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GOTM Winner
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Everything posted by mistermikev

  1. don't sell yourself short boss... your work speaks for itself. to me... even with pre-slotted boards - the frets are the hardest part. Really struggled with this and still do... but am getting better and I think part of that is from your advice (and others, of course), so thanks for that!
  2. I have had this exact same problem with frets. In my case, I think the prob was my hammer was so forceful in the middle it was popping the edges out a bit (not saying that's your prob - I have no idea). My most recent one I switched to a tiny hammer, just lightly tapped each edge, then used a drill press/caul to go all the way, and also used super glue. def listen to prostheta - he's a real guru. really like where this build is going.
  3. jeez your guitars are so nice they go on photo shoots?!!! (the secret life of my guitars is not nearly so glamorous!) that thing really is a beauty. btw I'm not stalking you (facebook) - I'm stalking your guitar!
  4. norris, your work is really something else. I read your thread in reverse from this last pick and was like... how did he cut that body like that with the neck underlay... mystery solved. looking at it I never would have guessed it was a sep piece. small detail but executed like a pro. nice job.
  5. i guess that would depend on how you do it. Not sure why you would... pickup is likely going to squeel at high gain after... but perhaps would have a subtle amount of more highs. If I was dead set on doing it I'd try a hair dryer and a lot of patience.
  6. some great entries this month. a very creative month. thanks be to everyone for sharing! the tele: exactly my choice in colors. love me some nat/gold. nicely done. the queen - some amazing details there and very nice contrast in wood. another standout: the resonator pan... love it. I bet sound wise that'd be right up my alley. give me a slide and that guitar and I bet I'm transported back in time and geographically to the delta! I'm not a metal guy, but the demon hand one... looks like something out of a rob zombie film. that had to take many hours. no blueprint for that so cudos. had to vote for the leftovers tho... just such an elegant piece. that wood is just really pretty. to boot... skyjerk is ver handy with advice that I've benefited from and I've learned even more from his threads. I don't know how you're gonna top this one... but then I've thought that before. you should all be very proud. only a few build, even fewer result in something worthy of a contest: and these are all great examples of contest-worthy art! Nice work!
  7. hehe... when all is said an done i probably spend more than a new one would be... but by god I got her done!
  8. hmm, I just always assumed I would take a look at both sides... and decide. With the particular wood I'm thinking of... it's 8/4 so I figure I'm going to cut two 3/4 pieces (to end at 5/8) and then split the remaining 1/2 into two... to end with 1/8 tops. perhaps it is a naive thought as my resaw abilities are non-existent at this point. Thank you very much -both- for your guidance!
  9. so, if I understand, you are making the inside your upside then?
  10. as always - you are very kind with your info. I thank you. Yes, the boards there are fine, I was more asking because i have some 8/4 curly soft maple that I think I'm going to use a few feet to turn into a bookmatch top for a lp build. When I get to that point! I really bought the planer to make it easier to get flat surfaces on body blanks... as the router sled is great but takes a lot of effort at 1/16 per pass! added benefit to potentially be able to thickness plane a top after resaw. Just thinking ahead or daydreaming depending on how you wanna call it!
  11. sorry to hear about the teeth... man that can be a ruff one. I dread the dentist... and apparently I have really long roots... correlation there. Here's hoping you feel better and keep up the awesome work!
  12. not sure how I missed your post... not sure thickness sander is publicly affordable in the kind of size I'd want. I value your experience so you have me wondering if I made the wrong move: bought a planer. just a craftsman 13". I was planning on buying some really nice blades for it. I take it you mean to say that even the best ones leave a finish that is less than desirable on figured wood?
  13. the fretboard on that teal one really stands out... v nice. did you make that yourself or get it somewhere? anywho, nice work!
  14. I hear ya... I'm finding that building guitars is about as bad as building saltwater coral tanks. You spend equal parts of money and time just staring at what you've done!
  15. looks like the makings for a very nice build. cudos!
  16. looking good. will be watching and thanks for sharing here!
  17. wow, even the backside is breathtaking (do not take that the wrong way)
  18. quite the adventure... just thought I'd share. any similar experiences? I bought a pc 6902 with the plunge base on craigslist for $60... but the bearings were about done. getting the router out of the plunge base - took me about 3hrs. after removing all screws and such it wouldn't budge. chewed up a mallet pretty good but finally got it out. learned i would need an impact wrench to get the collet off... found one on cl for $20 and got it off. got the bottom bearing out... but the top bearing had 'become one' with the spindle. got a pulley puller from the auto parts store but just bent the arms (cheap $6). So then I bought a 3" gear puller on amazon for $9. wouldn't fit due to the girth on the fingers of the puller. took the puller apart and ground down the fingers... finally got that b-tard out of there! Put it all back together and sweet success. Runs smooth as silk, no noise, no heat. Silver lining: I now have all the tools to do my fixed base 6902.
  19. looks like a nice build. it is very similar to some ibanez or washburn I have seen no?(the spider web) cheers
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