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Got A Start On The 2x4 Special.

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Thanks so much for the words of encouragement everyone!

What's her name?

Also, I'd appreciate if you can let us hear how it sounds like?? I'm dying to hear it, also what pups you using with it??

Didn't really name it, The exploder was the first name but it didn't so I dunno.

The pickups are ones I got from Metal Matt, im not sure what they are. I was going to rewind them but judging by how hard it is to get them in I might just let sleeping dogs lie.

It sounds good, when I get home from work I'll see if I can get an audio file going.

I would expect the neck to fare OK with the carbon in there - It may be more flexible than a hardwood neck, but the carbon should keep it stable regardless.

No carbon, Those are oak strips. I prob should have gone with carbon, or aluminum bars. But oh well, I wanted to keep it to wood that was totally not good for building.

How did you get the pickups and controls in there by the way?

The controls were from a backplate, the backplate has no screws. How it holds the backplate on is....magic.

The pickups were not fun but a heres a run down of installing them. I put one screw and a spring in the cavity and held it in place by putting a strong magnet beside the head of the screw. Then I dropped in the pickup. Then the tricky part. I wrapped a masking tape loop around the pickup to have a grip on it for somthing to lift it with. Then i tucked in the spring for the other side and dropped the screw through the spring and held that in place with another magnet. Then I lifted the pickup with the masking tape up to the screws and turned them in. The tape just pulls right out when you grab an end.

I made that sound easy, trust me it wasn't.

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You didn't happen to take pics of how you did that carve did you? I need to do something like that with my guitar but haven't decided how to go about doing it.

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You didn't happen to take pics of how you did that carve did you? I need to do something like that with my guitar but haven't decided how to go about doing it.

All I did was rough out the shape in pencil on the top. I then freehanded it with the die grinder, a rasp would suffice. Then I used the good ole sanding stick to make the bevel have straight lines. The plywood was unforgiving in that respect. Because the lines give a clear indication of how true the bevel is.

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Really nice!! You did a great job on that carve!

Also, I don't see why a neck out of pine wouldn't work... all of it's strenght is in the lenght of it (the same reason it's used as acoustic tops).

Also, I saw at a shop a Martin with what seemed like a softwood neck (looked like cheap pine :D )

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Oops- my mistake about the carbon fibre - I remembered you adding *something* to the neck...

I hope it holds up, beacause I love the guitar - it's a great realisation of the 'scrap guitar' concept, no effort to disguise the humble materials, but no compromise on the workmanship. It would be far too tempting to do the opposite - try to hide the materials, but cut corners on construction because it's 'only scrap'.

Did I mention I like it? :D

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Really nice!! You did a great job on that carve!

Also, I don't see why a neck out of pine wouldn't work... all of it's strenght is in the lenght of it (the same reason it's used as acoustic tops).

Not quite, the reason spruce is used for acoustic tops is it's strength to weight ratio, not it's strength overall. A guitar soundboard made of maple would be much stronger than one made of spruce, but it would be to heavy to vibrate. Once it was thinned to the be light enough it would be far too thin and fragile to use.

The flip side of this is that a guitar neck made of spruce which weighed the same as a maple guitar neck would be very strong. It would also be so chunky it would me unplayable!

That's not to say this neck won't work, just clarifying the relative strength of spruce and hardwoods.

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  • 1 year later...

Question for you guys, how come people often refer to pine as if it was one species with one look and density? I am sure a lot of the forum knows that there are many different types of pine and they produce very different timber. Cypress pine for example is a very hard wood (often used to make floors and outdoor furniture) and very different to Radiata pine which is soft, Maton have been making guitars for years out of Bunya pine, although they call it just "Bunya" and Hoop pine is a good tonewood. :D

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Hi RGman, Yep, the terminology has got a bit ambiguous along the way, Wikepedia even has a site on Pine Disambiguation

I think this is because the term 'pine' can be used to mean several things including,

:D a tree from the genus Pinus, e.g. Pinus radiata and this is often the term used by botanists,


B) coniferous trees which, as you say, includes genera such as Araucaria e.g. Araucaria bidwillii or Hoop pine, and coniferous tree is the definition for pine often used by the timber and hardware industry, at least in Australia.

While a lot of Aussies would ask for "Cypress pine" you are right, it is not of the genus Pinus and it can also be referred to as "Cypress", I have never tried doing this in a hardware store though :D .

Using the broader term I hope a lot of woodworkers, including guitar builders check out some pine timbers that can be great to work with. Have you checked out Huon pine? It looks fantastic.

Edited by Muzz
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