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The Faux Bass Pics

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Here's my first attempt at throwing together a bass (out of cheap pine from the local hardware store).

A few notes:

1. The neck is not routed for a truss rod because i do not have the right bit yet.

2. The neck pocket is very bludgered (see pic) because I don't have short enough bit with a bearing on it to use with my template, so i freehanded it (Mistakes were duely expected)

3. Obvious seem is due to no jointing/planing of any sort, just glue and a belt sander

(High Def Pics, may load SLOW)



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All input/criticism is accepted/expected

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2. The neck pocket is very bludgered (see pic) because I don't have short enough bit with a bearing on it to use with my template, so i freehanded it (Mistakes were duely expected)

Definately get the required bit to be able to use your templates.

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Thanks guys.

Haha, Litch, my friend and I have already discussed a few times how much fun it would be to find out how many strings we can put on before the neck snaps :D

Yes I realize that pine is much MUCH softer than any wood I'm going to be using, which is why, for the body I purchased some weather treated pine. Though it's still pine, each board is more than twice as heavy and hard as untreated pine, thus, a little closer to reality.

I was definately planning on getting the right bits, I just haven't yet had the time to go get some cash and make the purchase. The hardware store I work at doesn't have what I need (HA!) but there's a specialty woodworking store about 2 blocks from work that carries virtually everything you can think of.

I'm probably gonna swing by next week and pick up a couple of bits that will actually work.

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Yes I realize that pine is much MUCH softer than any wood I'm going to be using, which is why, for the body I purchased some weather treated pine. Though it's still pine, each board is more than twice as heavy and hard as untreated pine, thus, a little closer to reality.

By weather treated pine you mean it's been chemically treated to be outdoor hearty? I seem to recall arsenic being used to treat such wood. Be careful about touching, working with, sanding, etc. with chemically treated wood.

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thanks again all, dave i was definately planning on doing that, since i've got enough extra wood. I already have all of the tools, so buying a neck would be a waste of money, especially since making them is pretty fun.

Haha Snork I did all of that stuff you said (minus the template, just because i didnt have a short enough bearing bit at the time). The neck didn't even fit in the pocket to start with, i sanded it to fit. It's just larger in some spots because i botched the routing job at 1 o clock in the morning.

Yes there is arsenic and i was definately wearing a dust mask.

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arsenic??? where did that come from. lol. ok make a template. never work when you're tired. its a mindset that you need to get into. yeah its fun, but you have to learn to wait. I botched the monkey grip on my guitar because i was to eager to cut it with a super mini saw. I used my dremel. BOOM the thing's screwed. just like that. well, i fixed it but it isnt exactly vai- exact to say the least.

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...and for my next trick I will bake a guitar entirely out of sponge cake and try to play it!!!!!

Only kidding (my oven isn't big enough).

I had thought of practising on Pine as it is disposably cheap and good to get used to using the proper tools on.

BTW, should I use a P90 on my sponge guitar, or perhaps a couple of single coils?


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id hafta say that even tho i usually dont like bases the shape of that one is damn cool, did u design it yourself or are u copyin one uve seen bfore, i also like the headstock design but imho, from a design standpoint it needs a lil more to like totally mend with the body mayb take a step back and take another look just my thoughts but it does look quite nice cant wait to see it when its done and made of hardwoods


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Thanks MzI, yes the body was self designed (The design went through several evolutionary stages, but Kirk and I decided we liked this one best). That's not the correct headstock design. The design I have looks quite a bit different, but the wood stock I have/had isn't wide enough to just cut out the right shape. The piece I used for this neck was actually even too short as well (would be considered around a 32 or 31" scale for bass). Because I was just cutting this neck out for shaping practice, I wasnt bothered by it.

I've got all my woods ordered and they should be here in a couple of weeks, this is cool as I am also very excited to see it in hardwood style. The body is going to be mahogany, with a goncalo alves cap, and then the neck will be a 3pc wenge/maple/wenge w/ Brazilian Rosewood fingerboard.

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if you get a high quality pine, like my pitch pine, there shouldnt be any problems at all involving hardness, density etc... pitch pine is very good wood, look out for it! standard white wood, cheap pine would do great for practising making the body on i think, but the standard pine is quite soft, so im not sure of longevity with it...

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