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Everything posted by ScottR

  1. Anyone have any comments or opinions about Duane Allman in this context? SR
  2. I've run into the same issues with sanding sealer. Bottom line is if it gasses off and disappears, don't worry about it. It will not come back. Also of note was when I switched from the sanding sealer and went to laquer I got zero blush in the same conditions. Drak has said that sealer is a wast of time since it is softer than the laquer....just use laquer to seal with. SR
  3. I really like the way this has improved since you bought it. It looks very nice. Maybe even more important are the finishing tips about the little details that are bound to trip most new builders (and many not so new) up. Well done and thanks. SR
  4. You know...I don't love the back of the neck at the scarf transition. I DO love every single other thing about this though. Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean. Like always. SR
  5. Very nice. I like the neck heel transition; is that normal for firebirds or is that yours? And from the "noticing stuff in the background" section, is that a wenge countertop that is resting on? SR
  6. I used to have thoughts like that from time to time.....still do actually. I have come to the firm conclusion that I am much happier with the knowlege that I do not know everything! There is so much space in space. SR
  7. What! There was a guitar in that pic? Lol. I honestly wasn't sure what I was looking at in that one. SR
  8. Yeah, that must be one shiny son of a gun. In the one shot where you have it tilted up, the reflections of the grass make it almost disappear into your yard. Very nice work Kill. SR
  9. Fascinating. Methinks some of Avenger's penchant for building a mysterious thread has rubbed off on you! SR
  10. Hey Scott. Its still fading The back is holding up realy well, Including the black. Makes me think there is something up with the maple on the front. But Oddly enough, the sample piece I done up is still strong as ever. Green & black are still good I just dont get it. has me totally stumped. Im gona get some more done on the neck, you know - radius, frets, oil, bla bla bla. Then I rekon I will just strip the body & start over. You said you have a couple of coats of clear on the body to seal it. Do you have any clear on the sample piece? If not, do you suppose therre is some kind of reaction between the dye and the clear that's leaching the color out? SR Na, both totaly the same. Not like they are even different pieces of timber, The sample is an offcut from making the top for this guitar. has me totaly stumped, cant figure it out at all. Wow. So the only difference is the top has been shaped and glued to a different piece of wood. I'm assuming they are both in the shop getting exposed to the same light. Ask ol "Hey, stop eating that". Maybe he knows something he's not telling. SR
  11. Dude, your past auction builds have been very cool! I might be interested in decorating a tile if you end up going that way and don't have them all accounted for. SR
  12. Hey Scott. Its still fading The back is holding up realy well, Including the black. Makes me think there is something up with the maple on the front. But Oddly enough, the sample piece I done up is still strong as ever. Green & black are still good I just dont get it. has me totally stumped. Im gona get some more done on the neck, you know - radius, frets, oil, bla bla bla. Then I rekon I will just strip the body & start over. You said you have a couple of coats of clear on the body to seal it. Do you have any clear on the sample piece? If not, do you suppose therre is some kind of reaction between the dye and the clear that's leaching the color out? SR
  13. You succeeded. Excellent idea to mix medias like that. SR
  14. Paulie, hows your dye holding up? Holding it's own, still fading, or getting stripped? SR
  15. Dude, That has got to be the most concise build thread I have ever seen. SR
  16. That is just stooopid good. Am I seeing some brush work in the feathers? Magnificent. SR
  17. Love the fretboard; body is spooky though. I seem to remember a post from the past where you mentioned a friend that shared your unique sense of humor. I'm guessing that is who this is for. Should be entertaining to see the "mystery" cleared up later on. SR
  18. That's a lovely piece of lumber. Reminds me of the one we used on the Hook Custom which came from the same place. http://i445.photobucket.com/albums/qq180/d...Guitar/1131.jpg SR
  19. That makes sense. I was thinking quilted....and not seeing it. And I thought the one back left natural and identified as QLD had a definite mahogany-ishness about it. I don't get many opportunities to see woods from OZ and was pretty sure that whatever I was thinking I was seeing was wrong. Thanks for sharing! SR
  20. Yesterday was a pretty slow traffic day on the forum....you may still get some suggestions. I think you've got it right anyway, your test piece looks great as does the whole build. I like the way you "carve" your carves. Man after my own heart. My work gets "fueled" in a similar manner as well. This is good stuff- keep em' coming. SR
  21. Very nice work! I especially like the inlay made from mammoth molar. Question: What is QLD maple? SR
  22. It is great to see that you put all the information you gleaned from that long and detailed list of questions to good use. The guitar looks great! I must say at the time I was impressed with the scope of the questions you asked. And I was also impressed with the completeness of the answers Quarter provided, not to mention the grace and patience with which they were delivered. I'm sure it is as gratifying to him to see what you were able to accomplish with the knowlege you gained as it was you to build this fine instrument. Well done to you both! So how does it sound? SR
  23. Glad to see you're back in the saddle again! SR
  24. I agree with you with bookmatching the veneer on the HS. No point on a 6 by. Perhaps on a 3 by 3, but even on those I think it gets lost in everything else going on in the HS. I think the grain showing in the headstock right now looks pretty damn nice and goes well with the fretboard. Then maybe you could put your logo on top. I've been thinking about the acoustic. I think you might just salvage the strap buttons and the tuners and build a new guitar around those. SR
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