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Upcycled salvage scrapmachines! Tonewood snobs need not apply


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My brother and I were chatting the other day about getting back into guitar building and he mentioned he had a bunch of hardwood dunnage.....So we have decided to build some guitars out of it, just because.

Here is the stash....


I spent a bit of time yesterday running some of it through the thickness planer to see what was underneath all the junk on the outside. I was pleasantly surprised.



The sizes are a bit randomish, several very long 50mm square pieces, quite a few 65mm square pieces and several 95mm square ones.

The plan is to plane everything back to clean wood, cut the 90mm bits in half lengthwise and join for body blanks. A few of the 50 and 70mm bits are very nicely quartersawn and should make pretty good neck laminates.

No idea what any of it is, but it is hard and most certainly woody.

My brother has an ibanez neck he wants to use, so his first one will be an RG based thing. Mine is going to be a mulitscale 7, just to see what the fuss is about.

We have a fair bit of work ahead of us planing these down, so this thread might take a while to gain momentum. Much, much more to come.

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Looks like KD Hardwood to me, I don't know if that's a term used outside Australia as KD is usually B grade Vic Ash/Tas Oak and those are Aussie timbers so I don't know if the term us universal.

Is it oak or Oregon? Too hard to tell on a mobile phone screen as I can't see any detail

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Hey Demonx,

Mate I am in oz, so this is most definitely oz timber. There is a variety of colours here, I have no idea how to identify any of it. Probably several flavours of vic ash and assorted eucalypt species, I expect. The smaller 50mm pieces are very red, so that is something else again.

Good point on maybe not planing it all now, guitar2005. I wanted to see what was under the crappy exterior. Some of the pieces have cracks that may or may not be superficial. I expect not all of what we have will be usable, fingers crossed most will be. At rough count we have enough for 6-8 bodies and over 20 necks. More to come.

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So, i was wondering what to do about the bodies of the up and coming build, given that it is likely to be 4 piece not exactly matching slabs.....

....and then I spotted these.

Seeing as how I bloody love blackhearted sassafras (see first build.... And avatar), I couldn't resist. 4 lengths 200mm wide and long enough to make 6 tops out of. Score!




That is all.

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Oftentimes if it is a possibility that nails or other metal debris is in there, a detector is cheaper than replacing shattered planer blades or worse a shattered head assembly. Guy around here where I worked for a few weeks has a self-made tractor diesel engine powered rotary sawmill. Apparently he hit some metal once in a tree, which shot out through the corrugated roof and landed in the car park over the road. The blade was toast (however it wouldn't surprise me if he tried repairing it...) and the log split. The sawmill where I get the wood I work with for lighting and furniture has a metal detector as part of the mill for safety reasons so at least I can be confident about that as it comes into the shop.

The shrapnel found in old trees here is from WWII when Pori airport was being bombed. Apparently a lot of the really really old stuff in Isomäki is still likely to contain it. Nice.

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So, plans!

This one is for me.

Process, for those that are interested.

1. Find a picture of a guitar you want to base the design off.

2. Scale up to full size in drawing package (I use visio, because it is what I have).

3. Print out full size, stick halves together, hang on backlit window with tape.

4. Print out grid paper and stick together, hang on window over top of picture from step 3.

5. Trace the outline.

6. Draw out the fretboard, strings, nut and bridge.

7. Profit!




Tomorrow is clean up some more timber day, finalise some specs and order parts.

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Actually, this one is a 7. I just used an 8 body because I found a clear, straight picture.

26.22 to 27.80 fan

Bolt on neck

Wilkinson vs100 style saddles on a custom bridge plate, string through body.

Single volume with push/push coil tap

3 way switch

Blackwater guitar co. slanted pickups (neo modern model), custom to match these scale lengths.

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Setback today, not the best.

My brother came over to get things going, figured we would cut the pieces a bit more to size before planing.

We set up the bandsaw I scored a few years back, tried a couple of cuts but the blade started wandering.

Opened her up to have a look and found the rubber over the drive pulley had perished. Need to look into a replacement.

Decided instead to dress a piece of hardwood benchtop and glue into a body blank for my brother 's build.


So, not a total loss, but a lot of wasted time. Now i need to get the bandsaw up and running before any solid progress can be made.

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  • 1 month later...

The post about tracing your plan reminded me of my first guitar in high school. My buddy and were taking lessons at a local music store, and we were both building guitars in shop class. Mine was to be a flying V, so I pulled down a Gibson korina V and laid it down on the floor on some big paper we brought and traced it directly. With sop owners approval of course. After I had the raw V cut and shaped, I changed my mind and made some radical chamfers and waist cuts to it. I'm currently rebuilding that one.

At this point I'd probably rather have that original korina V!

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I have had some equipment troubles that have slowed the building down, went to buy a set of replacement tyres for the bandsaw, the shop said they would be in after a few weeks, turns out they only got 1 and I need 2, so I will probably just find some online now, should have done that first up....
Also bought an oscillating spindle sander, which looks pretty damn fine.
I also got in contact with the nice man (Tim) from Australian Tonewoods in WA that supplied the timber for my other build and after some to-and-fro via email, these turned up today:
2 sets of Tasmanian Blackwood body blanks, 1 streaky, 1 flamey.
2 Tas Blackwood necks
2 myrtle necks showing some nice flame. tasty.
4 Gidgee fretboards
I am still going to do a build using the salvaged timber, to try my hand at multiscale and also new techniques such as body binding in a now-mundane, fairweather blackmachine build, then use the stuff bought here to re-build it permanently, using the sassafras top in the earlier post. I also have a strandberg clone planned, but disappointingly they are currently out of stock of their hardware until perhaps December. I have been looking at other brand hardware, but pretty sure I want the Strandberg stuff.
That's all for now.
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