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Everything posted by jmrentis

  1. Pretty cool new designs. I was curious on this one, is the area around the big horn a cut out, because I think thats very cool if it is? Have you decided on which one you might start with? Or what kind of body wood you will use? Well nice stuff man, and good luck with your projects. Later. Jason Cool design
  2. Hey Drak I saw your sig has a phrase I am very familiar with. Is this an original phrase from Perfect Circle or did they borrow it from another band? If so, what band? I had the cd and it was stolen along with every other cd I ever owned and my car stereo system for a total of about $2500.00. Thanks I just would like to know, because I don't have that cd anymore to look and see. And I know PC borrowed a lot of the music for emotive. Thanks. Jason What's so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding?
  3. On the walnut piece, is that just regular glue in the joint like titebond? Would it sand out when you go to smooth it for the finish? Thanks for posting that stuff, unfortunately I have a bunch of wood on the way but I am still considering that walnut. It doesn't look perfect but I think if I could do it right it would look great. We need to have a tutorial here that shows the proper way to fix and fill a top like that with epoxy and such. I believe that Wes did a little bit of that on his beast if I remember right? Oh well, we shall see. Good luck. Later. Jason
  4. Another Toxic Wood list Here is a site from the links page over at MIMF. It has what I was talking about. It is worth it to check this out and read through it all. No point in getting sick or worse, stay safe guys. Good luck and I'll talk to you guys later. Jason
  5. I'll look for the page I read this on and post it when I find it, but it was similar to the one posted. It said sensitizers like Fryovanni mentioned mostly will not cause any reactions the first time you are exposed, but the following times you are exposed you will possibly have a bad reaction. Here's what I found interersting it said if that wood is a sensitizer for you each additional time you are exposed the reaction will get worse. And here's the worst part, it will not go away, you will always have that severe reaction to that wood and it will always get worse each time you are exposed. No matter if you didn't get near any for 20 years, the next time you touched it would still be worse than the last time you came into contact with it. Just something to think about, don't expect to be able to work with wood you've already had a bad reaction to, ever! And if you seem to be getting a more and more severe reaction you might want to stop using that wood, or attempt to use more extreme measures of protection. Well I'll look for that page now and post it when I find it. Thanks guys for the warning, this was a good idea to pin. Good luck and be careful guys. Jason
  6. Don't feel unworthy. They had to start just like you and theirs might not have been that good. But yes their work is amazing. I think it's so cool to have a place with so many great guitar builders, where they can share and help others. This is truly a great place. Later. Jason
  7. Jera, definately check out universaljems.com(Brian's site) it has everything you are looking for. I was considering using the bobbin toppers for my pickups because I wanted white, so I emailed Brian and he explained them to me and sent me a pick of a zebra one. Just using one cream bobbin topper. I wasn't sure if I would like them, but I saw it and felt that they looked very good and is way better than buying new pickup just for a different color. He said you can even install them without taking off your strings if you are careful. But personally I would, just to be careful and get them perfect. Also what you can do to get a different look is go for pickup rings, if you don't already have them. Thats what I did, I bought some white ones from Brian. He was the only one that I could find that carried regular white not cream colored pickup rings. They really looked nice when I got them on. So definately check out his stuff, it will give you many options and colors. Good luck and later. Jason Here's the pic he sent me a couple months ago when I ordered my stuff. It's an all black pickup, made into a zebra colored one. All it takes is one cream colored bobbin topper. They really look very good. Hope this helps.
  8. Thats cool! It might just be the pic but I think I would like a blue led. But it's your guitar and so far it's great, I would keep doing what your doing. I see that you have a number of votes already. Nice! You did a nice job, especially for your first try, it doesn't look like your first, it looks like you've built quite a few and thats why I voted for it. I must say though, Perrys guitar is more my style, if I had to buy one. I liked all of the entries though. I also really liked Maidens. It really had a great color scheme and I liked the top a lot, oh and the black neck was cool too. Stews build was great, very cool theme and features. And a few were nice and simple looking, which I always like and is sort of what I'm heading toward on my own project, although I will be finishing it with color. And thegarehanman guitar was very cool, I like how he puts a lot of cool details in his work, it really can make the guitar. I wish he had more and better pics though, because I don't think the pics he has do it justice. I think his current project will be amazing, it seems to be turning out great so far. I like them all, and I hope I will be able to contend with you guys soon. I really like seeing all these projects every month, it's very inspiring. Well I wish everyone good luck with their guitars and future guitars. Later. Jason
  9. How bad of a reaction was it? What happened to you? And also were you wearing protection when you worked with it? I have read this in a couple different sites and plan on using some solid protection, but I was just curious of how bad it was for you and if you were wearing protection at the time. Thanks guys for the advice, I'll bet some people that bought some or are going to buy some don't even know that it is toxic. I learned by surfing this site and some of the links to wood pages, but if I hadn't, I bet I wouldn't of thought twice about using it and probably wouldn't have bought any proper protection for when I use it. Later. Jason
  10. Killer. I know what I'll be using to finish mine. Sounds like it wasn't that difficult as trying to pop the figure by staining the peaks and valley and sanding like you said. I'm not sure but I think yours looks better, but I would have to see both ways done by you with the same paint and wood,and side by side. Anyways I think I'll go the same rout as you did here, it seriously looks amazing. Still a long way off for me so I have time to think it through and practice. What other projects are in the works for you? I can't wait to see more!! Later and thanks for the info! Jason
  11. Thats the link I was thinking of! I want the clapton profile, similar to a v, a little bit thicker than a normal neck too, which is what I want! Cool. Later. Jason
  12. Cool project. Amazing the stuff you can find on ebay. I wish there was ebay when I started playing guitar, I would have done exactly what you did. Later. Jason
  13. Hot Damn that thing is beautiful!!! If I ever get good enough to make a guitar look like that I will have a hard time playing it, I will want to frame it. That is just incredible work perry, that green is far better than the other one, and I'm sure in person it is even nicer. What was the paint, or paint ratio mix. I love that green! Jason
  14. Hopefully! I never thought you would need to seal the ends on a dry board, well lets just say now I know! I got some really good help from Fryovanni, so we'll see how it turns out. And like I said I can always plane it down some more to get it even but that will require me to use a back plate, which wouldn't look bad to me, but I'd rather stick to the plan. I appreciate all the help everyone has given me, I'm sure I'll get it fixed and if not no big deal. Thanks guys, later. Jason Progress pics
  15. That was beautiful man! Glad to hear you won't be leaving and I hope to learn much from you in years to come. Since I've been here I have gotten along with you fine, but I think I understand people pretty well, or at least people with a similar personality to myself. Good luck with your work and I'm glad all is well on the PG front! Jason
  16. Man I couldn't believe it! It was probably like 30-35 degree temperature change in the garage plus a huge increase in humidity. I really should have thought about it and brought it in, believe me, I won't ever make that mistake again. I have put some weight in the center where it can counter some of the bow. It might not have been as bad with a 2 piece body, but that one piece I guess was more prone. The weather hasn't changed yet, so maybe I can even it out a little, if not I'll wait until the weather stops and then sand or plane it flat again, but I will probably have to put a back piece on because I won't have the thickness I need. I'm not against putting a back plate on, but I really wanted to keep to my original design. But actually it might look really cool with another figured back, instead of purpleheart. Like flame maple, or zebra wood, or lace wood, or even one of those nice pau ferro top sets Fryovanni is selling. I will have to see how the wood ends up after this heat and humidity chill out. Thanks for the tips garehanman. I hope it works out, but if not I will look around for either a back plate or another body at an 1 1/4-1 1/2", 2 piece this time, I don't mind glue joints. I think I got my neck out of the garage in time Wheeew! Now that would have sucked. Oh well, live and learn! I'll let you guys know if I get it worked out or if I have to go with a new piece, either way I don't mind much now, I love picking out wood thats one of my favorite parts of the building process. Later. Jason
  17. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Damn, damn, damn!!!!! My purpleheart just warped. I have the wood in the garage, and for the past 4 or 5 days it's been 100 degrees plus, in inland san diego ( close to santee) and the humidity was up to almost 100% for a few of those days. So in my garage it was probably 115-120 degrees with 90-100% humidity. How dumb am I, I'm sitting 20 feet away in 75 degree air conditioned house just loving it and my project is out there warping to hell! Oh man I'm an idiot, I didn't even think about bringing it in. So well I don't know what I will do now. I might just let the weather chill out a little and see if I can get it to flatten a little. I just put a little weight on it to see if I can counter the bend. I had it perfectly flat too, just a few days ago. Oh well I will see how it goes and if worst comes to worst I will go buy some more wood, that piece was cheap like $20 or so for 1 3/4"thick 21x14. So if I can find the same size I might just buy more, although I only need it about an 1 1/4" thick. Might have to do a 2 piece though because they don't get boards that wide often. Any ideas guys? I've had this piece for almost 3 months and it hadn't moved on me at all until this heat! AHHH damn! Thanks for the help guys. Later. Jason
  18. But then have another midlife crisis later anyway and just redo and update your shop. At least what you are doing is productive unlike some men that just buy the fastest most expensive sports cars they can find. haha. jason
  19. I put emotional, I have been writing songs for as long as I've been playing guitar and all my music has been soley based on emotion and life experience. Thats what music is for me. I want to feel what the singer or the guitarists are putting out whether it's sad or excited or angry whatever. But I must say that having the ability to be technical in an emotional song makes it that much better. It just lets the composer get his/her emotion across easier. If that makes sense. Anyways thats how I like my music. If I had to choose one it would be emotion, but when possible I take both. Thats my feeling. Later. Jason
  20. I just got my calculater out. It is what Myrk said. 1 inch = 25.4 mm. That is a bit short for a neck, but with a scarf jointed headstock you would be fine. My neck I'm building is about 24-25 inches but I'm starting with about 27-28 just so I can have some areas for clamping and such. But I think you will be fine with your neck with the scarf joint. Good luck with it and let us know how it goes! Pics too. Jason
  21. Hey Mark, I would like to know the same thing. I was thinking about it and here is what I think or what I will do on mine. I would find the thickness I want for the neck including the fretboard once it's attached, then using the thickness I would shape down the sides from there. Say I wanted a v, I would leave the middle at say 21mm at the first fret then shave down the sides to make the profile a v. That way you keep the neck the same in thickness and such, but would have a slightly different feel. I might do a v because I like a thicker neck, and a v might let me have the thickness but still give me easy reach across the board, although I want to make sure it won't start hurting my hand after playing for a while. Well I thought I had a page that showed the profiles of the different cuts but I can't find it. I'll look for it though and if I find it I will post in on here, maybe someone else has a pic or link to that page or a similar page. Good luck with your neck, hope it works out for you. I will post more if I can find that info! Later. Jason
  22. Wow it's turning out great. What kind of inlays are they? Abalone or maybe some mop? Also are you going to do side dots? I really like the maple binding! It will look really nice like that, are you doing the headstock with the same binding? A venner and the binding would look great, so what are you going to do in that area. Really cool project so far, can't wait to see it finished. Good luck with the rest, and keep us updated with progress and pics. Later Man! Jason
  23. Wow that neck is mohogany? I was way off, I guess it was the pic, I just couldn't see the color. Thats cool though, I bet your project will turn out great. I wish I had a milling machine! Lucky! Good luck with the rest of it! Later. Jason
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