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Everything posted by ProfDrum

  1. Reminds me of the Washburn N4 headstock, with a few "trimming in"s.
  2. I also have had long hair twice now - both times down to mid-bottom ribcage. First time I grew when I was in secondary school, and grunge was big, which I shaved off. Second time was just cause I missed it, and got cut short just for the change. Third time it got to chin length, then I shaved down to a #1, where I happily keep it. Long hair used to coincide nicely with the music for me - you like heavy metal, you have long hair, it's one of the "rules". Nowadays, Im a bigger metalhead than ever, and I like it skinned. I also have missing teeth and wear doc martens (shoes, not patent leather monstrosities), so I look a bit of a thug (unintentionally, believe me). I wouldnt mind my really long hair back, but I'd have to take care of it, it was a disaster of split ends and poofyness last time.
  3. Any of the HBs F Spaced? I'm keen on the PRS Vintage Bass, I've added you to MSN to discuss. Cheers
  4. Nah, thanks, but please, for the sake of my yo-yo bank account, dont hold on to it for me
  5. I'm just down the road from you too, but absolutely flat broke till december :/
  6. Pretty rare to find a strat/tele type guitar that doesn't need at least one string tree (without staggered tuners anyway). Also weird: why do the string wrappings come out past the saddles on the bridge? Is this a string through guitar? If you look at this picture: You can see the ball ends sitting just beneath the saddles. I dont want to be presumptuous, but are you sure you've strung it right?
  7. Telecasters used to be made from Pine if I remember rightly.
  8. Thomann.de still put out Harley Benton products, which are their house brand. Not strictly on topic, but hopefully helpful to someone.
  9. I use guitargeek.com when I want to see what someone's using.
  10. Thats purely subjective, surely Edit: Remember to quote next time
  11. Can you turn off cab modelling on the Pod 2.0? Then try putting it through the FX loop maybe?
  12. Guitarist Magazine recently did a Yamaha indonesian factory tour, and a lot of the work was done by hand, although the majority was still CNC. I'll see if I can find it and scan it sometime.
  13. I just noticed something, looking at this photo: Pic Now, those fret slots look like they have a sort of channel going into them, rather than a straight cut, is this normal? Cheers, Drum
  14. Now: Ibanez S470 Marshall MG50DFX Modded Boss DS-1 Future (near future hopefully) : Fender Hot Rod Deluxe (in red tolex with the vintage 30) Orange Tiny Terror Orange PPC212 Fender Japanese '68 Reissue Strat
  15. You need a metal surface for powder coating, so a guitar body won't work. Also, the heat needed to cure it would probably cause the wood to crack, if not when it gets hot, then when it cools down and the powder coat would flake if you could even get it to stick at all. What if you had sheet metal cut out and conformed to the body by a really strong adhesive of some sort? The metal would get really hot though and still crack the wood I would imagine. Would it be possible to get a mirror that was tinted for colour and thin enough to apply to the top of the body by means of a adhesive? The trick would be that it would have to be split in half though to cut out the pickup cavities and bridge as well. I know there are a couple of companies around here who deal with glass and mirrors that can probably do something custom for me, although the glass would have to be really thin, like 2mm or so and it would be very fragile. Even so the electronics cavity would have to be routed a little more so the pots stick up enough for the knobs to fit properly. Sorry for bringing this thread up, it should be pinned. Kinda answered some of my other questions though. Les Paul New Century.
  16. If I remember rightly, EMG pickups WILL work with 250/500Ks, but will go from full volume to dead silent in something like a few degrees turn.
  17. Oh man, good luck, I look forward to seeing the finished product. What sort of inlays will you be going for? Something subtle, like small dots, or maybe no inlay? I agree with the truss for small adjustments. Im obviously no expert, but it seems to be a "better safe than sorry" situation, just incase.
  18. Tom Morello and Buckethead are just two of the people who use this technique (sometimes incorporating a killswitch rather than just lowering one pickups volume - effectively the same result). Pretty cool stuff, but there's much much better examples: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=w_PvPY6SU9Y The wee switch he's tapping is a momentary push switc wired as a killswitch, to get the cool machine gun sounds.
  19. I'm an enormous supporter of open source in general, be it music, applications, books, plans, whatever. I think it's a fantastic way to spread your love for guitars to people who otherwise either couldnt afford it, or would just look for "alternative" ways of obtaining it. However, you will always get some sadsack little undesireable who leeches off your hard work by removing any accreditations (is that a word) to yourself, but as long as you remember that the community in general fully appreciates your work, I think you should go for it. I, for one, would be very very appreciative.
  20. Like that^^^, where it's just one big "swimming pool" route? or Like that, where there's a this channel for cable routing? Or do you mean where the neck pocket connects to the NECK pickup cavity, like on most 24-fret guitars, like so? Sorry for the pictures, tried to keep em teeny.
  21. Thats how I've always thought of it too, so you're not alone
  22. Very impressive, I'd love to try a fanned fret guitar now.
  23. Something about that fender doesnt sit right with me at all, like he got a MIM and played with fire to make it look aged and give it a back story. He's tagged it with "vintage pickups" too, which makes me thing he's trying to sell it off as all original parts, but if it caught fire that badly it would have been a melted mess. Maybe I'm just a mistrusting sod though
  24. What's guy doing to join the neck there? Looks like a bolt on with a load of putty slapped around it, hiding the bolt holes?
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