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I have a suggestion

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For another rule!

I left here for a short while, came back only to post answers to peoples legit questions. I told Brian and Kevan I'd be back when the maturity level grew.

As luck would have it, I just came back from a 5 day vacation and the first thing I see when I come here is a post called stealing.

THERE IS LEGIT INFO THERE!!! and yet there are STILL babies whining.

THEN, I keep reading and now one of the babies is attacking another member for having very few posts. Well, having lots of posts means nothing as was proven by the attacking member.

Well, I'm sick of it, absolutely sick of it. This is bullschmootz.

You guys who are whining have NO IDEA how free this forum is for your garbage. I belong to an RC jet forum, if it's not jet related it's deleted end of story! If you proceed to do things against the rules you are tossed.

I'm not being serious about another rule here, but if I got to choose one rule on this forum, it would be that if somebody whines once, it's a warning, twice, they're gone.

I would rather be part of a forum with 20 guys serious about building guitars and talk about that than be inundated with little babies who have to talk down to others and slam the forum to look bigger until their balls finally drop.

This is so lame, the ONLY thing that is dragging project guitar down right now are the whiny idiots who couldn't post a reasonable suggestion if their lives depended on it (ok, that may be going a little far but you know what I mean)

It might just be my 2 cents, and they might be canadian, but they're still valid :D

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I agree, I believe when Brian started this forum he was strongly against all of the so called Hard Rules that were on that "Other" Guitar site and wanted this forum to be a little more of a free spirit so to speak. But now I think he's realizing that for this forum to continue to grow and be a valuable resource that the crap has to stop and the smackdown has to be layed out once in a while. Hence making Kevan an Admin and making the new rules. I'm totally fine with that, as are most of the members here. Of course I have no say but as far as I'm concerned, If you aren't here to talk about building guitars or at least engage in a mature conversation than you aren't welcome here. Go back to the AOL TEEN chatroom play with others your own age and maturity level. If you want to act mature and follow the rules, then come on in, put your feet up, get comfortable and maybe even learn something :D

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I agree, I believe when Brian started this forum he was strongly against all of the so called Hard Rules that were on that "Other" Guitar site and wanted this forum to be a little more of a free spirit so to speak.

I hope you guys can bring back of this free spirit then, cause I have experienced this forum to be a rather uptight lately.

My love for playing (and finally building) guitars have brought me to the forum. It has tons of great info, and great people out there with even better advice. I would have never started building my own guitar without the info a lot of you have posted in here.

But commenting others on their spelling mistakes, hotlinking pics, ..... come on!!

Yes, some people will be rude, inmature, or inconsiderate in their comments. But doesn't that come with the territory? Just lighten up a little. Where is your rock 'n rolls spirit.

I never have seen Ozzy be politically correct. All those rules won't make it a great forum........people contributing with great info will. And to get to that great info you sometimes have to deal with some garbage.

I'm just happy to share my lessons, screw-ups, mistakes with all of you. Politically correct or not.

You simply can't police the whole wide world (although some countries/people might try).

Just an opinion.

Edited by RGGR
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I would rather be part of a forum with 20 guys serious about building guitars and talk about that than be inundated with little babies who have to talk down to others and slam the forum to look bigger until their balls finally drop.

i agree

Yes, some people will be rude, inmature, or inconsiderate in their comments. But doesn't that come with the territory?

yes it does...then they get warned,suspended,and permanently banned...in that order..then the territory has been changed

this is a guitar building forum.and it will stay that way

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Thanks for the input LGM, et al. (whos al? :D ) Regarding that other thread, my signature basically sums up that scenario. I mentioned something about "lurkers" in another thread. That is, those in the "silent majority" who have been here a while but just not as verbal as all the rest of us. I really, really, respect their input. As mentioned, they are the folks who can manage to find what they are looking for from this resource without any help. And just because they are not actively posting does not mean they are not doing any work on guitars. Its obvious that they prefer to spend their time "in the shop" rather than exchanging inflammatory comments and trying to get the last word in an otherwise useless thread.

This forum is a resource for guitar builders, plain and simple. Thats its primary function, a place to exchange information. Free spirited people still have to abide by the rules set out by the forum owners. In regards to Ozzy, he paid his price. The band kicked him out because he didn't want to follow the rules. It was really getting embarrassing when he started crapping in elevators (ewww) :D .

Oh BTW, another BC B) here.

Edited by Southpa
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I'm not Canadian, but I totally agree with all of the above sentiments.

If only the offensive parts of individual threads could be dealt with somehow, then there'd be less choss to wade through. If the Men In Charge are philosophically against deleting such posts, maybe they could move them to a new Rant section so that Those Who Would Have The Last Word can give it their best shot, and Those Who Would Focus On Guitars can continue to do so.

Edit: A new Rant section that does not accept new topics, just choss diverted from legitimate on-going threads. Sort of like the "Junk" folder in my email program.

Edited by erikbojerik
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It might just be my 2 cents, and they might be canadian, but they're still valid :D

You're :D ? I'm in BC, where you at?

I'm in Alberta, was just in Princeton BC over the weekend flying jets though :D

We used to have 5 acres of property up in the sticks in Princeton. We had a trailor on it, and would go up there and camp. I remember one night after the bond fire had died down and my dad and I were about to go into the trailor and retire for the night, I looked up at the sky and saw the most amazing thing...STARS...ALL OF THEM! It was the first time I had ever seen the night sky totally undisturbed by light pollution. The Milky Way looked like this big blob of light that stretched across the entire length of the sky. It was amazing, and I'll never forget it... :D

You mean RC jets? Me and my dad used to fly RC planes, well mostly my dad did. He had two planes, a trainer that he regularly flew and a fancy looking scale version of a real plane. He bought me a sweet looking trainer, looked like a sport plane, and a glider. The only one that ever flew was his trainer, none of the other ones were ever finished being built, because we relocated from Ontario to BC, then my parents got divorced. Basically all our planes have been in his crawl space for over 9 years, and will probably stay there. B)

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I'm gonna post with the help of everyone else. Hope that's ok with you guys.

You guys who are whining have NO IDEA how free this forum is for your garbage.

If you aren't here to talk about building guitars or at least engage in a mature conversation then you aren't welcome here. Go back to the AOL TEEN chatroom play with others your own age and maturity level. If you want to act mature and follow the rules, then come on in, put your feet up, get comfortable and maybe even learn something

this is a guitar building forum.and it will stay that way

This forum is a resource for guitar builders, plain and simple. Thats its primary function, a place to exchange information. Free spirited people still have to abide by the rules set out by the forum owners.

I'm not Canadian, but I totally agree with all of the above sentiments.
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STARS...ALL OF THEM! It was the first time I had ever seen the night sky totally undisturbed by light pollution. The Milky Way looked like this big blob of light that stretched across the entire length of the sky.

Just one of the reasons that my bro is emigrating there. So he will be Canadian.

I on the other hand am not Canadian, but still agree with the above. I wish everyone would just calm the hell down and bite their respective tounges.

Can we all get on with building guitars now please :D

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I agree perhaps Brian should use a system like we use on the hockey(The astro kind with a ball not the Ice kind it doesn't get cold enough for ice around here) field when I umpire: A green card for a warning ie display the persons name with a bright green border or something for everyone to see. Yellow card is a suspension and when allowed back everyone will be able to see this and a red is off the field (or board in our case) completely. Further 2 greens = 1 yellow and two yellows = a red.


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