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So...what's everybody playin'?


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when the jam realy gets goin

it's like i'm in a trance

almost bein out of my body

watchin me play

i hear the music

but i don't think bout whats goin on

i got a good jam partner

he's like the guy

in the old dier straits song

"he knows all the chords"

he can lay down the

groov from hell man

then i noodle around

what he's doin

then i'll do some compin

he takes over n does his thing

he likes to sing

knows a lot of songs

everthing from dylan to alice in chains

we work on that

but mostly we're improv

we just start off & see where it goes

my signature perty much

says it all

tape our jams...

got some really scary stuff

in the vault

he's on a frankenstein creation

that i built for him

through a 100w carvin head

& home built 2-10 box

i'm on one of several

through a blue voodoo 60w head

& 4-12 cab

use a couple of pedals on it

as well as a cry baby for more texture

fortunately...i'm in a house

& the neighbors on both sides

are real cool :D

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Well, you since you asked what people play, i usually try to make some stuff up, but since i aint the greatest, I usually play covers, metallica, ozzy and iron maiden for a bit, then when by myself, i find playing chords really relaxes me


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Well I'm a blues fanatic, so when it comes to covers, I generally just play some SRV or B.B. King or Clapton, but sometimes I'm in the mood for a little more aggressive stuff so I'll play Rhoads or Wylde...just depends on my mood. I play mostly originals, but I like to be able to have a solid repetoire of cover songs as well. Not sure if that is what your asking, but if not, then I play either a Fender american strat or an alvarez acoustic or a custom built V, and I play through a Peavey Transfex Pro 212, but I'm looking for something else at the moment because I'm not liking this digital thing very much...a little too confusing to figure out I guess, considering it comes with 2 operators manuals, each well over 100 pages...lol;)

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right now i'm playing Beethoven's 5th. It sounds sooooo cool distorted!

that's really cool

i think classical stuff

makes excellent sounding

guitar music

i'm working on paganini's 16th caprice

interesting thing...

the melody & intervals are such

that instead of shredding it

as is traditionally done

i'm playin it as a power blues

type thing

and gettin off on it

like a fat rat

live to jam :D

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I'm really into blues and phycadelic stuff, Hendrix, King Crimson, old school Santana not his new stuff, and the intense miles davis jazz stuff, Bitches Brew, Live Evil etc That sort off stuffs great for jammin and messin about with, but you need a good drummer, oh and i like to throw inabit of Metallica, Blind Melon, Led Zep and Eric Johnson to really spice things up.

I play a Fender Strat that i kida put together myself, with gauge 12s for a really strong tone. A Marshal JCM 2000 stack, Boss Blues Driver 2, Vox or Jim Dunlop Wha and an Arbiter Fuzz Face.

All this talk is making me wanna go and rock, so if you'll excuse me. :D

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playing originals. cd should be ready shortly.

that's what i really want to do at this point

met a guy at one of the music stores

who's a degreed audio engineer

he's gonna coach me through

what i need set up a little

system with my computer

& a burner

the concept of being able

to do some overdubs etc

is real exciting for me

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Cool. I've just finnished a two year diploma and a first year degree in music, and im startin to build up a home studio amoung other things, ive based it around my computer (rather than onto ADAT etc) Use a programe called 'CUBASE' its great. :D

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playing originals. cd should be ready shortly.

that's what i really want to do at this point

met a guy at one of the music stores

who's a degreed audio engineer

he's gonna coach me through

what i need set up a little

system with my computer

& a burner

the concept of being able

to do some overdubs etc

is real exciting for me

Start playing with cakewalks guitar tracks while your waiting if you can get your hands on it. Its not great but its a good primer for things like cubase and logic.

We used a roland studio pack for our stuff, some of the current samples on our page should have been done with it.

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I try to play what i can from Satch,Vai,Howe,Johnson,Dream Theater,Rush,Megadeath and like to tone it down with some Issak,Hoey and so forth...iv tried to come up with my own stuff but...lol it ends up sounding like some one elses stuff for instance just the other day i was fishing around and came up with this nice little groove only to hear Deff Leppard's opening riff to Hysteria and while its not quite the same i cant help but going "doe!!!" lol

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