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Multi Guitar Rack/Stand


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Im going to build myself a nice guitar rack/stand to hold my guitars (im thinking either a 6 or 8 seater), but im looking for a bit of inspiration.

If anyone owns something like this could you throw up a picture or two? and if anyone has built one, some tips & pics would be appreciated, as well as links from anyone who has seen plans for such a creature out on the net somewhere


- Dan

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Im in Australia, and unfortunately i havent seen any in the music shops in my area (or even out of it for that matter) :D

Still, I saw ages back on the website of a bloke (who posts here) who made a stand, not sure where he got his design from, or if he just designed it himself, but it looked quite good and i was hoping to find that again maybe. His website was hosted at Comcast or something if i remember, and he made a walnut tele with a carvin bolt-on neck. Any ideas? B) The design he used would pretty well eliminate any bumping i would have thought, and even if not, it would be easy to mod it to include some dividers.

Another question, about keeping my guitars in good condition. At the moment i leave htem all in their cases when idont play, but im finding thats limiting the amount i play some of my guitars... (which is why i want a big stand), so if i am to leave htem out all the time, and my room seems to eat away at strings pretty quick, what more can i do than just giving all of them a bit of TLC at the end of each day/session? Should i get one of those Humidifiers that sucks the moisture out of a room to slow down corrosion? Any ideas would be great. i know there must be a way cause music shops keep their guitars on hangers day in day out for ages and the strings look fine... and the employees are slackers, so i doubt they go around cleaning every single guitar every day.


- Dan

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My basses are on the floor in my room, laying down, with a pillow under the headstock so the dont get de-tuned. I dont have much of a problem with strings cause after i play i wipe this stuff called Fast fret on them. It helps a lot, and i picked it up at the local music store for 5 bucks.

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I guess thats a wireframe of what I was hoping for :D

I was thinking making one out of timber, thats maybe a bit more solid that that one, but thats still the basic idea i had in mind

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but for one particular shop i run past there every morning, and there is never anyone there till 15 minutes before they open, and i walk past it when i come home from uni and they always close up on the dot at 5 and there is never anyone in the shop after that

and while their open, well in all the times ive been there, the guys are always just lazing around behind the counter talking about stuff (surely not about guitars because they all know jack-**** :D), or serving someone...

its one of the great mysteries of the world B)

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if you're going to get a humidifier and all, why not use a smalle room, put a glass window and door on it, do the inside in cedar, and keep a humidifier / dehumidifier in the room to keep it regulated, then you'll have a nice little regualted accoustic properly moisturized room, i'm sure there's plenty more details... but depending on how many guitars you want to maintain that might be the root to go

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they arepretty cheap at guitar center

i have a 5 seater

but i mostly use my wall hangers...i don't like the way they bump together on the stand

I have a 3 seater, i also dont like the way they just kinda lay limp, with really no security to them. Also a RR-v wont fit B) so now i have some wall hangers, im running out of wall space :D

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the guitar i used, i didnt change the nylon strings since january and since it was rented they where probably kept on even longer, but i noticed that instead of the places on the metal wound strings being worn awa because of the frets, they had actually rusted over, so wiping the string is a good idea,and ive started doing it ever since, especially if your a ta recital or consert or gig, and your nervous and your hands sweat, then wiping the strings is a must.

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Yeah I already wipe down my strings on my guitars when im finished playing them... i would just be extra-vigilant in doing it if i was leaving them out.

The wall hangers idea is good, and I would do it, its just currently i dont have the wall space to give up. The room i MAY be using for a guitar room wouldnt have enough room to hang up 6-8 guitars, let alone my own room :D

Still, its an idea ill keep in mind.


- Dan

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