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How Many Guitar Built?

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I did about 3 before I tried selling them I did have lots of previous woodworking experience before, I decided I didn't like it too much and got sick of it and have since realized that I want to do other woodworking not guitarbuilding and just build guitars for myself. Pretty much whenever you feel that you are at the point of producing a quality product.

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I think too many people sell them too early.I have seen way too much firewood sold as a guitar...or at least claim to have been sold.

It's easy to take advantage of the ignorance of craftsmanship that most guitar PLAYERS have...but that does not mean you should.You should be the person with the knowledge to KNOW when a guitar you produced will bring a lifetime of joy.

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No I'm not asking when I should but when you personally started selling. :D

What i ment was when you are capable of building a guitar that is of good enough quality to sell. that will take more time for some. personaly i know im a long way form building a quality guitar. I don't have much experience with wood working so it will be a while but i have seriously considered building one out of steel.

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the number is a personal thing. my 4th was a comission but it was for a friend, in fact a lot of early commissions were for friends or family and they did not pay more than parts for it

i started building quickly and got a lot done in a relatively short space of time so i think it was my 18th that was the first that actually sold completely seperate from my social circle and i was happy enough with to let go that far away from my control. it sold at the london guitar show (which i wasnt at because of my brother wedding) and got played at wembly arena shortly after complete with a full orchestra doing movie music - but it was my guitar being played by the singer at the front of it all.

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Well, if you're in this for the money, then I suppose the time to start selling will be when you feel you can build a reputation for quality (and innovativeness).

I don't tend to keep my projects-- eventually I strip them down again. If the body turned out well enough, I put it up on ebay with a low starting price. For the moment, the most I hope from a build is to end up with a guitar I really like (well, I have one so far!). The idea of selling guitars is far far off. Frankly, I think it'd be more hassle than it's worth.

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It's kinda funny. My second build, a fretless bass, I played on for over a year. It was a nice sounding, nice playing bass, but I thought I could do better. So I sold it on ebay, and the buyer thought is was a great bass, and he got it for a great price. I've built 1 guitar on commission since then, plus 6 other basses. Two of those basses (one is the replacement fretless) are SO nice that they are my 2 favorite instruments, and I will never give them up. The others are still in various stages of near completion or refinishing. But I already see a self-defeating pattern emerging- I'm afraid that any instruments I make of great quality I will be unwilling to part with!

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I'm not really sure how many. I'm a complete perfectionist, so I just tore apart my first ones and did something else with them. The only remaining evidence is a botched neck.

In retrospect, that was a bad idea. People keep asking for pictures of my work and I have nothing to show except my most recent work.

I got that fromart school I think. We made countless drawings, paintings, and whatever projects and I trashed most of them afterwards, considering them practice. I didn't think ahead to starting a business. Definitely one of more boneheaded moves. :D

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