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New Strandberg Conversions Posted

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This post has been edited by myself because the original content was perceived as commercial. Apologies for that!

In the original post, I simply referred to my home page.

Here are a couple of links directly to the build, posted by the owner: Pic 1

Pic 2

Soon is holiday time, so I might actually make some progress on my ergonomic guitar build topic...



Edited by Strandberg Guitarworks
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With respect why not just post the link to the pictures rather than advertising your site?

I was under the impression links to commercial sites was banned in any forum other than the classified section - including signatures.


A considered response?

Just so you know I don't care either way if linking to your own commercial site is allowed or not - but since it currently states in the forum rules it ain't then it either the same rule for all not one for some and not others.

I personally enjoy this forum with way it is with endless links to sites - all photos can be shown using the img link so why just post an ad for a site saying you can find pictures there?

Like I say it's either one rule for all not one for some and not others.


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the strandberg website has always struck me as a blog about innovation and development rather than just a website for selling parts - i dont mind being linked to it as i always find it an interesting read!

Spot on WezV - my intentions exactly - thanks.

I appreciate this forum for the exact same reason and have received a lot of ideas and connections from it.



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Anyhow, this is a site for sharing projects and as this as said was more of a sharing whats been done rather than "hey buy this", I think it's fine. It reminds me some of when Kevin was working to finish his design of Tremol-no. Its cool to see what members are making, especially when it goes beyong a guitar build and into technology of parts, like Pete's(PSW) Sustainer and such. Anyhow, cool stuff thanks for sharing. J

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nice site, but you are not allowed to have links on your signature unless you are a verified vendor. Get in touch with Brian, that way you will have your custom title and your links back on your signature.

This is snow-balling way out of proportion... I am a luthier and an inventor. I document my work on my blog (the link I had in my signature leads to the blog) and I use this site to publicize my work and drive traffic to my blog in order to get more input from other visitors. And yes, it is possible to buy some of my work. Does that make me a vendor?

Who is Brian?

Edited by Strandberg Guitarworks
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I like the website and your products, I look forward to using some of your products one day.

I'm glad to see you updating us on your progress, please don't stop, it is appreciated. :D

PS, Brian is the owner of the website here.

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seriously - anyone who thinks ola's site is an ad needs to spend a few minutes looking through his blog from the start!

its about a years worth of experimenting and innovating before a 'product' really started to come to light, really as an off shoot of some ideas for a very unusual guitar. Once the blog does become focused on the bridges/tuners its more about problems, solutions and expeiments than it is advertising. and i for one feel really happy that we got to see its development and hope we will see it go further

so for anyone interested in product design and development here is a really good website:


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I am going to stay out of the "moderation" of this as I don't really see a problem except as a technicality,the rules state links in sigs are not permitted,except for some who meet a certain criteria and I am not well versed enough in what that criteria is at this time.(it has changed since I became a mod...used to it was under no circumstances)

Now..Brian is,as Drak said,the owner of this site...it was his vision to start this forum and I know he meant it to be a nonrestrictive uncluttered site for a friendly interchange of ideas as well as a showcase for guitars and parts built and designed...

I for one don't have an issue with your site...BUT Brian needs to make the distinction in this case I guess since we mods seem to all have differing opinions..

I will PM him...edit PM sent

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yeah, i kinda get that - but i figure if you have signed up to a guitar building site and you see the odd link to a guitar builders sites... whats the problem! It s not like we are forcing it down people throats by having a short text link in the sig.

anyway, going ot now - thats for brian to decide

that reading smiley has to be the most patronising of all of them!

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Can I just clarify what my inital point was about as it seems this thread has snowballed into something more. I should also mention I've read the Strandberg site previously myself and found it relatively interesting as well. However at the end of it all he as many people on here (myself included) are looking to sell things and just posting a link to his site and saying there are pictures on it isn't exactly showing off his work as this forum is supposed to be used for.

Anyway my initial point was why not just display the images using the image link option like everyone else? Personally when I click on a link and just see a link to a website I really have very little inclination to browse to it as it just looks like an ad. Maybe it's just my web-knarled eyes from using it for far too many years!

As for the signature thing I read the forum rules when I joined and was happy to accept them and I think they are good as there is far to many forums around with rediculous amounts of a hotlinks, huge annoying signatures and the rest. It's one of the main reasons I enjoy using and donate money to this forum .

Nothing personal was meant.


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I guess it gets more complicated when the line between a "true commercial site" and an enthusiastic innovation site gets blurred. I don't believe you are a commercial entity riding off the back of this forum, although it could perhaps be construed as such on the surface. "Strandberg Guitarworks" does sound quite company-like :-D

I think this thread just needs all of the posts deleting as public moderation and deliberation isn't the way forward. It's so OT it's silly.

Wez - the joke was there, hidden under many layers of Batemans! How about this for a patronising emoticon?


...or my favourite when getting controversial (or stupid):


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FWIW, I have contacted Brian but not heard back yet. I thank everyone for the support and do understand the criticism.

I hope a solution is near, because this has been a pretty de-moralising experience even with the best intentions.

I like your site and your work, but it is for Brian to decide this one, your ID sound awfully close to a company name... I normally would let it go, but like Wes said, there is a criteria to be meet. Brian will get in touch with you, he is very busy all the time so it might take him a little bit.

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I have enjoyed being active here and I have valued the input I have received on my design process. I am trying to be understanding and mature about what has transpired, but I can not respect that my signature was changed by a moderator without warning or prior notice - criteria or no critera.

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I have enjoyed being active here and I have valued the input I have received on my design process. I am trying to be understanding and mature about what has transpired, but I can not respect that my signature was changed by a moderator without warning or prior notice - criteria or no critera.

So you are telling me that a moderator can not change your signature if it is against the rules? I sent you a PM the moment I changed it explaining you why, like I do everyone else that I have modded! And everyone else has gotten in touch with Brian and got their signature back and a nice little tittle that either says VIP or Verified Vendor. I understand your grief, but the rules are the rules and all we do is enforce them, we are not getting paid to do this, and we all do it in our free time, I already told you that you can replace it with an address, but no link until Brian approves it.

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I have enjoyed being active here and I have valued the input I have received on my design process. I am trying to be understanding and mature about what has transpired, but I can not respect that my signature was changed by a moderator without warning or prior notice - criteria or no critera.

So you are telling me that a moderator can not change your signature if it is against the rules? I sent you a PM the moment I changed it explaining you why, like I do everyone else that I have modded! And everyone else has gotten in touch with Brian and got their signature back and a nice little tittle that either says VIP or Verified Vendor. I understand your grief, but the rules are the rules and all we do is enforce them, we are not getting paid to do this, and we all do it in our free time, I already told you that you can replace it with an address, but no link until Brian approves it.

Maiden69 - You explained that my post was probably inappropriate, and the second I read your message, I edited my post and removed any content that could be perceived as commercial. I also explained in the post itself that I had done it and why. You did not tell me in advance that you would alter my signature - I had not realized that it was you that had done it until now.

I did contact Brian politely and with the best intentions and got a response that did not mean anything to me. I sent him a follow up and have not heard back. This is no criticism against him or against the rules of this board.

This is the last post I do on this topic. I hope that it is removed like Prostheta suggests.

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