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Everything posted by demonx

  1. Only if they are Carriburst! Sorry...waaay inside joke Yeah - I don't get it... I'm guessing it's probably something to do with Steven Kings Carri ? A Bich build off is a cool idea now I think about it, not so much a me Vs RAD thing, but one thread, two guitars and two complete different build methods and approaches towards the same guitar. Would be real interesting! Sounds really cool to me but I'm broke as right now and the Bich I'd want to build I don't have the stuff here to build and it'd be quite a while till I could afford those materials and hardware. Besides I've got 4 guitars on the go at the moment I need to finish and plans for another couple I need to get done. I know RAD is way behind on his builds too.
  2. Later today when I'm in my workshop I'll take a couple pics of s Bich template I made from my last USA Bich before I sold it. They are big, the width is similar to a V Funny you ask as I've been thinking if making myself a Bich lately! If you hold off for a while maybe we can have a "Bich Off" hahahaha there's a few guitars I need to build first so itll be a while and I know youve got plenty to keep you busy!
  3. I believe you hit the motherload! Thanks for sharing
  4. I agree with the comments above about the table saw not being needed in lutherie. I have a large (its three meters wide) sliding panel saw. I very rarely use it during guitar construction - other than as a work bench! If I have large stock I need to cut back, then yes, but most people buy their guitar blanks already downsized. Most of my planks I just cut with a sliding mitre saw anyway and not the panel saw. Talking table saw Vs sliding panel saw - after owning the sliding panel I'd NEVER buy a normal table saw. If the person has no saws, then a sliding mitre saw is the better investment.
  5. I'm going to strongly dissagree and looking at the glue line in the last pic it seems I'm not wrong. If clamped with lots of clamps and a firm even pressure the glue line should not even be visable and if so then very very barely.
  6. No I just have a reliable local supplier that keeps his woods indoors. I can basically walk in any Friday at lunch and walk out with awesome pieces of Padauk, Zebrawood, Bocote, Cocobolo, Wenge, and sometimes Peruvian Walnut and Sapele. I have another place that has huge pieces of Mahogany. Hmmm... I hate you! hahahaha - that'd be great to be able to just buy like that. You're very lucky. I used to have a local place that stocked "some" limited stuff (as in QLD maple and mahogany) but they decided it wasn't financially rewarding enough for them to bother, so anything I get has to be ordered over the net and my stores of maple/mahogany planks I bought years ago are fast running out. Only a few guitars worth left. The clock is ticking!
  7. Unles you can cut around it and get the timber you need from the off cuts - I wouldn't touch timber that has checks in it.
  8. Thats why in most build I use switchcraft now - I'm sick of cheap **** just not working. I've had faulty switches, faulty jacks, faulty pots. I'm not exactly a whiz when it comes to electronics so it usually takes me a while to work out which component is failing me. Since I've been spending the extra bucks on switchcraft I've had no problems.
  9. This should cover my updates for the last fews days work: http://youtu.be/BURIEgMcHhI Just a 40 second video of wet paint... !
  10. I bought a batch of ten of these last year from stewmac - two of them so far have been dodgy and I've got four left. They would cut in and out, yet test solid on the multimeter. Not sure why I wont be buying them again. It may have just been a case of bad luck - but... once burned...
  11. Bukoffsky - Don't feel bad saying that - I'd thought the same thing. But it's still an awesome build.
  12. I use this stuff for all the plastic binding. Works well. I have noticed that its a case of put on more than what I think it needs. http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Glues,_adhesives/Tape/Weld-On_Cement.html
  13. That neck is super sexy... You must be mega happy with that fingerboard. If it was my work I'd be ****ing stoked!
  14. Yeah - the double binding looks sweet as. Definitely looks hot!
  15. I was thinking of this thread the other day when I found three QLD maple planks I forgot I had. So I cut one up and started a 3 piece neck for myself. Damn QLD maple smells good when cut. One of my favorite smelling timbers. That and huon are top of my list! QLD maple has a smooth chocolatey smell. So much different from is mahogany cousin.
  16. Nice. Wenge looks great. How did it carve? I recently carved a neck with rosewood chunks in it and it really sucked.
  17. I say sit it aside in your workshop. If you don't finish it at least it'll look good leaning against the wall. No point smashing it up or burning it when you've come this far. I've got a couple like this leaning against the wall that you've probably seen filling in the background of my build pics.
  18. This is coming along great. Good work as always
  19. Looks great! I actually like the white better than the Kevlar, but the Kevlar is pretty cool.
  20. Well if someone wanted to mimic what I built but without the mitre box, they could simply add a timber back panel to the base plate so they have a straight edge to push the template up to, and use a nail driven into the baseplate as the slot position marker. I considered this but was easier to pull apart what I had.
  21. Interesting point RAD brings up about how people rejuvenate the frets after leveling them. I use the stewmac diamond crowning file Then individually sand with 600, then 1000, then steel wool and then polish with a dremel.
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