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Everything posted by ScottR

  1. Do trees look the same right side up as they do up side down? SR
  2. Got done roughing in the roots and moved on to the branches. This is intimidating, because while the roots are and anchor to the earth, the branches live in negative space and sort of grab the sky......which has no handles. I'm slowly moving around trunk and slowly removing chips from places I'm sure don't exist in this image. I've decided carving is illustrating in 3D using a fairly specialized media. I'm trying to figure out how to remove wood from around a branch in space without removing wood that might belong to a branch I haven't uncovered yet.... SR
  3. I remember when you came in as Akula! There are probably not so many of us crusty old participants left...but it's good to run across the old codgers when you trip over them. SR
  4. My goodness! I've been out a touch a lot this summer--crazy busy--but do get back in and check on things. You went and built a guitar....mostly.... while I wasn't looking. Beautifully too! This is a huge advance in your technique, since you first started, and the thread is damn good too! You're gonna love this when it's done! Got your pickups picked out yet? And you've started signing off with -Jam. Cheers- SR
  5. I'd like a copy of that. Congrats on a beautiful build Mike. SR
  6. I actually see that too, from the low angle shots. The spiral adds to the illusion. SR
  7. Did he find Rip Van Winkle in there somewhere too? SR
  8. I've been wearing out gouges,,,,,had to get two new ones. SR
  9. Summertime. It feels like a long time no howdy. There's been the usual summertime stuff going on....travels, house guests, kids, grandkids, beach trips, brewery trips, backyard cookouts and so on. Life goes on and projects.....maybe not as much. These pics represent 8 or 9 days of carving. Some changes are distinct and some are subtle. SR
  10. Danish has many formulas but most of them are similar to Tru-oil, in that it is boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits.....and probably something else- and definitely in different ratios. It is intended to harden below the surface of the wood, ie in the pores. If one were trying to leave enough on the surface for a film build-up, I would be hesitant to spray anything over it. Mu success was with the soak and wipe completely off type Danish oil finish. You advise about testing first is valuable and should not be ignored. SR
  11. I've gone with lacquer over Danish oil successfully in the past. You do need to make sure the oil has completely cured/dried. Give it a couple of week or more before spraying, depending how open the pores were and how much oil soaked in how deep. SR
  12. I have read, that when it comes to maple necks, flatsawn is actually stronger than quartersawn.....or maybe stiffer. Not true for most woods but I've had at least one other luthier chip and and confirm this about maple. Might be worth looking into. SR
  13. I'm a fan of the rosette, and the bird. SR
  14. I have to admit I completely forgot about this build......and it is soo cool. SR
  15. I know longer know what should have means when it comes to lengths measured on a clock......or a calendar. The guitar just says "keep going, I'm not done yet" until it finally goes quiet. SR
  16. Knocked some more chips off this thing. SR
  17. It's getting there. When it does I'll have to flip it over and do the top half. And then attach the burl top and finish the whole thing. I was hoping to get a guitar build in the back half of 2022. Now I'm wondering if 2023 is even a possibility. SR
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