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Great Or Not, Waddyathink?

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Hey fellas, been toying with this one for a month or so and was curious as to general opinion on the body/ headstock design. Have a look, say what you think. DSC00321.JPG


Edited by bluespresence
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Well I like the body man it looks good but iam up in the air on tha headstock

mabe if I could see them together can you get us some pics with the neck on? :D


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That upper horn not going to get in the way? Seems close to the neck. Other than that, it looks great.

PS, I hope you'll believe me that I don't mean to be confrontational with this, and I'm not trying to provoke a fight or anything-- but I'd appreciate you not using the term "gay" in that manner in the future. Not sure if you can edit a thread title once it's been posted, as I've never tried.


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IMO the body works because the purpleheart is balanced by a wide expanse of light coloured body wood. On the head, there is no outer lamination of light wood to balance everything, so the PH looks overpowering. I'd plane off the ears, and glue on new ones, separeted by a 1/8" or less PH veneer, this will echo the colour choices at the body end, without making the PH to dominant.

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The thing is, your body's horns have a flame feel, but the head stock, well, leaves me cold (rimshot please!)

If you started from the two humps on top of the headstock and cut down into the middle to give it more of a flame-ey feel, it would work a lot better.

The body, by the way, looks amazing. What kind of finish is that?

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PS, I hope you'll believe me that I don't mean to be confrontational with this, and I'm not trying to provoke a fight or anything-- but I'd appreciate you not using the term "gay" in that manner in the future.

I agree with this. On another point, I think the body looks great but the headstock looks kinda "queer" :D

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Like the body syle but it is hard to get a feel for the "asthetic proportions" without seeing the neck in place with the body. LIke the horns though. Would like to see it next to a carbon based life form to get a better feel for how it would play size-wise. The neck looks extremely thin in your hands there. Whats the width of it?

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Not that the headstock is bad in and of itself, but it doesn't go with the body as much.. You have so much wood there you could probably alter the shape a bit without losing the work you did.. The outer "nibs" of maple don't do anything for me.. i agree witht he previous assessment.. the body has a flame vibe going for it and the headstock is just kind of nebulous

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Hey I realy like that body it's like a strat that's burning at the top VERY COOL! :D

but that head stock man I dont know man it just does not work, But you could MOD that head to something else that flows A bit more with that body design


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You sould try to mimick the body in the headstock. I think if you cut a taper out of the top making the headstock look like two licks of flame it would be sweet. Don't cut too much out, just make it look like the tuners are on fire kinda. You could cut downt he middle without weakening the headstock if you don't go down too far. Don't know if that makes any sence, I really like the flame body style. Definetly like all your laminations and color choices.

Oh and the neck looks normal against the body, must have just been the way the picture was taken in the earlier shot.

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Hey man I kinda dig that idea of doing the flame in the headstock. Originally (spelling?) I just kinda hacked away at the head till something looking like a gibson head appeared and then never really cleaned it up. Sorry for being lazy, somebody awhile back asked what the finish on the body is. Its just a shellac seal, but I have been kicking around a french polish for the final finish.

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Topic Title changed......

Remember if you have a problem in a thread just click the "report thread" button, fill out the form and it goes to all the mods.


On topic.....I dig the body and would "pointy up" the HS a bit. Take a small bit out of the top center and do the flame licking thing across the top of the HS to make it match the body more. IMO it's too round for the body style.

Edited by bluespresence
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Political correctness isn't always bad. The proliferation of "gay" as a synonym of "crap, horrible" is NOT the kind of statement some people are comfortable with. I have to admit, I have no personal beef with it (and I was quite fine with the way it was handled, with a sense of humour, hence my not reporting the thread) but I have a gay friend, and after she explained to me why using "gay" that way is still hurtful to the homosexual community, I decided to always be consistent in my attitude toward that word.

Think about it. We're desensitized because it's so common, but once upon a time in my youth, we also used "Don't be such a Jew" to mean "don't be cheap," without even knowing what a Jew was. You'd be pretty hard pressed to find people using that phrase as an adult without knowing its implication.

You wouldn't swap any other minority group for the word "gay" (ie. "That's so Indian" or "That's so Chinese").

'Nuff said. Just in case it's been forgotten since the beginning of this post, my 'issues' with the word are more out of respect for my friends and other members of the gay community than out of any sort of personal injury, and for what it's worth I think the original poster of this thread seems like a good guy and a great new addition to the community, so no harm done and no offence taken. :D


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Agreed I will be more carefull in the future. As to the intent of the original thread I have redone the drawing of the headstock to emphasise the body better. Here it is, as always all comments and or suggestions are very welcome.Head1.JPG

thanks again for the input fellas

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That looks much better IMO. I would suggest only to keep the "bumps" on the top so the flames are wider.....know what I mean? I'd keep a little more off them on the bottom too but I couldn't get my mouse to draw that very well.... :D


My artistic talent with a mouse leaves a lot to be desired.....give me a pencil and paper any day!!

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