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Everything posted by Gorecki

  1. I wouldn't say no problems at all. Problems are more frequent with firewire devices and non TI chipsets. Otherwise it's a gamble. When programs are written for PC, the programmers have to take into account all possibilities of chips/peripherals it may encounter. Most of the time, they don't cover all the bases, but the most common are covered. I stick with Intel based for these situations because they are the most commonly considered for compatibility.
  2. Only thing that I know is the Firewire chipset itself seems to cause some issues. Seems most devices are compatiable with a Texas Instruments chipset and not with others. Also, people have had problems with VIA/SiS chipsets for varying reasons so I would suggest finding out what devices and softwares you want to use a find a compatible system for those pieces. Unfortunately there is no perfect PC because of all the possiblities.
  3. I'll one up ya, I've NEVER owned anything with the name Peavey on it.
  4. Sure, but it makes Julian fries much more quickly and I don't have to worry about copyrights. Actually, it's the album cover (most of it) I was going to release in '95 and never did. Once I got it all done, figured no one in there right mind would actually pay money for it. Edit: Guess I'd better explain 'what' it is, it's a circle of 5ths thing also including the zodiac. In those years another guy and I had this wierd theory we were into on reading music from a circle (not circle of 5ths) and that tonality could be created with Geometry. It's trippy stuff but it worked.
  5. No problem! Consider yourself lucky, most of my Synth module manuals exceed 200 pages. No degree, but you could be qualified to tell someone else who owns the same stuff they don't know what they're doing!
  6. I've used Graph Tech with pretty good success. On the removal portion, I had a stubburn nut once I had to jeweler saw straight down the center to get the adhesive used to let go, if you resort to something like this take care NOT to saw into the wood.
  7. Here's one source for the G Major User Manual.
  8. It definitely shouldn't do that. Are you certain you don't have some environment or FX turned on on the sound card. Also, what sound card is it?
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's a pretty itty bitty amp, probably with a 6" or 8" speaker? You're likely going to have a difficult time getting it to sound like something coming outta 4x12 cabs. I usually use two mic's and two tracks when mic'ing an amp. 1 directly in front of a speaker half way between the middle of the cone and the outer edge of the speaker itself (most dominately for solos). Then I find a place in the room where I like the sound and place a mic in that spot, usually I'm looking for a bass sweet spot that sounds full (mostly for rhythm tracks). Then I'll track and play back, adjust volumes of each track, eq a bit and bounce them down to one track when I'm pretty much all done. Also, keep in mind, that the guitar may not sound the way you want it to up front but after all instruments have been recorded (drums, bass, keys..etc) the playback may change your mind. The magic of skilled engineers make a recording sound a lot bigger collectively than they do as individual pieces. Also, does this amp have a direct out, if so have you tried it? I have one amp that I only record it from direct out, the 12 with open back sounds thin to me. hope it helps.
  10. Most effect processors will allow a mono signal in / stereo out and usually say which IN (L or R) to use right on the back. What wah are you using and have you tried the wah built into the POD? If it’s decent, I would presume just getting their floor board would solve everything. I have one of their spider 2 amps I use the direct out most often (POD based) and noticed that while recording even a dry signal distorted to a mono track will sound not as full as to stereo track which I suspect they’re enhancing the channel separation in some way. So getting to my point, it may degrade the signal. If I had one of those POD Pro’s I would absolutely be using the balanced outs and that would be killed by a wah anywhere in the chain other than before the guitar input. For what it's worth..
  11. I would believe so, not being a person who does any alternate tuning, It really seems C# would simply not have enough string tension. A baritone neck would give this sort of a pitch without loosing tension. Or maybe a more gentle picking would help a bit. Hope someone else chimes in like LGM to have more experience in low tuned guitars.
  12. And so am I. So, do keep us posted.
  13. Yup! My guitar rack has become a guitar/synth module/pa rack and now I can't even move the darn thing by myself other than across a room (casters). That's the fun part!!! Especially when you get a killer sound setup and jam on it for an hour! And you should be excited, exited suggests you may not be coherent enough to be playing with fancy electro gizmo's without a seat belt!
  14. Just for clarification, Furman for many years has been very liberal with the term 'Power Conditioner'. Majority of their units are nothing more than rack mount power strips +/- a few frills. They provide surge protection (like most power strips) which is pretty much a must for helping to protect your investment. Otherwise for the most part, it's a nice way to not have strips plugged into the wall, laying on the floor. Drak, to answer your query 'do you need a power conditioner'. NO. Unless you suspect the power where you're using your equipment is somehow unreliable. True power conditioners can be extremely expensive and basically resemble a UPS (APC) most often used on computers for protection for early warning allowing you to shut down before the battery runs out. I use four Furmans and a UPS to support my studio computer incase of a power out, so I can shut it down before something becomes corrupted. My 1 & 1/2 cents.
  15. Hey thanks guys. Been a hellova day already! My trucks water pump went on the way to work (it's 15 degrees out + wind chill) and I had to walk a half mile before I could get a cell phone signal. So I'm home now trying to warm up and cool off all at the same time.
  16. Thanks for taking the ball Dugz...I wasn't sure if his issue was midi in general or just the package.
  17. Can't help ya directly Dave but it does sound like somethings not setup quite right. Are you sure what you're trying to 'trigger' is setup to get the midi channel(s) you're sending to it. I think D~S is a Sonar user (home's big sister) will show up to be of more assistance.
  18. My Gibson WRC (made by Wayne Charvel), they only made 200 of them 100 red and 100 black, I've got #93. I don't have any pics at the moment but will see if I can dig one up or take one.
  19. Very classy indeed! Perry you do such tasteful work.
  20. I really like the P-style. Same ash/color as the S-style you did. Great stuff GF and glad to see you around.
  21. Sure it's possible, most often the vendor will provide directions on how to open the box. But if it's under warranty, this will void it. Also upgrades are highly dependent on the motherboard unless you change the actual motherboard itself. Unfortunately anything involving a current laptop is expensive because it's specialty. Even a processor upgrade costs twice of the equivalent desktop processor typically.
  22. Looks like they improved the UI quite a bit. Working well for me so far.
  23. there have been reports of people having problems with the 410 but I've had no problems with my AudioPhile Firewire. I also suspect, many people that have problems, simply don't understand the technology very well but I could be mistaken. I'll say it once again, depending on USB, especially for large amounts of audio tracks will be a regret eventually. Midi it's fine. Yes, the UA25 would replace your internal sound and midi. Actually it looks very much like the M-Audio Firewire Solo that came out not too long ago.
  24. Not to be a boob but the description for them suggests 22 fret but they are both only 21 fret necks. FYI.
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