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The differing angles of the pups is screwing with my eyes. That plus the fact that multi-scaled necks always create the optical illusion of being twisted (to me anyway) makes this a little mind bending to look at. It ought to be great for some warped playing.


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The differing agles of the pups is screwing with my eyes. That plus the fact that multi-scaled necks always create the optical illusion of being twisted (to me anyway) makes this a little mind bending to look at. It ought to be great for some warped playing.


Does kinda look funny doesn't it?

I just hope it is tunable. Also I am not sure about using the 7th fret as the perpendicular. It feels a little weird in the first position. While I think the longer scale on the Low B should make it awesome for drop tuning I am not completely sold on the ergonomics of Multiscales yet.

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I am not sure about using the 7th fret as the perpendicular. It feels a little weird in the first position. While I think the longer scale on the Low B should make it awesome for drop tuning I am not completely sold on the ergonomics of Multiscales yet.

I favor the 5th fret for the perpendicular. its not a huge difference, but it is just enough to make the first few frets feel a little more normal. I dont think the fan realy makes much playing difference until you get up around the 10th. but then thats just me.

This thing is looking realy sweet. I cant wait to get back into my workshop properly

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I'm liking the binding on only one side. Could be a good idea to use as a frame where theres colored grain highlights on only one side of the board or something like that.

Thanks the fretboard was boring... as was the whole guitar. I added the binding and the headplates, backstraps so it was more interesting. This one might still have a trick up its sleeve. ;)

I am hoping to get to add single sided binding to my style... however lately anytime I do something slightly (and I mean slightly as nothing is new under the sun) original it gets copied before I can even build a second guitar.

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I'm liking the binding on only one side. Could be a good idea to use as a frame where theres colored grain highlights on only one side of the board or something like that.

Thanks the fretboard was boring... as was the whole guitar. I added the binding and the headplates, backstraps so it was more interesting. This one might still have a trick up its sleeve. ;)

I am hoping to get to add single sided binding to my style... however lately anytime I do something slightly (and I mean slightly as nothing is new under the sun) original it gets copied before I can even build a second guitar.

Coool, single side binding. YOINK !! ill take that idea thank you <_<

Only kidding

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I'm liking the binding on only one side. Could be a good idea to use as a frame where theres colored grain highlights on only one side of the board or something like that.

Thanks the fretboard was boring... as was the whole guitar. I added the binding and the headplates, backstraps so it was more interesting. This one might still have a trick up its sleeve. ;)

I am hoping to get to add single sided binding to my style... however lately anytime I do something slightly (and I mean slightly as nothing is new under the sun) original it gets copied before I can even build a second guitar.

Coool, single side binding. YOINK !! ill take that idea thank you <_<

Only kidding

HA! Well Played Sir. :P

I guess it did sound like a whiny little b ^_^h... time for some Jameson and bear wrestling.

Who in there right mind would want lopsided binding anyway???

To them I say

Copy away little ones, copy away. I will just do something else kick arse (probably while covering a mistake) and you kitties will have to copy that!

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you see the problem with innovation dont you.

Some of us do things that we think will help the instrument perform better (multi radius fret boards, chambering, extensive body carving, realy thin body profiles, my lotus design, your headstock)

or will be a problem solver for a particular client (trapazoid necks, fanned frets, wedge body acoustics)

that turn out to be cool lookin, So people steal your idea. Then you do this crap a few times & people think you are innovative & at the cutting edge of your profession.

So they keep track of what you are doing so they can steal more of your ideas.

Why else do you think I read your threads :P

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you see the problem with innovation dont you.

Some of us do things that we think will help the instrument perform better (multi radius fret boards, chambering, extensive body carving, realy thin body profiles, my lotus design, your headstock)

or will be a problem solver for a particular client (trapazoid necks, fanned frets, wedge body acoustics)

that turn out to be cool lookin, So people steal your idea. Then you do this crap a few times & people think you are innovative & at the cutting edge of your profession.

So they keep track of what you are doing so they can steal more of your ideas.

Why else do you think I read your threads :P

Ha ha ha! So true. That is why I read your threads!

When I get to Ireland we are going drinking!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here we have a set of the new 8 string blades I am developing. They have a 1/8" blade, bobbins are going to be ABS, Magnets will be either A5, A8, C8. There is no metal in the pickups other than the blades and the wire so there are no strange eddy currents.
Wooden bobbins are so fragile. While I can do them I think they are going to be a custom option only from now on.

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I know I posted this earlier but I like it so much I am going to show it again!!!

This is my new 7 string pickup. It will also be available in 6 and 8 string models. The blades are a little heavier than the major manufactures 6 string versions of this design. These pictures are right after I did the test fit.

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That carve looks quite a bit deeper than what you normally do........


Yeah I noticed in the picture that it looks pretty aggressive. I think I just got a little serious since it was a one sided carve... maybe the new scrapers helped as well. It has a more dish to it.

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