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Satch G3 guitar

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If anyone has seen the G3: live in Denver DVD; I'm wondering how to do the flame on front/silver surfer on back guitar that Joe used for Mystical Potato Head. I'm sure it's not easy, but how would you do the flames, and the art, like the SS on the back?

Beat Navy,


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it looks like metallic sparkle paint, just paint your base coat, couple layersof clear, let it dry, then tape off your flames cover the body that isnt gettin painted the color of the flames, then spray the flames whatever color, couple layers of clear, then take the tape off and put clear on the whole thing til its level, as for the metallic sparkles they are in the paint no extra steps


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and for the silver surfer on the back it was probably Air Brushed, but as soon as ive tryed out the Print on Decal transfer paper it may be a really good way of getting a detailed image onto a guitar. (will post my trials hopfully by the end of this week)

Big Tom


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That would be a lot of work.First you would have to lay down a snakeskin pattern.Then using thin tape lay out the flame pattern.If you got to


you can get some good pics of flames to use to lay out the graphic.Personally,I would suggest to remask the flame and spray the drop shadow next.Then you'll need to pinstripe the edged of the flame.You can cheat with this if you don't mind spending a bit of time laying out and cutting the blue detail.

Hope some of this helps.Please keep us posted if you proceed.

Oh,I remember reading an article from Jackson a few years ago where they used the plastic that is used to luine drink trays in bars,(only place I've seen it :D ),to spray through to get the snakeskin pattern.

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Thanks for all the help. Finishing is totally my weak point. What I've got is a guitar I'm doing with kind of a thick Parker Fly Mojo shape, and I've done it in Copper Tone Metallic with creme binding. I thought it looked a little bland, so I though I might add the flames to spruce it up. (I promise to post pics tonight for advice on the flame color). The snakeskin pattern might be a bit more than I'm up for, so I might just stick with the flames, although I might go as far as to do the pinstripes. We'll see......based on your advice.

Thanks again for the expert help.


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for what its worth - back in school I painted a drumkit with snakeskin using a rubber mat. The stuff you put underneeth a cussion of a couch so it wont slip away, hmmm my english sucks at this point but it looks like a rubber fence kinda thing.

I painted the kit yellow with different tones in it, all the way up to orange, something like a yellow-ish camo. After that some clears and the mat thing which i kept away from the surface for about 5-7 mm (using little needlepins). I then sprayed the green at a straight angle. Some more tones of green to camo it a little.

The end effect was a green shaded snakeprint, divided by fine, feathered yellow/orange lines.

You could get the lines more tight since the surface is flat on a guitar).

Sorry bout the lack of english, hope you get what i mean.


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