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Strat To Lpish Converstion

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Can't wait to see how this turns out.

woooooo pressures on hahahaha

ok still tossing up ideas for the finish

im leaning away from the mirror and more towards the canvas

but seriously i open for ideas so anyone has any throw them out there and ill contenplait them really................its open

Edited by tim_ado
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Here's just a quick thought on having the pickups not visible. If you take a look at some of those Line 6 Variax guitars they have no pickups visible. I think they use piezo pickups or something. You might want to check that out. I don't know much about piezo's so it might be the totally wrong thing for your guitar. Just an idea.

Good Luck! Can't wait to see it when it's done!

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I wouldn't place the pickups any lower than you normally would. The closer the pickups are to the strings, the more strongly the magnets magnetize the strings, and the louder the output (though you can't take this too far of course).

Maybe you could use super-hot pickups hidden under the pickguard and get a "normal" output level???

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You might want to check that out. I don't know much about piezo's so it might be the totally wrong thing for your guitar. Just an idea

yeah i doubt i will to much money i dont have

The closer the pickups are to the strings, the more strongly the magnets magnetize the strings, and the louder the output (though you can't take this too far of course).

yeah i know im really just testing stuff out atm

considering i just put the body to a jigsaw im not looking to make some really good or spend alot of money on it

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I confirm that the Variax do not have magnetic pickup, they use a L.R. Bagg piezo bridge.

Probably it is possible to put the pickup under the pickguard so they will be invisible (directly fixed on the body) but I think that you need to consider 2 elements:

1. if the pickguard has a conductive tape on it you probably need to cut it out in the position where the pickup will be installed

2. due to the fact that the pickups will lay under the body level (under the pickguard) you probably will need to lower the bridge and the neck in order to reach an accettable distance of the strings from the puckups

I'll stay tuned because I like this experiment.


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  • 4 weeks later...

ok so its been sitting round for a bit im on holidays i think its time to do somthing

i found a nice bit of wood thta would make a nice top for a hollow body if you get my drift

so question: how would i flaten the top down.........i dont have a thinknesser on hand is there another way to do it??

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A well-made router jig would do it. You'd need a nice flat surface, 2 nice flat "rails" (they can be made of anything), and another long flat board/surface that doesn't sag in order to makeshift a new 'base' for your router. Router attaches to long flat base, then sits on the rails. Or I guess you could make the router stationary and move the body, but that somehow seems riskier. Not sure why, just a hunch. :D

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one thing you could do (without making it a hollow body) is make some wood blocks the size and shape of the routes glue them in, sand them flush, route the cavitys you do want, then hide all the work with a solid color finish. i really like the way its turning out. Cant wait to see it done.

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yeah thanks greg the idea pop into my head as soon as i posted it :D

anyway i got this mystery wood of mine is taken from my dads old estey organ.......anyone??


i've taken photos of the wood i found i think is made up of several bits glued together.....i sanded it backa bit then put some water on it to raise the grain.......i have no idea what it is some of the grain make me think walnut but no the colour ohh well it smells nice and i think its got a made vintage look about it


the plan is to route it lower make some extra chambers put this top on and do an fhole or two put some binding on the holes and body

then i want to get all 3 pickups and put them into 1 wooden case and mount them toward the bridge

any ideas why this wouldnt work???

Edited by tim_ado
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I hollowed out a cheap strat copy when I was drunk once and put a new (f holed top on). Really not that difficult, but I did a typical drunken job.

As for finishes, how about topping it in rubber instead. You could raise or lower the pickups from the back. Then when your pups were up, the rubber would stretch over them and you'd have some stretchy lumps. Now I've certainly never seen that before :D

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As for finishes, how about topping it in rubber instead. You could raise or lower the pickups from the back. Then when your pups were up, the rubber would stretch over them and you'd have some stretchy lumps. Now I've certainly never seen that before :D


Then it would be like a Tumor guitar!! Though that might work. But couldn't the rubber interfere with the pickups?

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