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Coolest parts ever

Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars

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Some of the artists who choose

El Dorado Guitar Straps...

Carlos Santana

Bob Dylan

Noel Gallagher, Oasis

Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones

Jimmie Vaughn

Mark Knopfler, Dire Straits

Dwight Yoakam

Pete Anderson

Jimmie Vivino

Kid Ramos, The Fabulous Thunderbirds

Will Ray

Jim Campilongo, The Ten Gallon Cats

Scott Coney, lead guitarist, Tracy Byrd

Melvin Taylor

Seymour Duncan

Paul Warren, guitarist for Rod Stewart

        and Joe Cocker

...and you!

impressive.... bob dylan, jimmy vaughn, seymour duncan himself, keith richards, carlos santana, i mean, that is impressive. Nice stuff, too. :D

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Yeah, he is getting pretty well known for his STRAPS. They are really taking off.

I never see anyone talking about that Tele hardware, but his straps get a lot of attention across the Fender 'net sites.

BTW, that black Ash body is kinda cool lookin'. I like it. Thanks for that pic Alex, he must've added that in since the last time I visited the site. I'd like to do an Ash body along those lines one day.

I don't think I've ever seen another quite like it, but I'm not really up on current offerings either.

He'll do the hardware in gold for an upcharge, but it is pretty pricey stuff.

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I can't quite get a bead on it.

It looks kinda like black paint rather than black stain, then lightly sanded back.

That's my initial guess = probably wrong. :D

I PM'd Brian to see if he had any thoughts on it.

Pretty cool under the right circumstances.

...and different.

PS, not trying to be a smartass (but probably am) the leather tooled 'guards I don't think are all that hard to do. I think for the price of one of those 'guards you could buy a lot of the design stampers and some leather and do one yourself.

I think it's just that you don't see much leather work in the guitar field, so it seems like a bit of an oddity and cool, but any of us who build guitars could most likely do that with not a lot of effort if you had the stampers, some leather dye, and a week or two of practicing and some leather...

I remember doing leather tooling in shop class in high school. If you have the tools and some imagination, you can do a lot with a little. Yeah, sounds kinda smart-assed huh? B)

I was trying to figure out if the price was really worth it, y'know? If they were $40-50., maybe not such a bad deal, but I think they're over $100.00? At that range, I'd be more apt to go buy the stuff and do it myself. Like, I could buy 1 fish for $100.00 ...or I could go buy a good rod and tacklebox for the same and take my chances I could probably learn to fish...

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I'll have to agree with you on the tooling, and supplies vs buying one outright. I actually have an advantage though since there is a leather worker at the local swap market that would make me one if I bring in a picture (might be worth looking into).

I'll have to think and experiment when it comes to that finish though :D

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I think everything the guy has is extremely cool and original and beautiful, just not wantin' to give up the major benjies for it.

Hey Butnut, what one word will gu-run-teed get Tele players bouncing thru hoops on the turn of a dime???


Ok, ok, I won't go there... :D

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hehe, good one Drak...yup, The only problem is on some stuff from there...the wait is forever! B)

Oh well. On that Tele sumo boy posted, it looks like that finish I discussed on the Voodoo. Here's that wood (A/C Fir 1/4" plywood) on the toolbox I made over 20 years ago. My boss at the time bought some Japan Red lacquer for a job and I thought it would look kool on a toolbox. I don't know where I got the idea, but after I shot the red, I got some black lacquer and sprayed the whole box. With 400 grit and a sanding block, I block sanded the black off the high spots, leaving it in the deeper grain and bringing out the red. I wanted to see more of the red color, I could have reversed the paints to see more black. I think this is how that guitar was painted...my cheap plywood has nicer grain...IMO :D

2 tone plywood box

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