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The OFFICIAL Group Project poll

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Group Forum Guitar Project  

21 members have voted

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This poll is a result of two threads that were started, concerning this forum pulling together for one project guitar made from scratch.

Check these two threads for details and thoughts that have allready been made about this idea, then vote and post more thoughts and ideas here.



This Poll is only to see whos interested, If all goes well I'm sure more polls will follow.

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I voted "I can work, but cant afford to donate materials". I could probably donate wood I have "in stock", but I'm not really in a position to go buy any wood for the project (I spent $150CDN on the wood for a bass I'm doing) because it's sorta expensive, unless it was something my work has in stock that I could get for real cheap or even free - the only wood they stock that would be somewhat useful would be Western Maple.

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well, compared to the workmanship of most of the people here, i can work, but only on simple stuff. i'd be afraid to take on body shaping or fret slotting or something with the work that i've seen on this site, but i would still like to jump in and do something.

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Just a thought, (probably a bad one)

but I think you should define exactly what it is your building before you ask for the assistance.

Ex: a bass? a guitar? bowling ball finish? black floral finish? trans-tint finish?

I mean, how can one know if one is up to the task at hand if one doesn't know even what the hell it is yet?

Cart before horse?

Just tossing ideas out.

And I would ask Brian's assistance first, get your starter clues from him.

I think he'd be able to quickly help you get where you are looking to go.

Plus I think it's just good manners to ask the 'powers that be' if they will sanction the idea before you go slapping the word OFFICIAL on it. It's their site after all B)

If the money was the bottom line, then if we all just donated, say, $25.00 all at once, then the total take for this site would probably far outweigh the profits from one guitar/bass sold on e-Bay or wherever...I 'think' that was Perry's bottom-line on it.

If the 'group effort' was really the bottom line, then the money isn't so important in the end? Just the fact that we all built the instrument, we all had a hand in it, is the overriding cool factor.

So, before we marshall the resources, why not outline what we're trying to do first, so everone knows what the score is?

Don't get me wrong, I know your trying to gather folks together to do a cool thing, it's a good idea.

But to transform a good idea into a realistic 'thing', there's a lot of stuff that needs to happen. And a workable outline that everyone can understand is a good place to start.

Ask any inventor what it takes to make an idea turn into a reality, it's quite a lot of work, especially if a lot of different people are involved it takes a lot more than good willed thoughts.

PS, just tell me to STFU at any time, I will. A STFU PM will do :D

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i had to vote " i don't give a damn" not cause i wouldn't like to help out, but because as someone meanchaned we'd just be copying another forum, and i really think (and agree) that if we're going to do something as a forum is should be something original and something that will turn heads

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MY question is:

If you saw a no name custom made guitar on ebay, how much would YOU pay for it? I guess most people here wouldnt even bid on it...

Fact is, unless you've got a name for yourself, or your building for friends, or someone has played your guitars somewhere previously, custom made guitars are not highly prized items, regardless of how good they are.

Im also a little concerned over the quality of work that people are able to do. Im sure there were more than a few people volunteering for this project (in other threads), that havent even built a guitar yet...

It would be a great way to promote the site, but so would adding a link to the home page from all our own webpages (something i have failed to do). It might raise some money too, but so would sending $5 to brian to cover bandwidth, hosting, etc. I plan to be a paid advertiser by the end of the month, as ive recieved sales from this forum, so its only fair.

However, if it goes ahead, i would like to consider being a part of it all.

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If you saw a no name custom made guitar on ebay, how much would YOU pay for it? I guess most people here wouldnt even bid on it...

That's what happend to a guitar I tried to sell on ebay - it ended up selling in a music store. I did sell a mandolin I made on ebay though.

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I understand what everyon's saying, not trying to step on Brians toes by doing this. I just figured It would be interesting to see who would be interestd in the first palce before it went any further. So far it looks like it might not be a realistic idea.

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I like the idea, but my opinion is the same as others. Donate a few bucks to the cause and help Brian keep this site online. I gave some on the 1st of January and I plan on donating a portion of the sale from the "crackle finish tutorial" guitar I'm currently working on.

It's a great idea to come together on a project to help the site but ten or twenty bucks from each of us regulars will go much further than $50 or $100 made off the sale of a custom built by all. Not to mention the logistical nightmare (and expense) of shipping the thing all over the country or world to build it.

Maybe get 2 or 3 guys together that live close and do a custom "something" and write a tutorial for all to share. Then you can sell it and if you choose to, donate back to PG.

My 2 cents, for what it's worth.......... :D

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I'm not against it, I'm just fleshing out a whole lot of ideas. I try to keep a very open mind to all possibilities, not just blatantly copying someone else's idea, where's the imagination in that?

Unless that's what you specifically want to do, then OK, go for it.

It still might be a no-go, but what if we built one and just kept it for ourselves, added it to the site as a 'see what we do', and maybe ship it to the members for a month at a time...I dunno, just thinking out loud.

These were the parameters I had in mind (remember, the STFU PM is still open!)

1. Make it *FUN*

2. Involve a *LOT* of us

3. *Very Little Pressure*

(which goes back to involving a LOT of us, no big fear of f-ing something up too much)

4. Maybe keep it in house and rotate it (stupid? maybe...maybe not)

5. Keep it loose

So if you keep the 'make a pro instrument and sell it and donate proceeds' idea stuck in your head, you won't be open to some other creative thing we might do...dig what I mean?

Keep the kernel idea of us all building something, but shed the rest, that part has been done before...like I said, I'm bending the rules hard, but I think like that, drop the framework that the MIMF did and come up with *something of our own*.

Something COMPLETELY our own idea.

So maybe the pros can do a MIMF sell/donate thing, the rest of us hobby-horses can do something much looser and wilder, another one?

So I'm putting forth another idea:

We start TWO. One for the pros, one for the backyard-creationists.

Another competition! See if the newbie-doobs can SMOKE THE PROS! Haha!!

Now THAT to me is FUN! :D

OK, I'll go back to the basement and STFU now.

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Y'know, this idea is starting to stick with me now...

Why don't we form two camps (teams), pro camp and newb camp, and each build one!

That removes all the worry from the pros that something will go amiss (newb-damage) and loosens up the newb camp to go insanely nuts with 'no worries' and let the imagination fly off the handle.

We set a time period, have a runoff between the two, sell the best one, I dunno...but that sounds like a whole truckload of fun to me.

Spies for either team will be put to death, forced to listen to Barry Manilow records until they expire.

PS, everyone who decides to join in the fracas has to donate, say, $25.00 to ProjectGuitar before they're allowed to participate.

Everyone wins?

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Spies for either team will be put to death, forced to listen to Barry Manilow records until they expire.

lmfao :D

Now you're talking Drak! I like the idea of two camps competing (not that I'm the competitive type). That sounds like a bunch of fun and gets the members to work together and have more fun!

If all participants pitch in $25 to the forum like you suggested we wouldn't have to sell the guitars at the end. We could do a drawing between all of those who participated and 2 people would end up with PG customs!!

Now you have my gears going!!

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If all participants pitch in $25 to the forum like you suggested we wouldn't have to sell the guitars at the end. We could do a drawing between all of those who participated and 2 people would end up with PG customs!!

Now you have my gears going!!

hey that is an idea!everyone pitches in $25 for the chance to win the finished product.that is how you raise the money for the site,the take is bound to be more than selling it on ebay

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hey that is an idea!everyone pitches in $25  for the chance to win the finished product.that is how you raise the money for the site,the take is bound to be more than selling it on ebay

YEAH! Anybody who wants a chance to win the guitars or participate in building would donate $25, and the money donated would actually pay for the guitar's materials and shipping costs, anything left over would go the website directly. I REALLY like the idea of NOOBS and PROS in a compitition.

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If all participants pitch in $25 to the forum like you suggested we wouldn't have to sell the guitars at the end. We could do a drawing between all of those who participated and 2 people would end up with PG customs!!

Now you have my gears going!!

hey that is an idea!everyone pitches in $25 for the chance to win the finished product.that is how you raise the money for the site,the take is bound to be more than selling it on ebay

I think that's the best idea so far...

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Yeah, maybe NOOBS VS PROS would create hard feelings. How 'bout PROS VS PROS guitars?

Maybe two teams of four pros:

Pro 1 = Body

Pro 2 = Neck

Pro 3 = Finishing

Pro 4 = Assembly

Maybe we vote on who the builders would be, anyone who wants a chance at being a builder in one of those four catagories puts up $25 which will help pay for the guitars' materials, shipping etc... Then we vote on the teams, then anybody who wants to be in the draw for the guitars puts up $25, which also goes into the guitar and/or website.

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I would be more for splitting up, newbs and pros.

I LOVE the raffle idea, that is one GREAT idea! :D

Once teams are split then each group can make up its own plan, design it's own guitar, and delegate jobs out to it's members by whatever method they choose....2 sides, 2 strategies, 2 methods, 2 completely different instruments.

That way, pros have nothing to worry about, newbs have nothing to worry about.

The stresses on both sides are relieved. That solves at least one issue.

Everybody can breathe easy and have some fun with it.

Two teams of pros and newbs does'nt solve any of the original problems at all.

It's the same problems now doubled. Why bother doing that?

PS, I'd be on the Newbs, and I have no hard feelings about it! B)

Hey, what kind of time frame are we talking about here? A year?

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well i think if you build for a living or it is your main line of work then that makes you a pro...professional

if you just build as a hobby then it doesn't matter how nice the guitars are,you aren't a professional.

it's not about the connotation of the word,rather the denotation

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Guest Litchfield Custom Gutars

Not neccesarily noobs vs pros...cuz I myself will join Drak in the noobs. Just to keep it even, have it mixed a little. Why not? Then there's less chance of hard feelers.

PS If we were to sell it on Ebay (or both, depending on how it goes), the forum would score pretty big. I for one would bid on it.....

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