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When Does "newb" Go Away?

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well i dont have 100 and i got regular member :/

might be like 25 or something

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Huzzah! Hierarchy!

Because we all know that clearly, the more posts you have, the more knowledgeable you are, and the more your advice matters.

Posts are POWER.

This message has nothing of relevance to add to the conversation, but at least I'll have one more post added to my counter :D

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Another forum that I used to frequent had a karma system based on relevent post count....useful posts would gain karma, offensive or useless posts would lose it. The karma was given by other members in response to your post, once you got to a certain level you could access training materials & the like. In theory it was a good idea but I'm not sure whether it actually worked too well. There are members who appear occasionally & offer great advice such as Melvyn Hiscock, who's post count is far less than some other members. It's the quality of post that counts not the quantity so don't worry about it.

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Because we all know that clearly, the more posts you have, the more knowledgeable you are, and the more your advice matters.

no if the addvice is crap......experiance i reckon ......you can't go round thinking you've got the chops because you've got +100 comments

....too bad irony doesn't work on the internet...

Edited by aidlook
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Because we all know that clearly, the more posts you have, the more knowledgeable you are, and the more your advice matters.

no if the addvice is crap......experiance i reckon ......you can't go round thinking you've got the chops because you've got +100 comments

....too bad irony doesn't work on the internet...

It's all good, no offense meant :D

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Because we all know that clearly, the more posts you have, the more knowledgeable you are, and the more your advice matters.

no if the addvice is crap......experiance i reckon ......you can't go round thinking you've got the chops because you've got +100 comments

....too bad irony doesn't work on the internet...

well we better make it +300...........then I can start writing relivent posts:P

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