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7-string Randy Rhoads V

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Thanks for all the replys, the damage is at the 7th or 8th fret it elludes me at this moment but with the neck shaped now its mostly gone ive gotta make some maple and some purpleheart filler then fill it, unfortunate but no big deal.

As for the bridge


thats the one, its not the prettiest thing in the world but its all i could find should be here soon its been on order since like mid-sept. Its hardtail but string through so i need ferruls for the back.

peace :D

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Thanks for all the replys, the damage is at the 7th or 8th fret it elludes me at this moment but with the neck shaped now its mostly gone ive gotta make some maple and some purpleheart filler then fill it, unfortunate but no big deal.

As for the bridge


thats the one, its not the prettiest thing in the world but its all i could find should be here soon its been on order since like mid-sept. Its hardtail but string through so i need ferruls for the back.

peace :D

here is a much much cheaper one. same quality. i buy all my parts from this seller, they are great quality, they ship faster than any other ive dealed with, and offer great support. check it out


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YEah bridge all ready came in yesterday going to get it very soon. im always a little weary about using ebay ive heard bad stories haha but thanks for showing me that in the future maybe :D

And prostheta i have no idea what a counterpunch is haha, but yeah i have heard ferruls can be a pain to get to go in straight.


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I counterpunch is a tool with a sharp point at the end which you tap with a hammer into material to make a guiding hole. I cheat by printing the ferrule layout with a laser printing with guidelines across and through the centreline, then popping the counterpunch on the crosses (corresponding with each ferrule) and give it a pop with my fretting hammer. When it comes to drilling, I use a lip and spur wood drill and make sure the spur aims into the pre-punched holes. A drill press is pretty much essential for accurate work like this of course.

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Yea if that happened to me(I was using poplar and it was a strat, so instead of fixing it up, i stored it, and next time i make a strat, its going to be a neckthrough and ill use the body as the wings.) I'd make a new body. But, I would never scrap that body, you could always make that into a neck-through V if you ever wanted to make another.

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Make a new body. It saves a lot of time and kicking yourself, and ultimately not being 100% happy with your build. Repairing and recovering can generally take more time and effort than starting from scratch believe it or not. Apart from the "or not" bit of course. That was me being polite :-D

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Yeah i totally agree with you I was gonna make a new body from the start i was just trying to figure out a way to salvage it for perhaps another build, like it was mentioned above ill perhaps use it for a neckthru build in the future. It just looked stupid the way the bridge was now its gonna be centered which will look waaaaaaay better :D


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Yeah i totally agree with you I was gonna make a new body from the start i was just trying to figure out a way to salvage it for perhaps another build, like it was mentioned above ill perhaps use it for a neckthru build in the future. It just looked stupid the way the bridge was now its gonna be centered which will look waaaaaaay better :D


It's a nice idea to save it for a future project.

Do you have pics of the new body?

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  • 1 month later...

Wow. Okay its been a while since i have posted haha. Well the body is a week away from being ready from paint. I just need to route the area for the cover plate for electronics cavity drill sopt of output jack and straplocks. I jsut need some freakin' tuning keys cause niether stewmac or allparts sell individuals anymore :D and this is frustrating and i want to get this done so i am this | | close to just getting 2 packs. But anyways on the neck it just needs some sanding at the heel and volute, side dots, Keys and frets. So while body is in paint I'll do all of that. Anyways heres some progress pics, And I just realized I DO NOT have like any pics haha Ill take some more and update ASAP, no more dissappearing :D


Bevel up close


PU cavity


And by the way I couldnt find a router bit to do the bevels so I did it all by hand with a hand planer for the straight bevels, and a half rounded file for the inside wing bevels. They turned out amazing but you can't relly tell by the Pics


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This guy sells Sperzel lockers and Hipshot lockers in any conceivable configuration in a range of colors. If you order the Sperzels, be sure to specify that he ream out the low E tuner; Sperzels take up to a .58 string stock, and Hipshots .70. However, he can custom order a tuner reamed out to .70 for you. Trust me, this is a good thing; I love having a .72 on my low B string on my 25.5 scale 7.

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