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Everything posted by Xanthus

  1. hahahaha, my dad and I go back and forth with this all the time. We both love to build things, and he's been into cars and I recently got into guitars. They both give us respective amounts of grief, I'm not going to lie. Do you have anything in the garage of note? My dad recently finished restoring a 69 LeMans convertible, pearl white with blue roof/interior. Here's a picture. More on topic, I'm glad you sold the 7 string. I'd much rather get a baritone, personally. I find it easier to adjust to a longer scale than a thicker neck.
  2. I really dug the powder blue/purpleish look under the shop lights. Too bad It's a nice looking build, looks perfect for playing some Dick Dale.
  3. Nice eyes, Daniel; I didn't even notice that This build looks nice, and it's a fine collection of Aussie woods to boot Why would one build a neck out of a large piece of wood like that, headstock wings and angle and all? Not a criticism towards you, just seems like a waste of wood what with all the routing and all.
  4. I lik the vibe you have going on with this. What type of pickup is that? A homemade hum out of two singles, looks like. Is it me, or do the strings rub against the edge of the bridge and the cigar box? Is this a problem?
  5. Nice! I really like that LP design, did you make it or salvage? I think if you pointed off the bottom kinda like an Iceman, it would make a cool take on an LP. Will we hear some sound clips in the future?
  6. Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay Which type of Artcore are you referring to? I have played the AWD83 (watch out, big picture!) a lot, with clean amps and distortion, and it has the ACH1 and 2 pickups. I thought both of them did a good job at jazz, blues, and hard rock. Of course, it also depends on what type of guitar you are putting the pickups in. A hollowbody guitar with the same pickups is still going to sound different, and woods make a difference as well. But on the hollowbody AWD83 with *maple/mahogany neck *Bubinga top *maple sides/back *Bound rosewood finger board I would say it sounds great.
  7. The Tycho pedal might be fun, but I'd vote for a volume pedal as well. Pedal swells sound much more natural to me than volume knob swells, and not having to use your hand to do it is a plus too.
  8. :D Priceless! I'm always interested in distressing the metal pieces. If you take some pics, let's see!
  9. I'm a fan of the "minimal wood" headstock. This one looks like it should be fun! Good luck. I hope you don't run into any knots/voids when cutting out the wings. Some areas look pretty hairy.
  10. With that last shot of the nice maple binding, you'll be a shoe-in win for next month's GOTM I like this one a lot, the pickups especially, as well as the neck joint. Looks ultra comfortable! Congrats!
  11. Wow, I dig it! What's so special about that tummy cut? Other than the fact that it's absurdly large? Not a criticism, just wondering what the tummy cut had to do to get referred to by a proper name I like the overall EVH feel. And I love the look of uncovered trem cavities. Almost as good as no cavity at all! Oh did I just say that.....? Was the body a found item, or a refinish? It looks pretty beat up in the "before" pics. I'd have liked to see a matching headstock, but that's just me. I know you can't do much with a Mighty Mite neck. And beeswax, you say? How did you apply it? I'm doing a build right now with tru-oil, and wondered what one would do to do the final buffing/finishing. And that's all 0000 steel wool? No sandpaper during the finishing? It looks snazzy! One great build here.
  12. Your 12th fret is drawn at 12", making your scale 24". Yet the bridge is drawn for 25.5" I'm sure this is a minor detail, since it's only a sketch, but just pointing it out anyways I agree with J. With a bit of tweaking, it could turn out to be a nice design. And you've got 14" across the width. With that and the rounded edges, it might look pretty nice as a hollowbody.
  13. Thanks for the advice, Matt. I suppose I overreacted a little when I saw the damage that had ensued. I don't know if you were following my first build, the Explorer, when I did the paintjob, but that was just walking on hot coals over and over again. I didn't want to repeat the process, which is basically why I've vowed off spray finishes. I did use the steel wool between coats 2 and 3, but I never dipped it in naptha. What would the benefit be? And I sanded with water only, seeing as I only had one can of oil, and I don't feel like buying any more cans. Would you definitely recommend sanding with oil lubricant? And is 400 too harsh? The body is sanded up to 320, I felt it only natural to start where I left off, when finishing. I have plenty of micromesh that I never used from the first build. I'll dip into that in later stages. Once again, you calmed me down a lot, thanks.
  14. So I may have a problem. I wetsanded with 400 grit a few minutes ago, and ended up with this. And also this. Sanded right through the edges....... 400 grit! With a flat block and 400 grit wet sanding for less than a minute, I shouldn't have sand-through issues. I'm really irritated. I had 3 heavy coats of oil on it, too. :D Is this common? I'm right back to the bare wood. If I oil it again, I don't want to have light splotches over the edges, and I DEFINITELY don't want to have to re-grain-fill.
  15. Sounds like an adventure, as always, Prostheta. I'd maaaybe toss my vote in for alder; it would definitely be a change, and you'd be able to see how it compares with your others on the 8-string field. What is the benefit of dressing the frets before seating them, exactly? It sounds like a lot of extra work, to me.
  16. Good to see this one back on the boards, Ken! I'll take some more pics, if you've got 'em. And I'd definitely like to see some of your sculptures on a different thread, if you feel like posting. The examples you showed before were sweet! Best of luck PS. Is that an ENGL half stack hiding in the background? You lucky bastard
  17. Hey, another quick question to anyone who feels like answering. What's the general consensus on the wetsanding medium? The oil itself, water, water and soap, and mineral spirits are all suggestions I've heard. I'm leaning towards sanding with tru-oil because I want a relatively protective finish, and the more oil the better, even if it is just oil.
  18. Might something like these work? They're not LSR, but they are funky, and of course they're still in production
  19. I...... think I see it in my head. Do you have a picture of this, if you've done it? I might be able to rig up something similar.
  20. Why thank you sir I'm glad people are showing interest in my thread And that's actually why the thread's subtitle was "yes, another flying v build" because at the time I started (circa 1yr ago), the board was flooded with V builds haha. I'm hoping to get the first coat of oil on tomorrow; haven't had much time these past few days. I've taken to stealing my sister's camera, so the picture quality will improve, no doubt. I still can't take an artful picture for the life of me, but that's another story.
  21. http://www.mtv.com/news/photos/o/ozzfest_0...Eb_Ready/05.jpg Humbucker in a strat. Great tone \m/ hahahaha I think the humbucker and woods issue is pretty simple. Seth Lover invented (or simply popularized, some would say) the humbucker pickup. He worked for Gibson. Gibson's "signature" wood has always been mahogany, whereas Fender's have been alder and swamp ash. Therefore: humbuckers + mahogany. I would do much more reading on how pickups actually work. There is no way hums are "brighter" than single coils, unless they are specifically wound that way. The mechanics of how a humbucker is wired knocks a chunk off of the high end of the tone spectrum. And I think a lot of us would agree that, especially at higher gain levels, the pickup dictates the sound more than the wood..... and certainly more than stainless steel frets
  22. Gotta give you props, that's the first Roswell I've seen on the boards! Are you getting funky tuners for it, too? The Steinbergers might be nice. And silverburst is probably my favorite burst. Nice job!
  23. Tailpiece came out EXCELLENT! Is that a strip of tape underneath it?
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