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Sunday night, I was rubbing my wife's belly and telling my son-to-be to hang on for a few more days (since we had a closing on our house, things happening at work,...) - kinda joking. He wasn't due until 12/28 so we didn't really think much of it at the time. Sure enough, at 2:00am, the water broke and we made the scramble to the hospital.

There was only one snag during the process where his heart rate dropped significantly (early on). The nurses demanded a doctor come in. During that time, I was completely wiggin out. It lasted for a few minutes and then it returned to normal. The doctor looked over the chart from the monitor and couldn't say for sure what it was.

So, other than that it went smoothly. He was born around 10:30am. He's a sweet quite little guy - can't wait to get back to see him.

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Thanks guys- I'm off soon to see the little guy again. Can't wait.

My 3 1/2 year old son is doing a good job dealing with this. We did have one issue last night when my wife mentioned that the baby was "looking at his daddy" and my other son said "that's MY daddy". Uh-oh. Those are the issues I'm most concerned with right now. Gotta make him feel like he's still the center of the family somehow.

Thanks again. See ya!

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My 3 1/2 year old son is doing a good job dealing with this. We did have one issue last night when my wife mentioned that the baby was "looking at his daddy" and my other son said "that's MY daddy". Uh-oh. Those are the issues I'm most concerned with right now. Gotta make him feel like he's still the center of the family somehow.

My mom told me i was like that when my sister was born.

Dont worry, i turned out just fine :D


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Thanks again!

In my sleep deprived state, I forgot to bring the camera home again today. I'll post a pic tomorrow. I got to hold him again tonight and he actually had his eyes open for a little while. There's nothing like the feeling of having a little peanut like that in your arms and have him look at you for the first time. I know he can't see much but the moment is still pretty incredible. The only noises he seems to make are the tiniest little whimpers - I love it. That will change soon I'm sure but for now it's just great.

I'll post a pic then I'll leave you guys alone about all this mushy stuff and get back to some axe slinging mayhem type talk.

See ya.


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Congrats Dave! Enjoy him while he's young......they grow up awful fast....too fast!!

Wait until he's 16 and buys a drum kit 

Hopefully he won't wait that long! My nephew started playing drums at 4. He's 13 now and throws down some of the most kickin' rhythms ever. It took him a while to stop pounding on everything he encountered but I showed him the DVD "Stomp Out Loud" last week and started him back up again. You can do that when they live somewhere else B) His sister started piano at 3 and at 16 now she can play anything by ear or by sight reading. It's cool to watch them just jam and enjoy it.

Pop out another one and teach him or her bass. You'll have your own band before long!! :D

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