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Everything posted by bob123

  1. No, if its humming, then it stops when you touch strings, it means you have a grounding problem from your bridge to your strings. Shielding wont fix that. Tough to fix on a guitar like this . Tough to trace out on a hollowbody, but you may be able to figure something out.
  2. Ill never understand why people dont do fretwork last lol. Anyway, this is coming out really well dude, Your top is REALLY nice!
  3. WOW andy, these builds are absolutely incredible! Your ibanez tributes are top notch man, I wish I had 1/10th of your ability! BTW, if your donnie problem becomes too much for you, lemme know
  4. perhaps, but it does give a very nice effect! Id imagine the color pattern would be akin to this edit: bocote would kick ass as well of course
  5. Ah, I've actually never seen this done, apart from some fancy wood-in-wood inlays... If you guys can throw me a picture or two, that'd be terrific. (google is mostly failing me!) The wood/wood occlusions wouldn't be too bad for my ideas, I wouldnt think, but the wear rate being different would mean I would need to be extra careful doing the radius, for sure.
  6. is it feasible to use a laminate neck (lets say a 3 peice maple/wenge/maple, or something similar) as a one peice akin to fender's design, or will the mismatched wood cause fretting issues? I cant really come up with a good reason why not...
  7. Paints are much cheaper over here in the USA a GOOD quart of clear will still set you back 150$ though.... (Better then 400+!) Last stuff I bought (clear), it was 80$ for a quart, 80$ for the hardner, and I just used xylene to reduce it (15$ a gallon). when I can get it to dry, it comes out well enough for me!
  8. haha those were dry shots too! I got a REALLY nice score on a makita planer, picking it up tomorrow. 250$ !!! Ill be making some precision body blanks in 10 minutes vice 3 hours -.-
  9. "1 peice or 2 peice body?" "nah..." "3? 4" "nope.." "6?!" "14." I actually think it looks pretty damn cool
  10. Im a 2 part noobie, but I do know some answers 1) too many out there man... 2) yes and yes. Some people mix their own colors with clear, some paints come premixed. 3) Yes, just expect to put on a few coats to get proper build. It doesnt "soak in" like nitro, so it will be more stable. If you apply it thin enough, yeah you can see some grain. 4) MUCH quicker. faster curing = faster to cut/buff the guitar and get it finished! Also means you can add more coats faster. Ill add, nitro is super flammable, its caustic, and isn't a particularly protective or stable finish (temperature affects it a LOT, very soft on a hot day, very brittle on a cold day, etc). The flip side, most 2 part paints are absolutely evil, and contain every known carcinogen known to man haha.
  11. CERN! awesome! You may have met my older sister at some point haha. Anyway, lots of great, unique ideas on this build, and appears to have come out great! Enjoyed the video haha.
  12. haha welcome "back" brian? those look great, as discussed
  13. Being a former sailor, I highly approve of this
  14. haha very cool man! sounds terrific!
  15. This thing is so avante garde, it makes frank zappa look like a hipster!!! Wonderful work
  16. Thank's gents. As far as "technique" goes, I've been doing fret work for a while, but I learned quite a bit from this guy. I approach it differently then him, I use some small jewelers files, get the rough shape, then use sandpaper to get it to final shape. Finish off with steel wool. When Im completely finished, I will buff them out for a really high shine.
  17. Gettin that fretwork done.... I take my sweet time with this part, so it'll be another few days before I get all of them done.... critiques welcome.
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