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Giving away stuff


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Although i wanted to begin guitarbuilding, after coming to this website i am aware that it requires a lot of time and patience. Because i am currently at school i dont have time to pursue any activities related to the process so, i would like to start giving old tools, some wood(some good, some mishaped bodies) to anyone who is interested.

1.router table and router(not plunge though)(needs two screws that are missing)


2. 9'' bandsaw that just needs a replaced band that connects these two spinning wheels

3.spindle sander

3.hand sander (power tool)

4. Two big rectangles of quilted maple veneer(about 2-3mm thick)

5. One peice of honduran mahogany that is big enough for a body (though not exactly straight grained(14 inch width, 19.5 inch length, 1.75 inch thickness.)

6. One peice of honduran mahogany that is big enough for making a few necks

(16 inch width,30 something inch length, and 1.75 inch thickness)

7.a whole lot of screwed up and mishapen bodies, good wood, just need to be fixed by someone who can reduce the thickness and reroute, them.

im here in america, so anyone from the uk and europe probably wouldnt want to cover the shipping charges.

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I would love to get the spindle sander and any or all the wood if still interested. My email is bingo328@yahoo.com if interested. Just let me know what you want for shipping etc.

Also, there are lots of people including myself that go to school and/or attend work and still manage time for projects. If your having fun it really is a great hobby to stick with.

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I'll take that bandsaw, and that maple veneer :D Email me at renablistic@aol.com and tell me what you want for shipping, i'll pay it all 100%, and i'll throw ina bit extra, too. I fell bad just taking it from you, i have to give ya a little more than just shipping...Also, i need to know what form of payment you want me to send the money as. Money order would be the easiest for me. and probably you too... unless you have paypal... then i have to sign up for paypal... (blah!). But yeah if you are serious I'll take the bandsaw/veneer no prob.

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hello there,

I'm just starting to build guitars too. I hope that i don't lose anytime or interest in the project though. I'm goin to biuld a custom les paul style guitar.

If you have no use for all the above items, i'd be more the happy to pay for it all to be shipped to me. That's only if none of these back down first.

please reply back, it would be nice to have since i still need a few peices of wood here and there. I can use everything i can get my hands on,

Thanks alot for your time, and hope you's all had a good new year!!!!

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Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars

If item 5 or six is still for grabs. I want it. I dont care bout shipping. I will pay anything reasonable.

PM me with shipping costs. I am in north idaho. Can be shipped to whittier CA if neccesary.

Also, the bandsaw if available...

EDIT: Speaking of 5 & 6 as the mahogany. I only need one or the other and will even give ya some extra "handling" fee with the shipping. LOL.

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i guess all that's left is 7, i got dibs on them till i see the pics

put me down for the mahogany neck blanks if Litch doesn't want them,

and i guess i'll be thrid on the list for the bandsaw,

depending on the router, i might take that too,

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