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Neck For Sale


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i have a maple neck (i think) for sale. origanaly i wanted to build one but due to winter in oregon and lack of a shop for warmth im going to sell this. it has a 12 degree angled head. i am not sure if this will work since one of the sides looks like it was chwed on a little. maby if u plane it it will work. also has nails in it, ive taken a few out but there are 2 or 3 left. it is a little over 24 inches long on the fretboard suface (30 1/2 total). after some planeing and shaping this could make a great neck.

ill have pics up by the end of tomorrow. any questions email me.

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it looks wrong because its insanly long and maby the lines i had on it are croked. now that i look at it i think is would make more of a Baritone neck rather than a normal neck. as far as wood i could be wrong, thats why i put a question mark by it in my first post. my dad thinks its maple and he knows a thing or two about woods.

if anyone knows what kind of wood it is please let me know.

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I was taking all that into consideration. I didn't mean to sound like an a$$hole, I was just trying to figure out, what about it that doesn't look right. I can't pin point it just yet but I'm still trying. Why aren't you using this neck on your explorer? Just curious....Could be interesting with a baritone neck on it. I'm still not sure that that's maple. I would probably buy it but I'm busted right now. Me and my girlfriends apartment caught fire lastnight B) so we're stuck living with her parents until we get back on our feet. :D


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sorry to hear about ur place Lizard_King. as far as sounding like an asshole dont worry about it. in my 18 years of life ive leanred that there is no such thing. some just speak thier mind more than others. as far as my explorer some one already wants to it and i havent even statred it. the guy who wanted told me exacly what he wanted and this neck it out of the picture. the only reason im trying to get rid of it is that i need tuners and pick ups for another project.

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sorry but that piece of wood does not look suitable for a neck...for one thing it should be knot free.

also i do not believe it is maple at all...it is much too porous from what i can see...i believe it is,in fact ,oak...

i am trying to be gentle...but it looks like what you are trying to sell is useless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this may not be appropriate, but i'd like to say it, ban me or delete the post if you must, but that neck is not fit for sale. While i am not trying to discourage slayer from building, i think selling the neck is unreasonable. The wood is not proper quality, and it is obviously not fit for sale. 50 dollars for a neck like this seems to be absurd to me, especially if it's going to be nearly impossible to come up witha decent product, regardless of the work put in. I have seen many quality builders who will not sell their work until it is perfect, and i think it is spitting in their face to have a newbie come along and sell poor quality work. Members like Maiden69, DaveG, and Metal Matt, among many others, have had a good amount of experience and have produced superb instruments, but do not sell them until their work is near perfect. Now while this is not a personal attack, i think that slayer should not sell this neck, as it is not of the quality to be put up for sale. I think it's great that you're trying to build a guitar, and i encourage that, but i don't feel that it is ready to be sold. Maybe this is because i am feeling terrible about a transaction i made where the buyer was not satisfied with the product and did not feel that it was accurately described. I am currently trying to work out a way to satisfy the customer, and i think that in order to make a transaction, the goods have to deserve the price put on them. If they don't, a customer is left unsatisfied, and i don't believe that anybody would be satisfied with that neck for 50 dollars. JMHO, mods feel free to delete or edit any part of this that you do not find appropriate. Neal

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