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Demonx - Rhoads V Neckthru 6

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and some MOD edited your original thread title to correct the spelling anyways

Wudn't me

Wudn't accusin', although reading it back, by capitalizing 'mod' I made it look accusatory. My bad.

and yeah, post some progress so this thread goes back on track. See what happens when you build slow? :D

Tell me about it!

I had two builds underway at the same time (this and the 7 string SS) when my other half decided lease a building and volunteer my services to turn it into a retail store. When I saw it, she'd leased a office complex, so I had to strip the place, a complete demolition back to empty shell, build new walls and all internal structures, rebuild a front counted she purchased off ebay but it turned out to be a chipboard piece of shite that was left out in the rain - so i had to pretty much make her a new one, build timber furnature for the shop, paint the whole place, make curtain rails and shop window platforms and pretty much do everything except the plastering and electrical. Oh - add wall decals and painting second hand cabinets and installing wall racks that were handmade by a blacksmith along with installing a digital security system and a million other things!

Long story short I've been flat out for the last couple months and I'm sorry, these builds were put on the back burned and the thread de-railed! I accept full responsibility!

Heres a few pics:

The front during the demolition/build stage. The reflection is me and my work ute!


Change rooms during construction (using second hand timber from the demolition to cut costs)


One of the dividing walls with inbuilt rack:


Wall rack installed and the skirting boards painted and installed:


Reconstruction of the front counter:


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Front of shop at night:


Front entrance of shop and front counter (a lot more decorated since this pic)


Finished change rooms:



Wall rack stocked up:


In the rear (which is actaully the front of the shop) you can see the dividing wall from the earlier shot is now finished:


so yeah - I hope I can be excused for being slow on the build since I did all this on the side of working 40 hrs a week in a factory and trying to build two guitars!

Cheers guys!

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Heres todays pic progress:

Primer final block sand:


First stage of the color process:

I mentioned earlier I had a grand airbrushing idea for this - well my mood has changed since then, i'll still be airbrushing it but the grafhics will be way more down to earth and simple. I'm doing a paint job "for me" that I've wanted for years!


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so yeah - I hope I can be excused for being slow on the build since I did all this on the side of working 40 hrs a week in a factory and trying to build two guitars!

Cheers guys!

No excuses needed - you aint the only slow-poke 'round here.

Nice work on the shop though. and the guitar is lookin quite nice! You doing the polka-dot finish ??

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White base coat on the front of body and headstock. It's sitting under heat lamps ready to start airbrushing the camo but I just got a "call in" from work so I wont be able to do any more on it today. Tomorrow...

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Bring on the clear! Spraying today - PPG Deltron D800

Before clearing I noticed a few little marks on the back of the guitar where it must have been scratched while I ws airbrushing, so I touched up the paint today with the airbrush and the rest is in the pics:



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Thanks Prostheta - The store was a challenge for me as I'd never done anything like that. Was kind of like improvise and adapt.

Thanks Anthony - Appreciate that. I'm not confident at all with the airbrush so to hear someone say that my "I winged it" paint job is the best camo they've seen makes me feel good. Thankyou. I even surprised myself when it turned out like what I had imagined!

Thanks Maiden69 - originally I planned to have complete coverage front and rear camo, but I decided that'd be way overkill and went with this, however most front only gfx stop at the bevel (easier to airbrush), mine goes over the bevel to the side but the bust kind of hides that.

Thanks Westhemann - thats exactly how I planned it! I wanted a guitar that Old School '80s Max Cavelera would want to play - but with my personal edge to it.

The build was meant to be for me as my personal guitar but I've already had a local guitarist from a regular gigging band say he wants to buy it just from seeing the pics and having played the "groges" guitar I built. He's the lead guitarist in the band that the Groges plays rythem in, so that's a massive compliment and I'd be a fool not to give up the guitar and have another one on stage reguarly.

Spelling Bee Mod - Thanks to you too for getting my back! Cheers!

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It does look good like that. I want to do a Swirl, not same as this, but in theory I just want to have the swirl up front fading to a solid color from the edges back, kinda like what you did here.

Kinda like this?? But swirl rather than flames

This was one of my earlier airbrush attempts. It was meant to be layered flames with shadow to fake height. I was not happy with the finish so it never got cleared. I wiped it all off with thinners and gave it a sand. It then became the Baphomet warlock.


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Not really, more like the camo, just that the base color will be also added in the swirls, the rear would be taped or I will just sit the body face down and then paint the rear and fade it down on the sides.

Now I want to buy a decent airbrush also, I only have a set that was made by Testor back in the days that I used to paint my model cars with. I want to give it a try to see how good can I do.

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Now I want to buy a decent airbrush also, I only have a set that was made by Testor back in the days that I used to paint my model cars with. I want to give it a try to see how good can I do.

When I bought mine I had no idea what was what - so I just bought the same one that a guy in an instructional video was using - Mike Lavalle. Since he's a pro I figured it'd have to be good airbrush, endorsed or not. It's an "Iwata HP-CS." I did a short airbrush fundamentals course, everyone there was using "Badger" airbrushes. I like my Iwata better.

Even though I did a course, it doesnt make me an airbrush artist. The course was only dots and lines and basic stuff to get you started. I'd have loved to do more courses but just dont have the time to take on any more hobbies. Theres heaps of cool tutorials on youtube but most of them are way out of my skill level!

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I know what you mean, between the car, the guitars, the gym and the family I barely got time to get any more hobbies. I used to draw, and was good, but that was a long time ago. I thought about tattooing, since a good friend has been doing that for 20 yrs now, but it is too much for me to do, so at least airbrushing is the next best choice. And I can incorporate that into the guitars and the cars, and may be the family.

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