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Everything posted by ae3

  1. If it won't go away you could build a faraday's cage around your rig (A brass cage that stops Radio signals and the like). I know it seems silly, but you could build a brass cabinet (brass mesh that is) for your gear to sit in whilst it is at home. Just a thought. I had my phone sitting on top of my amplifier once and it started ringing and my amp picked up the signal and started ringing as well. It scared the life out of me
  2. GOTM it, it's completely awesome!. How are the multiscales to play? Is it awkward to play on the fanned frets? One day the multiscale guitar will be as famous around the world as the hills-hoist and the lamington
  3. Seeing your work is like watching Paul Gilbert play guitar, it just makes me want to give up, because I know I'll never be as good On the other hand it's gives me something to shoot for. As always nice work.
  4. Are you finishing a porous wood? If so did you fill the grain? Unfilled porous wood can cause symptoms similer to what you are describing. Do you have any pics?
  5. I like the occasional Jem, though I don't ussually admit it, most of them are a bit cheesy for my tastes. But this one I like. Mostly because I love gold hardware, and maple boards, so this Jem has ticked both my boxes. Oh and that pickguard is really cool. Top job.
  6. Insanely cool, very unique. Never seen a bass with a trem before, but that's probably just because I'm ignorant when it comes to the finer details of basses. I do quite like this one though.
  7. It's awesome, but the single coil route in the neck is what makes it really "pop". Hopefully the customer has the same tastes as me and we'll see this this come to be with a single-coil.
  8. May I suggest an ebony finger board with the flat black paint job, just a suggestion, rosewood boards have always looked really brown against flat black to me. But it sounds pretty cool, Iv'e heard a million good things about schaller trems, never used one though. Good luck.
  9. Camera's do very annoying things for no apparent reason, especially the digital variety. That guitar is seriosly cool, but I can't figure out whether it's an 80's shred guitar or a snazzy blues tele. That cutaway (which is completely awesome) screams shred along with the headstock, but the double single coils say blues. What do you play on it? what pup's are they? I love it.
  10. That's cool as, but yeah, some really nice guitars in there!
  11. Fantastic! In my opinion this is the best "project guitar" guitar in a long time. I like your take on the traditional single-cut's set-neck the most, was there a reason for this method? It looks great.
  12. I really like the mirror pick-gaurd on the silver one, where'd you get it? Or which Ibanez model is it from? Nice guitars mate, my favourite is the silver one, very tastefull.
  13. Wow, that's one of the coolest "classic with a twist" style guitars I've seen in years, including the ones from the big companies.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I wonder what other names our out there that I didn't even bother trying because I thought someone MUST HAVE already used it... That's a pretty good price, but if I ever bought a plan I'd go to that place (forget what it called) that sells pre-done templates ready to build with.
  15. I like the shape, reminds me of the Moser custom shop stuff. I believe congrats are in order for the engagement! oh and the new shop
  16. Woah I'm doing exactly the same thing! Nt6 from stew-mac. I'm using QLD maple for the body wings, looks great, haven't got far enough to tell you about tone. Apparently it sounds like Hondorous mahogany. Mahogany is great to balance out a maple neck-through, but I'm not to learned in the woods that you are using.
  17. Yeah cool logo, there's a HUGE thread on copy right issues, its up the top of solidbody guitar chat. It probably shouldn't be a problem, though, if it's just for you.
  18. Thats a good point Paul, I think Quarter is on to something roughing up the surface, thats easy enough to do. Maybe I can find some semi-translucent plexiglass, that would work nicely, if it exits.
  19. Hello PG-ers, I've had an idea (thats right). I want to make a pickup ring out of clear acylic/perspex/whatever it's called (you know what I'm talking about) and on top of that have a thin gold pickup ring. Okay so what I want to do with this is put LED's in the pickup cavity and have them engage either when I flick a switch or when I engage a boost switch. So it looks like a normal pickup ring, untill the area around the bridge pickup lights up. So what I want to know is, how do I wire LED's into a guitar circuit? Is it easier to wire them in a seperate circuit or link them them in with the guitar controls? Any information on either of these options would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  20. post the maple! thats a lot of A's. That Darth Vader wood is so awesome, I'm a huge star wars fan, to bad there will never be a peice like that again! I can't get over the goblin face from the last page, it's so subtle...... This thread is so awesome.
  21. Yeah we've been metric for ages down here, I thought the Brits were metric too, I must be mistaken.
  22. I was unaware of that finish, and i'm looking for a clear oil finish for my current project, it sounds really interesting. Do you know where I could get some more info on this? I think bridge wise, that the kahler that psw used on his guitar (It's one amazing guitar psw, if your reading) would suit the Js very nicely. But Ive never worked with, or played on one, so I'm really just talking about looks here, but if you already have a floyed style, use it. It's hard to make a bridge look bad on that body shape.
  23. That's 10.16cm longer, no I'm sorry, that was one post too far. Spalted maple looks awesome on explorers.
  24. That mahogany looks quite nice, what clour are you planning on, it would look quite nice in a natural finish. But thats just my opinion. I'm looking foward to how this one turns out.
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