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Everything posted by krazyderek

  1. i had to rewrite this hole thing cause explorer crashed on me!!!! so i took the Original JEM Body Blueprint (large high res) .jpg file from the jemsite.com to my local print shop and got 3 copies printed out (7$) since it says right on the page Scale 1/1, and it's the high resolution picture and it looked about right when the first one printed out, BUUUUT when i get home and start measuring stuff i notice it's about 8mm to small both ways... (length and width) I used it instead of the corel image cause i wanted to get the cross sections printed out as well. But i'm guessing that's why someone took the file into corel and made it the right size (printable). So does anyone have the full high res blueprint WITH the cross sections at the RIGHT scale 1/1 scale? Does anyone know how to make the high res photo the right scale? Would they know at the print center if i asked them?? CRAAAAP!!!
  2. yup, it's if ur using 2 humbuckers, ur going to have what sounds like the "middle" position on at all times.. just wire both to the output for parrallel, then series for the 2.. gets a little trickier
  3. first thing i sand the guitar to 100 grit for sanding sealer, i did 4 coats (1-2hours between coats as the directions said) and i let the bodies sit around for a month and harden, i just finished sanding them down to 120 and i'm going to put another 4 or so coats then sand to 320, then the poly acrylic, then 400, poly 600, poly, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500, buff. i wanted to start out with a really rough grit so the sealer has lots to grab on to since this is a transparent only finish. And i think it's about 4 coats = 1 spray coat, it goes on really thin, so i'm thinking maybe 5 minutes inbetween coats from now on, cause the first side is usualy dry to the touch by the time i'm done the second side.
  4. cool, i use minwax too, only with a roller, any idea on how the coats should go on with that? more coats and less time in between???
  5. ya.. kinda need the string spacing on the nut....
  6. i agree with you wes, u can do what i sujested but i'm not going to garrantee u'll be happy with the results, especially in the long run.. rods aren't that hard to install, as long as u have a router and the right bits. The fact that it's neck thru changes pretty much nothing other then u won't have a heel blocking ur hand from free access to the upper frets
  7. i'm supprised more people didn't jump on this.. ok.. why don't u want to use a truss rod? it can be done, virgier uses a laminated maple/carbon/maple neck. But that's prettypricey. If u can get ur hands on some ebony and laminate that thru the whole neck thru it should be ok depending on how wide a stripe u use, but ebony is EXTREMELY expensive, bubinga, padouk, Palisander Rosewood, purple heart, bloodwood, wenge, and zircote are all excellent hard woods that are at least half as expensive as ebony to make the neck thru out of if u don't want to have a truss rod, however, they are going to weigh a bit more, and i would recomend having a 3 or more peice laminante neck. I read up on these woods here http://www.warmoth.com/Guitar/Necks/neckwoods.htm ur best (and cheapest) bet would probably be bubinga, purple heart, and bloodwood and i'd use 5 half inch wide boards and lamitate it together.... so get 2 purple heart peices, 2 peices of bloodwood and one peice of bubinga all 1/2"x2"x 40" and glue them together. Out of that peice of laminated wood u can get ur neck thru and at least 2 fingerboard blanks if u cut it right. If u need me to explain that a bit more clearly just ask. Derek.
  8. reaper just sujjested this to another person a day or 2 ago http://www.carvin.com/cgi-bin/Isearch.exe?...2=FT6C&P1=GTR/K looks like a quality part, price isn't half bad either. I always use my scale mark as the reference point, i measured a couple of guitars round here, they tend to be 35-45mm from the scale mark to the center of the pickup, the closer u place the pickup to the bridge, the thinner it's going to sound, so keep that in mind.
  9. lol i just cut out a neck on my board for a neck thru, the entire back of the "neck" is black from the table saw now that i think about it... when ever i ran it through the jointer it turned from the nice purple to light brown too, i think that's the raw colour, and it just takes a couple days/a week or 2 to get that nice purple (once all the burn marks from a blade have been sanded away) i think it's just part of the wood's oxidation cycle, then if u let the wood continue to oxidize it loses the purple and turns more and more brown.
  10. they just tend to be a bit pricey... convient.. but pricey (hahah black ice) , and they have so many luxy tools and items that u don't really need to make a decent guitar...
  11. i've never owned a bandsaw in my life but... ya a router is pretty usefull.. actually necessary. theoretically u could make then entire body with a router, a template and some double sided tape.... with the right bits that is..
  12. stew mac is most definitly NOT the place to go if u want make a guitar s cheap as possible. the wood for a body u can probably get for under 20$ if u have a local place otherwise u'll get hit with S&H charges. electronics u can probably sqeeze 10-15$ ebay might be ur best bet there. pickups... well. u can spend anywhere's from 5-200$ on a set of humbuckers again ebay.... umm... someone might be trying to sell parts in ur local paper... or there might be some "junk" u could take off someones hands at the local repair shop?
  13. somebody on here i beleive put a purple heart top on a guitar, it look absolutely beautiful, we need to get ahold of that guy find out what he did, cause it looked perfect.
  14. i think sanding it down (120-220 grit) after any cutting or planning is required to get that perfect purple colour, is that what ur talking about?
  15. u know ur a guitar dork when... ... several hot girls are talking to you and all u can think about is playing that cool riff u have stuck in ur head ... u look forward to re-setting the intonation on ur favorite guitar after supper once u notice it's starting to get a bit off ... the fact that ur going to spend at least 20$ a month on something guitar related is a given ... u know the exact location of ur favorite picks even though u probably can't see them right now ... u can play at least one of metallica's solo's blindfolded ( just kidding) yada yada.... can u guys think of anymore..?
  16. as soon i saw the joint i started thinking of ways to make it lol... then i saw that he's cheating and just using a huge machine that does it in one pass.. i'd like to see someone here try and use that dovetail neck thru method see how it turns out with a router.
  17. ya looks like he's invested quite a bit of money into that shop... i wonder how those guitars play...
  18. really? i didn't see anything about on they're site, but good for them, probably the first thing i like about them. Ya i thought they were kinda cool too.
  19. u guys still tape the pockets? i just use a makeshift neck and it holds the guitar by the neck pocket... also protecting it from any paint.
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