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Everything posted by Andyjr1515

  1. No - but should have done. In the end it was my fallback position if I had had to strip it all off and start again, but I stuck with a cream enamel and polyurethane clear varnish. It was the enamel that was incompatible with itself - wouldn't use it again!
  2. There are some nice builds going on here....
  3. Beautiful build, Andrew. I like the x-acto technique for making electrical contact for shielding! Andy
  4. Pretty much every aspect of that guitar makes me run out of superlatives, @ScottR! Wonderful build. Can't wait for the next one
  5. Thanks, Scott - very much appreciated The side dots are the larger black-surrounded luminlay glow in the dark ones and then there are the small ones set into the fretboard over the body length. I pass this across on Friday, assuming the new owner doesn't have an excitement-induced heart attack first
  6. Nicely painted. It's going to look great when it's all polished up
  7. Very well made jigs - bodes very well for a very well made guitar build
  8. That quilting has come out very nicely. I have a soft spot for purple on a guitar
  9. As the very old and very crude joke goes, "Don't you think I'm in enough trouble as it is?!"
  10. Thanks @Mr Natural Many apologies for my tardiness. There are a few bits and pieces to finish off, but this is now pretty close to handover. I'll do some proper 'finished' pics once I've finished tweaking and given it its final polish, but here it is, grabbing the first sunny day in what feels like weeks (hmmmm....feels like and is). This is pretty true to the actual colour: The hatch and truss rod cover are held on by micro magnets and the electrics includes parallel / series / split for each of the pickups. It produces some nice sounds! The neck has been tru-oil slurry and buffed and is silky smooth - it has a lovely feel to it. This is the SmoothHound Wireless Tx in place. The owner wanted full open access at the back and invisible from the front. To use a cable, you just pull out the unit and plug in a standard jack: Just got to add the strap buttons, tweak the jack socket a touch to allow the Tx to sit fully square and give the frets a final tweak
  11. I'm a bit behind in my updates! With a flash of the magic wand, it's finished, and today went back to its owner 1lb 10oz lighter than it started...
  12. I get distracted for a few days and look what's happened. I am in complete awe just how good this is, Scott. I keep looking at it and showering the pics with likes. ...just WOW ...gosh
  13. I'll be watching this with huge interest @Prostheta
  14. Here it is with a couple of coats of varnish and the headstock also done. The sunflower (a specific request by the owner) will set fully into a cutout - it's an exact fit so I won't press that in until I've finished the varnishing. Doesn't look bad for a £120 bass...
  15. The flattening went OK and the first 'final coat' for the back is on. I reckon this will be OK, ready for polishing in a couple of weeks time. I hope the top goes as well tomorrow morning: This method will never match a proper spray job, but once it's polished it is pretty OK - especially as you could do it in a spare bedroom!
  16. It's a nice colour (intended to match a bass the owner used to have) but it was a bit of a swine to use. It's an enamel, which are usually a little more easy to use than some paints, but despite what the tin said and used exactly as the instructions, it absolutely would not take a second coat. In the end, I varnished over the first and then did the second coat over the varnish! I will write to the suppliers...they probably need to know. Anyway, it's another total cloud cover day, but at least it's light, so here it is, prior to the flattening and final wipe-coat: The headstock clearly needs finishing off and varnishing and also, below, the playing area of the neck has not been finished at all. It will be tru-oil slurry and buffed and so will tone to the same colour but will be satin rather than gloss:
  17. Natural sunlight?????? In the UK?????? In February March April May June July August September October November December January?????? Actually, yesterday was, against all the odds, sunny....but the first time there had been ANY sunlight in over a week of dark blanket cloud and we celebrated by going out for the day rather than me getting on with the important stuff. I've come to the conclusion that when the ballon goes up and we enter the decade of the post-nuclear blanket dust cloud, the U.K. will be fine. In fact probably we won't notice But if we do get any proper daylight soon, I will try to take a decent outside shot
  18. In my rant I probably confused everybody (what moi? ). No - the 3M Scotchblue I now have is just as good as the Scotchblue I originally bought. The problem is the thieving miscreants respected and near monopoly DIY chain that, at first, sold genuine Scotchblue, now sell their own version, re-branded to confuse and of vastly inferior quality to the genuine 3M. Because they sell it at the same premium price, they don't even offer the genuine stuff at all, so it's crap or nothing. It's the equivalent to a country's monopoly guitar retailer introducing Gibsons, then selling Chibsons at the same price and assuming no one will notice the difference. Commercial arrogance at its finest Gosh....now I need the tablets again.......
  19. There are some really nice woods and really great work here....that makes for a great combination
  20. My refound special weapon! Painters tape that actually does seal the edges and peels off cleanly. When 3M originally brought this out our local diy superstore sold it and it was unmistakable because it was blue and no other painters tape was. Then the name changed and also didn't have 3M printed on it, but it was still blue. But, and you can hardly believe it, it didn't work quite the same. And the thieving bastards honourable retail chain still sell the rubbish product. Then, in an old fashioned ironmongers, I found this reel. It's Scotch blue #2093EL and this is probably the last reel in the UK as we Brits clearly don't know quality from stupendously high margin crap crap. Not that any of this irritates me, you understand
  21. Hi again, I won't go into any major detail on this because I'm (slowly) drafting a 'Bedroom Builders - veneering without the tears' tutorial that is hugely overdue but will be finished soon-ish. I got approached recently by a member off the Basschat forum to see if I could make his entry-level Jazz bass lighter. I'll do this in photos up to present but happy to add more details if anyone wants them. It's a nice playing, nice looking £120 bass: ...but one that weighs heading towards 11lb It turns out to be solid Ash, despite it's price point. No point in messing about: It is always surprising how little weight is removed...but it all helps. This had got rid of 1lb 12oz once the thin basswood caps were on: Then out comes the iron...this is what the tutorial will be about: And on goes the red ink: And now you're up to date. Next will be the clear coats and veneering of the headstock
  22. Not a huge amount to show on this - I'm progressing with the clear coats. Probably 3-4 more days before flattening ready for the final wipe-ons. Here's how it's looking:
  23. ...and to think that I thought my newly acquired scroll saw was pretty neat!
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