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Fixing A Broken Headstock, The Hard Way......buzz Feiten Help

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If you would have read his entire first posts you would have read:

1. He wants a wider neck.

2. He wants an ebony fretboard with ebony binding.

3. He wants to copy the original diamond volute/scarf joint.

So how is cutting of the old damaged, non repairable, not to his liking neck a waste or destructful?

I see absolutely nothing wrong with the way this was handled; I would have done the same. There are just some ridiculous comments in this thread.

Diezel, I look forward to see the completed repairs.

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Give me a break. You jumped on it too, and it's not like you've ever been the white knight of welcoming newbies, either.

COMPLETELY WASTEFUL DESTRUCTION. Maybe mahogany is cheap over in the UK. The talk sure is.

I said destroying the fretboard was foolish. I stand by that statement, though of course, it was subsequently clarified that the fretboard wasn't actually destroyed, simple cut through at the 19th fret for removal.

There is nothing wasteful about removing a broken neck, and as pointed out, you can get the mahogany to rebuild it for less than $10.

I won't even dignify your other comments with a response. If you want to throw stones take it to PM and let this thread get back on course.

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  • 6 months later...

:D Clearly I'm going to trash this and scavenge it for parts eh? hummm...Don't think so

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Humm well these are a little older these pics as the neck is shaped and glued in and just waiting for the finish to cure.

Seems like it turned out well to me, and in the end I got EXACTLY the guitar I've wanted.

Chris :D


I'd love to see some pics once it's completed (providing you've read the image posting rules by then smile.gif )

Seriously, read the image posting rules before you post anymore images - consider this a good natured, but serious final warning. Another post with too many images, each individually over the size limit; will result in a weeks suspension from posting.


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I almost started going off untill I saw it was two pages.

Im glad you decided everything you did..

im curious to see how the stained maple will come out.. looks alittle light right now..

and before the Nazis come in here, change the [ img ] tag to [ url ]...

I have a fast connection and a huge resolution, so I dont mind, but the 56k builders need love too.

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Less of the Nazi comments please Des' - I do this unpaid, in addition to a full time job, and often it takes up time I'd rather spend building or relaxing. I'm sure you meant it in fun, but it's still a bit close to the bone, especially since the mods are here for your benefit. Cheers.

Chris - looks good so far, I knew Tony K was more than qualified to do a bang on job. I look forwards to seeing the finished pics, but do read and follow the image rules before posting them!


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I havn't been here for a while and forgot about the rules from the first time, I apologize, when I finish this up I'll post them the proper way, I didn't post them like that out if disrepsect! thanks for fixing my mistake.

I have also done alot of work on thos build. mind you it was alot of detail and finishing work I've done before, but I did help on 70% of this project.

The neck will be set into the original pocket, the guitar was designed this way and does not pose a problem, as the 5 others I have stock from Washburn USa were built like this, we looked over the originals and the other guitars I have and opted to copy the guitar down to the last mm, so this will be very much just a stock guitar that we rebuilt a neck for from scratch. However we added some died green flame maple to line the fretboard and to setoff the black binding since I went with an ebony board. The inlays look really striking on this, I'm also using two new pickups both colour matched with the body.

As for the maple, I didn't touch the maple, I sawed off the original maple veneer and binding and re attached it to the new headstock with no problems what so ever, this has actually turned out to be fairly simple, knock on wood haha

the neck is like the original 3 pieces of honduran mahogany, with a large thick single piece for the headstock plate, it's got a large diamond volute, and where we made it stronger was we added 2 carbon graphite rods that go down beside the truss rod, therefore no deadspots and a muc stiffer neck.

overall I'm 150% happy with the progress, as it looks better than any other Dime 3 I've played and owned.



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setch- I actually didnt mean the mods, most mods just change the thread to suite.

its the 6 users that come into a thread, and ignore the topic, just the fact that he posted big pics. if it were that much of a bother they could just PM him.

I respect the work and effort all the mods here put forth, and in most cases the quality of work from a mod far shadows that of what I do.


can you post a pic of the dyed binding a bit better? it looks to me like it doesnt match, but that may just be the pictures.

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The binding matches as best as we could get it, you have to realize this guitar was built in 1999, and we are just replacing a broken neck, the finish was already on the guitar and headstock plate, we just had to match it up.

I'll try to get a pic, it matches in real life hahah


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This post shows why i value Setch's opinions the most on this site

and also shows why he is a mod on this board

The 2 lines here were unneccesary to prove your point, so I deleted them! Everyone is entittled to thier opinion! And not all see everything the same way! I think that Setch can defend his point by himself and don't need your help!!!

i know what i have seen shows his excelent skills and knoledge

and he has helped me with a few questions that i was lost on and helped show me the way

for that and his info on this post i thank you Setch. you are truly a great asset to this site

and i also now know who to avoid for info in the future

P.S DiezelMonster looks like your on the right track to a very nice finnished project

and for $400 plus the cost of the new neck buit to your specs seems like a steal

Dime must be looking down on ya

Edited by Maiden69
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Looks pretty sweet. I bet the neck looks like it has been there forever with the headstock face and all. Good job.

Had a look on Tony's site, he builds some beautiful guitars. And if this sort of break happens a lot because of the bad case design will you be getting a new, better case for this thing?

Congrats on it all working out.

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New pics are approaching, I've just got to wait for the finish to cure and then some sanding then more finish, I just want to get the finish that sunk into the grain drop filled first before I take pics hehe

anyhow, this thing is a total labour of love, it might not be how most approach a situation like this, but it turned out how I wanted it in the first place! and since it will be the only one with a neck like this, it's pretty special!

anyhow, I love it! I had tony Burn his trademark K in the back of the headstock as well, and I think it's perfect! next I'll stamp in the original serial number and a 1966-2004 to pay tribute to Dime!


Oh and Thanks Fryovanni

I really want this back in action so I don't have to have the itch to buy another one hahah


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys

Sorry for the lack of posts, still wiating on the last few coats to cure, christmas and new years slowed everything WAY down, but it should be done and ready for the frets to be crowned and the hardware to be installed, then strung up and PLAYYYYYYYYYYYYED!

I can't wait


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here it is!

It's almost done now, just another buff, and a final assembly and setup, and it's ready to kick some ass! waiting on the neck pickup and the black locking nut, it's always something!!!

Back of neck


Here is a closeup of the inlays I had done at www.custominlay.com

I think this looks really good with this finish!


Here is another shot of the inlay and front of body.

Inlay and Body

I really screwed the picture loading tool up, can someone fix these? Thansks!

So I'll post more pictures of this when it's done! So far this thing is amazing!

let me do a recap :D

-Bought broken guitar on ebay B)

-Decided to put new neck and fretboard on existing guitar B)

-Took to local luthier who decided he would teach me how to do this. :read

-Posted on local repair forum =o)

-Posts ensued about how rubbish the idea was and how it would end up being firewood :D

-Worked on neck + guitar every monday for the past few months B)

-End results. :D

So all in all this guitar is one of the best washburn Dimes I own, and I have 4 others, plus 4 more on the way!

Thanks guys! I'll post up some finished pics in a week or so when the pickup gets here!


You should try to use proper naming conventions when saving files - specifically *no spaces!* The gaps in the title confused the forum software which tried to autoconvert them into link tags, but instead just royally screwed the pooch. This won't happen if you use _underscores_ instead of spaces.

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Glad everything seems to be working out. The guitar looks great, except I can't figure out what's going on with the nut. Is it wider than the fretboard, or is that just the picture? Is there something under the nut? You said in you post that you're getting a new nut, so I guess this will be all settled out soon enough. Otherwise, the guitar looks great... can't even tell anything ever happened to it.

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Thanks! I'm no ace with this picture adding business! at least I tried! not like the last few times haha!

Anyhow, with the nut, that is just a temporary shim, I wanted to test and made sure everything was level and the frets didn't need any more attention, so that's all it is!

the nut in the picture is perfect for the guitar, it's just chrome! not black, hence why I am waiting on a black one.

Anyhow, this thing is right as rian! neck is REALLY thick now, so It's working great!


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