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Black stain on mahogany

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Hey guys. So I'm an average player and a novice luthier, novice as in I am just starting to prove together a build. But just recently I picked up a beautiful les paul with a flamed maple cherry bust top. But for some reason the last owner buffed up the beautiful mahogany on the back of the neck, and stained it all black. So 1, how do I get the stain off with out losing to much wood, 2 what can I finish the mahogany with to make it shine just like the back of the the body? Thanks for looking

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I would just take an angle grinder to it (totally kidding!).  man... if it's stain... I would not think it would be a good idea to try to get it out.  Even tho you'd probably only have to go down 1/32" of wood... that could prove a disaster.  just sayin.

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must not be that deep then - I'm assuming you mean by hand and NOT with a power sander or anything.  If so, I'd say 'go for it' probably not much risk if you are sanding thru easily altho with a neck there is always some risk that removing the finish would cause the wood to draw/release moisture and change.

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1 hour ago, Shellberg said:

Thanks guys. Last night i did take some 700 sand paper to a small spot, figured of I made it look worse I'd just touch it up again. But it seemed to go back down to raw wood fairly easily...worth the risk?

I actually do that to mahogany on purpose to stain the pores black (or really dark brown). Then just sand the wood till the only color left is in the pores.

Do that and  and then spray some clear--probably nitro, since it's an LP--level and polish till it matches the front. The sides will be your blend area.


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1 hour ago, Shellberg said:

But it seemed to go back down to raw wood fairly easily...worth the risk?

A small spot was what I was thinking of when I first read your post. And with 700 sandpaper you really can't go deep so it definitely is on the surface. So my vote is a yes.

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