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Everything posted by mistermikev

  1. right on. it's interesting to think that there really is only one guitar fx... they are all delays on some level. reverb is just a cascade of many very short delays... chorus is just a modulated delay... flange is just a very short delay oscillating... yet they all sound so different.
  2. right on. i suspect there is similar stuff in guitar polish. the stuff I use also smells nice so... hard to ween off of it!!
  3. no prob on the derail. always encouraged. signal diodes... well those are more for clipping, perhaps you know this but i was referring to ge transistors. afa I know there aren't any straight fuzzes that would employ (ge diodes) other than a big muff... which is another fav of mine... but a whole dif animal from a fuzz face/tonebender. pladask draume - if I had to guess... sounds like an analog delay and an analog flanger with some mods. v nice. I did my own version of a ce2 that I modded out with some vibe options that could get violent... flange side reminds me a bit of that. Nothing quite like expensive chips. I've got a few real mn3005/7 for when I get the itch. in fact u r kind of making me itch with that video... but talk about another time pit!
  4. yup, that was pretty much my experience too. initially tried just simple flashing leds and it was horrible. then ended up using a ramping circuit plus attenuation to get it to be fairly quiet. afa the fuzz circuit... almost cant go wrong with some good germanium. was using those russian mp40 in the diy community long before dunlop and the bonamassa fuzz caught on to them. at the time bought a whole bag of them and sifted through for optimal gain... it's a fine line between fuzz bliss and motor-boating oscillations! also had a mid boost based on the schematic from some fulltone fuzz that I spliced into the circuit along with some roger mayer alterations... and an external bias control. That's about it. I'm a big fan of fuzz but admittedly haven't played with it in a while... I'm on a digital vein with my axefx at the moment.
  5. well that's very kind of you to say! been a while since I built a pedal... someday the 'south' will rise again. that one was basically a modded out germanium fuzz face. the flashing lights we trouble as had to work really hard to make my own slow flash circuit so that they wouldn't make an audible pulse. good times!
  6. note to self... wax? always just used guitar polish which I suspect has some wax... but I think your wax >= my wax. lovely as always.
  7. https://youtu.be/zA_A4x0QCBM yup, it's in this post editor box it doesn't trigger relevant "on enter" event.
  8. bedroom builders... sounds like a club I'd like to join. tech I'm a garage/office builder but I'll assume your membership requirements are flexible. looks like a lot of fun in the making. immediately I'm thinking draw out the shape, do a straigh cut outside the shape using a straight edge to get a glue surface for the donor, cut a straight line for the horn... rough cut out the donor patch and glue on. sure a lot easier working in a straight edge on a large piece than fiddling with it once it's a small cutoff. small pieces are always were I get into trouble anyway. rawk on.
  9. https://youtu.be/zA_A4x0QCBM so here is another test. just uploaded and even in preview doesn't show vid. I guess we'll see if after an hour it shows up. this is a very poorly shot vid of my cavity covers. really worked for these as the heigh of my cavity was down to the mm to get a 4p5t and push pull to fit. They also had to match the back contour... so had to approximate the sm radius on a smaller scale. They are so thin and delicate... kept burning through while milling or finish sanding and struggled to get the height just right. https://youtu.be/zA_A4x0QCBM edit: odd - now sm link works. it is identical link too (just above here)... odd. one above still not working. so it would seem the on enter event that is triggered was dif in an initial post. perhaps next time just post w/o it and immediately edit to embed video.
  10. right on. well only 76mb but it adds up. I'm the guy who always complains about email attachments and 760tb on my network so... I get it. the odd thing is it wouldn't let me embed from youtube at first. Just pasting the url into the reply and hitting enter at the end of it... worked just now, but yesterday did not. Perhaps because it was new to youtube and internet crawlers cacheing it or something, no idea. either way - crisis averted! lol. thanks for the reply.
  11. thank you sir - always there with a kind word and that is not lost on me at all.
  12. looks good. that logo... it's very fine afa detail. did you do it with "laser beams" or is that waterslide or perhaps silk screen? the fine detail of it is very nice.
  13. all buffed... note to self... need to change default video output settings since y'all don't allow mp4... also why don't y'all allow mp4??
  14. right on. I thought I had seen you use a router plane setup b4. one way or another - got her done.
  15. well... my router jig is adjustable in height so... idk if that's what you mean. also, I find cannons or hammers get the most use in my tool arsenal! Everything looks like a nail... er, um... cannon fodder.
  16. would have been a good use for a router plane jig. I got an extra one but I'm pretty sure I'd have to mortgage my house to ship it to you!! at the end of the day... doesn't matter how you get to the church... just that you are there. I'm sure I'm repeating myself... by that top is really lovely in natural.
  17. the glow in the dark accent ferrule surrounds is really a nice detail. "It's the little things". cudos.
  18. right on. that looks great. almost looks metallic. some nice curves there too.
  19. for some reason one of your pictures or videos isn't showing... 7th down. looks good. the green and natural contrast is really classic.
  20. that's a really nice looking guitar. afa neck pocket... for me... I like to lay things out. I know that Ash's advice above has worked great for him and many and is rock solid... but just more comfortable mocking things up in an editor and being able to see it virtually and "play" with the angle. really was surprised the first time I did it how arbitrary the angle really is. If you factor in the fact that you could (in theory) plane off some of your top at an angle too... or just plane the pocket at an angle... there is a surprising amount of play. in the interest of providing options... it's one you could consider. when I've done it... I lay things out actual size in graphic editor. I mock up a sideview of all components... my body, plug in a mock neck, add frets based on my actual fret height, mock up my exact bridge minimum height at my actual scale length, put a line in to act as the string sitting 1/64th above the fret. I take the neck as one whole component and rotate it and I can see where minimum is and decide if I want to go more or minimal. as biz pointed out... this lets you see the sideview and anticipate where the fretboard edge is going to be in relationship to the end of the guitar. anywho, just a thought.
  21. i too am a big fan of mohawk. Before I had a compressor I was all about their lacquer color tone series... still have a can of that that I have to use. About the best quality from a rattle can I've ever experienced. Now, using their guitar nitro lacquer and it's also very nice. Can't recommend them enough.
  22. hehe, nothing quite like fully admitting you forgot the lyrics. In high school... i did a benefit with this band... and we played war pigs and I sang... couldn't remember the lyrics to last verse and was not able to admit it (now in darkness world stops turning...). so we just did this extended version where I stalled by saying I wanted to see everyone banging their heads. I wish I had had the balls to just admit it... and then have someone remind me. Comes off pretty balsy, lol.
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