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Strings - what type do you use.


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I use Ernie Ball strings and I always have done from the age of 14 (that's like 18 years now). There's no logical reason why I choose this brand, but I stuck with them because I have no problems with them.

However, a good friend of mine despises Ernie Ball strings because they don't last five minutes on his guitar.

We both have guitars equipped with Floyd Rose trems and locking nuts and even use the same type of pick and play the same style of music. He even replaced all the saddles on his trem (as the strings always break right on the saddle), but this did not help. He now uses D'Addario strings, which last him about three to fours weeks before breaking. I can leave a set on mine for 3 months and never break one.

Maybe his sweat is toxically corrosive and mine isn't.

I leave it to you guys ....

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maybe he picks harder...d'addario are tougher strings,generally speaking...

i prefer dean markely,even though d'addario's last longer,they are less flexible it seems to me

but dean markelys still last me 3 or 4 months...

i don't understand it myself...i have a guitar which is about a year old(ibanez rgt42)and i have already worn the frets flat...yet i have a 10 year old ibanez sabre,which i played more(obviously)and the frets on it are no more worn than the rgt....but it goes through strings a bit quicker

i would say maybe the tougher fret material causes it,except that the strings break right above the bridge humbucker every time

go figure

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I use D'addario standard , I cant really compair to other strings because I only play for 9 months :D

anyways the lower strings can go for 2 months but i mostly change strings every 3-4 weeks because the sound of the strings gets a bit...euh...well not as good as a new pair a strings B)

My strings used to break every 2 weeks but now I string them like zakk wylde (i have a les paul)

Is there actually a difference in sound or only in playability??

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I've used ernie balls since i started playing like 2 1/2 years ago... I dunno why, thats just the ones I've always used...

I only ever broke 1 or 2 strings as I change them quite often when they feel and sound nasty... I'm tempted to try D'Addario's soon as you can get them for a little cheaper than Ernie Balls on www.stringbusters.com and I'm all for saving money :D so might get some to see what the difference is like!

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bass strings can be very very expansive indeed. i use ernie balls now because i couldnt afford better at the time, after 1 month the low e was sounding a little dead already.

i've allways been playing d'addario's on guitar but i bought DR's last week and they sound much brighter and sharper. they claim to outlast other strings when looked after properly. they stay in tune way better then any other i've had.. B)

i have to mention i've allways been playing 0.09 and this set is 0.11 :D

that probably explains the good tuning a little.

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ok i use EBs just cus thats wat my brother used to use and what he told me to use... But recently ive found my self using Elixir strings they just seem to last me bout 3months where the EBs only last 2at the most! and the Elixirs just play nicer as well only thing with them in the price!



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my string choise is D'Addario for everything but acoustic.

on my strat(s), i use XL 10-46, 11-50 once the school semester starts and i'm in jazz band.

bass, 1/2 rounds, 45-100 or 45-105 if i can find 'em. used to use Slowwounds, but after i tried out the semi-flats, i loved them more than any other string i've played.

acoustic, Elixor poly-web. nothing has ever lasted as long as these things. year and a half straight, woulda been longer, but a string broke. still sounded awesome. best part was when i put the new strings on, the guitar sounded exactly the same as before. loved it.

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hm... that JustStrings place is only a coulple bucks cheaper on bass strings than hopping down to Guitar Center ($23 instead of $25). Have you guys seen http://www.webstrings.com/?

It's ultra cheap, free shipping, and actually good strings! Bass sets are $12-15!

Have you tried the "Webstrings"? I would be interested to see what users think of them.

The reason I use Just Strings is I live to far to go to Guitar Center. I wouldn't go there any way unless it was a last resort. My favorite guitar store closed because GC moved in the area. I got better deals and service without the GC behemoth. :D

Edit: I'm going to breakdown and try the bass flat wounds to see if the Webstrings are worth anything.

Edit#2: Webstrings ordering system sucks. You can't order bass and guitar strings on the same order. I'm sure this to get you to purchase enough strings to cover their shipping costs, which they don't pass on to the customer with orders over $12.00.

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Well, the shipping costs have never been a problem for me, because I play bass! I really like their flatwounds, and for the price, it's an inexpensive experiment if you're unsure about the sound. I also like the nickel strings. Really bright, great snap to them.

I like DRs better, especially the Hi-Beams, but the Webstrings have unbeatable value.

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For me DAddario EXL110 XL Nickel Wound Guitar Strings (Regular Light) take a lickin' and sound pretty consistent through out their life. They do not sound exceptionally bright when they are brand new. I like the fact that I don't really worry about breaking them during a live show. I have really subjected them to some cruel and unusual punishment during practices like 2 step bends.

For acoustic I like Martin M1100 Marquis Bronze Wound Strings for Acoustic Guitar - Light Gauge. They last a super long time. They can sound overly bright when you first put them on. You will need to beat on them a few days before hitting the studio.


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I recently changed to Fender taperwounds for bass and I am very pleased. Great fingerstyle strings with good "traction" and they have lasted two months (and still going) on the first bass I put them on. I have an "in" at the local shop so I only pay (don't hate me) $10 a set. :D Much better than the $25 I was paying for other brands!

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I have had alot of trouble with Gibson strings. 3 times I fell for their advertising hype, and each time, I was left with very 'dead' sounding strings (to my ears, at least).

I use 10s now, after 3 years of 11s and 12s (flatwound). for the many years before that, I just used 9s.

For an ideal guage, I'd preffer 10.5s (although i have never seen them; I dont think they exist). 11s have a very strong tone (to my ears) and 9s have a slinky sound. I like the sound of both, and 10s are pretty good middle ground, but I think I would rather a touch more closer to 11s.

That said, doesnt Billy Gibbons use 8s?

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I use D'addario 9-42's on my electrics, altough I'm proberbly going to switch to 10's as my band are thinking about dropping a tone to D. For acoustic I use D'addario 12's but sometimes I'll stick some Elixir's or the coated D'addario's on if I'm feeling rich :D On my classical I use D'addario Pro Arte Hard Tension. And for my bass I'm currently using Elites.

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D'Addario 11-46 (or is it 48?, can't remember) in E (previously Eb) and D'Addario flatwounds 13-56 in C (fattest gauge I could find, feels strange to play flatwounds, but I need them for the tuning).

I don't have a problem with breaking strings, except for the guitar that's in C that's always breaking the high "E" (that would be C) when I initally tune the guitar. I had problems with the strings slipping in the tuner, and the things I did to fix that made the tuner snap strings when there's too much tension.

I don't really see what people mean by strings lasting this and that amount of time. I've had the 11-46s on that axe for I don't know how long (at least a couple of months) and they still sound the way I want them. The only time they sound or feel bad is when they're very new.

For acoustic, I use whatever my dad gets when I ask him to buy a replacement string because one snapped. So there's probably a whole lot of different strings on my acoustic.

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I don't really see what people mean by strings lasting this and that amount of time. I've had the 11-46s on that axe for I don't know how long (at least a couple of months) and they still sound the way I want them. The only time they sound or feel bad is when they're very new.

I suppose tone is a subjective thing.

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