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Nitefly SA

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Everything posted by Nitefly SA

  1. you're welcome WOOD, its simple once you get it you wont forget it. just take your code in this case : <img src="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/wood49/newbass017.jpg"'>http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/wood49/newbass017.jpg" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"><br><br> </center> then saw it down to before the " 's on either side:http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/wood49/newbass017.jpg then put the image tags on either side, good luck
  2. from the ball end of the low E string measure out about 5 or 6 inches cut it off, feed that into the high e hole from the front, this should push the ball/remainder of the string out of the back.
  3. buckethead could shred on a uke if you gave him one
  4. looks good, you have a shot of the headstock?
  5. neck angle, yes but, if you are building it than you could give it any bridge you want
  6. it needs to be flush if you want your finish to be flat
  7. i really liked the fender 009's that were made for hardtails on my floyd RG they were great, never went out of tune
  8. the wiring for the fenders and the squires should be the same.
  9. he explained its on up side down because the bottom of the TR cover matches the headstock
  10. are there two wires that arent attached to anything?
  11. do they make jumbo banjo or mando frets?
  12. not only is it similar in design to the impailer its also the same color, i wonder where he got the inspiration for it....
  13. if you have an x2n in the guitar you probably dont want maple, that thing would be brighter than the sun, if you have an x2n id say something like mahogany which would be more expensive, so you might want to change your pickup choice, unless you like really bright sounding guitars
  14. i think if you search for "determining neck angle" you should find what you need, and yes, it is angled for intonation
  15. i dont mean to insult him but this really doesnt seem all that hard to figure out.
  16. i will never get any peircings and never any visible tatoos.
  17. yeah, they offer the body blanks fron warmoth
  18. In other words, it's all just another form of eyeliner. not necessarily, because tatoos arent for women and piercings were but have now become a unisex thing, maybe eyeliner is on its way to being acceptable for both male and female but right now i just thing it looks(pardon the expression) gay.
  19. i mess sup alot when trying to play a 7 so maybe you use the 6 and jump up to the 7 only when you need to.
  20. "sewer swirl" its one of those colors that grows on you (literally?) but i like it.
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