish if that what you are going for. however you do inevitably get some staying on the paper which produces a torn look, its also possible to smudge, twist and rub whilst the paper is in place to achieve a crackle type finish

i think you guys doubt this is what i was after, but i am quite happy with the way its working out so far

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I will wait until this is further along before I give it a thumbs up or not.

I'm not really thrilled about the black spots, but if you are going for the look in the picture then who knows maybe it will work..or not...Keep us posted

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You gonna beat up the other chromed parts ? go for the whole beat up look ?

I think you should go with the black pick guard

still playing - i will make my decision about hardware once i have a better idea how the guitar will spend its life

Last night i got sucked in by the other two books of metal leaf i had in the workshop (imitation gold and copper) and now have a metal camo type finish.... not really happy with that look but it is pushing me in another direction

Tonight i plan on giving it some physical distress before seeing what ferric chloride will do to it - even if it just gives a bit more contrast i will be happy and will start considering the final finish - just clear or colour

all fun and games

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IMO, it'd be cool if you did an all-over leaf, then rubbed through to the black in the normal wear spots (forearm carve, edges, etc...)

just did a bit of that and given the whole thing a rub down/distress

followed by a rub down with ferric chloride which did little more than eat away some of the copper and gold - made it look a bit more random and worn though

then i rubbed it all down with black stain and let dry - followed by a rub down with wire wool and another coat of lacquer

looking a lot more industrial now so i guess i am relicing hardware and looking for an alternative scratchplate material

pics to show a few of the stages later :D

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so - the last 24 hours progress (most of which was sleeping and being at work :D )

added gold and copper - dont like it though, some of the patterns are fun but the colour contrast is all wrong


roughly distressed it, which removed a lot of gold and copper... still not happy with colour:



wiped down with black stain, rubbed down with wire wool and one coat of lacquer later:





seeing it like that i am not sure if i want to relic the hardware or not.... but i think i am just about done now :D

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i have a maple neck for it - was going to do the headstock too, but i think i will skip that now

i have reliced/distressed both chrome and nickel hardware quite successfully before - but i think i like this with the contrast between shiny and distressed on this

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Well......I like it a lot better after the black stain and wool and laquer.....but it still looks like something pulled from the ashes of a burning refuse heap. I mean that in the nicest possible way :D. It does look likeit belongs in one of those end of the world type action flicks. I know you are working by feel here, trying treatments out and seeing if the results feel right. I think it is ugly and yet pretty cool in a molten metallic sort of way. Is it getting close to your vision?

If so, then:

Well done! :D


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Is it getting close to your vision?

well - the vision keeps changing, so who knows :D

but its getting to a stage i can see me leaving it at.

the decisions now are;

1. clear it till it can be buffed to a high shine, or leave with a few light coats and texture

2. relic hardware to match or leave new for the contrast

the neck bucker is an original 70's wide range so will no be receiving any more wear than it already has

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The finished look came a long way from the start, and I like it a lot more. The initial silver leaf just wasn't working for me. After adding the gold and copper I like it even less. But after the black stain and steel wool it reall came to life. I kind of like the look with shiney hardware as well. While the initial thought is to relic it, since it would be a natural fit, I think the new hardware gives it a better look.

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sometimes you just have to go with the flow and see what happens. It clearly was not right after the gold and copper was added - but it did make up my mind that i was definately distressing it

still not sure about hardware - at the moment the bridge is nickel, controls are chrome and wide range is naturally worn chrome.

i think it might work better to leave all as it is, shiny but not matched. although i do have a glendale control plate thats lightly aged chrome i might see how that looks to help me decide. Then i need to play with scratchplates, maybe an aluminium one which could receive the same stain & wire wool distress as the body - obviously a bit more subtle though as it will actually be flat

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trial metal leaf finish number 2 - going for a different look here, the idea for this one is a more traditional gilded finish, so i went with an acrylic size (the glue/varnish that sticks it down) and loose leaf copper (rather than the transfer stuff i have used so far).

once complete the plan is to age the copper to start to develop some green - rather than wait 10-15 years i am going to accelerate the process before lacquering. i have looked around for chemicals to age it and two easy ones keep popping up. apparently urine does a good job, but a salt & vinegar mix also works well - so i think i had better use that.

anyway - just done the rear of the bass and i am rather happy so far. still needs a little burnishing but it has worked well



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