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The 30-day 5a Quilt Tele


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I've done several Floyds before, but you will never see me put one on a Tele.

There are many other body shapes much more deserving of a nice Floyd than a Tele shape.

Telecaster is about simplicity. Simple, clean, efficient, even to the point of plain...purity of tone and expression...a Floyd would make it a guitar shaped like a Tele, but not a Tele.

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Actually, I will be the first one to say that this guitar is now just a Tele-shaped guitar, it won't sound or look like a real Tele at all.

Which is why I already mentioned that JavaCody would be dissapointed in me.

But wait 'till I'm done, hehehe... :D

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I'm not disapointed too much. It would be cool if you used a hard tail strat bridge and modded it to use Tele saddles, or maybe you could have someone cut the front off of a tele bridge.

I think you should do a bigsby. :D A bigsby always seems to add a touch of class to a guitar, and with that green burst, it would be real classy.

I'm very excited about the color scheme. That is too friggen cool. I can pardon a non-traditional bridge on that, as long as I know that there will not be a floyd on it. That's worse than putting a floyd on a Paul. Blech!

What kind of pickups? P90's? Ooh, lipstick tube! I love living vicariously through others. LOL

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...and the connecting hole from the bridge pkp area into the control cavity...using a much larger bit for this.

I always wait to route the neck pkp cavity until most of the finish is on. It's easier to work with the finish for me that way.

You are now updated! B)

Hopefully finish will be going on tomorrow, possibly today...possibly...

Will I make it in time to slay the Tank Killer??? :DB):D:D


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...if I don't blow it in the finishing stage, which is quite possible, it's happened before.


But thanks for the words.

Oh, there is one more step before finishing, and that is to take some runny CA glue and wipe it into the side grain as a pore filler. B)

Gonna go do that now. :D

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Well, yes, but I'm not going to use the Glendales on this one.

I'm going to use a standard Stew-Mac Gotoh (I think that's what they are) 6-saddle bridge, but in BLACK! ( B) ) to follow the theme of Jeremy's mock-up, I'm trying to stay true to the picture as much as possible.

I can feel the hatred of the TDPRI bearing down on me now...a 6-saddle black Tele bridge, oh the shame, oh the SHAME of it! B):D

If I got it with a HB, there would be a price on my head, I'm certain. :D:D

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Oh, there is one more step before finishing, and that is to take some runny CA glue and wipe it into the side grain as a pore filler.  :D

Drak, why are you going through the step of filling the pores on the alder body? Since it is alder, wouldn't a sealer coat after the dye do the same thing? Are you trying to prevent any chance of dye absorption into the alder? I'd be worried about the CA getting on or leaching into the quilt and preventing dye absorption on the edges.

This is a great thread. :D Your work is so clean. Do you have to take any special care when routing, sanding the edges, etc because of the veneer?

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Oh, there is one more step before finishing, and that is to take some runny CA glue and wipe it into the side grain as a pore filler.  :D

Drak, why are you going through the step of filling the pores on the alder body? Since it is alder, wouldn't a sealer coat after the dye do the same thing? Are you trying to prevent any chance of dye absorption into the alder? I'd be worried about the CA getting on or leaching into the quilt and preventing dye absorption on the edges.

This is a great thread. :D Your work is so clean. Do you have to take any special care when routing, sanding the edges, etc because of the veneer?

he is running transparent color coats would be my guess...not staining the wood directly

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Oh, there is one more step before finishing, and that is to take some runny CA glue and wipe it into the side grain as a pore filler.  :D

Drak, why are you going through the step of filling the pores on the alder body? Since it is alder, wouldn't a sealer coat after the dye do the same thing? Are you trying to prevent any chance of dye absorption into the alder? I'd be worried about the CA getting on or leaching into the quilt and preventing dye absorption on the edges.

This is a great thread. :D Your work is so clean. Do you have to take any special care when routing, sanding the edges, etc because of the veneer?

he is running transparent color coats would be my guess...not staining the wood directly

Maybe because there's a 1/4 thick purple heat piece?

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Well, here we are friends and neighbors, the game is on today. I just got done completely prepping the body, and it is done and ready for finish.

I -almost- changed my mind last night and opted for one of my typical orange/red/brown bursts, but I steeled my cranial cavity to the Sourburst, and now all is ready, the weather perfect, the game is on. :D

The grain is so cool and insane, I really really wanted to do the stain/sandback to highlight that gorgeous figure, but the Sourburst does not call for any grain enhancement, and I was -sorely- tempted.

Drak, why are you going through the step of filling the pores on the alder body? Since it is alder, wouldn't a sealer coat after the dye do the same thing? Are you trying to prevent any chance of dye absorption into the alder? I'd be worried about the CA getting on or leaching into the quilt and preventing dye absorption on the edges.

This is a great thread. smile.gif Your work is so clean. Do you have to take any special care when routing, sanding the edges, etc because of the veneer?

Well, even tho Alder is a typically closed grain wood, it DOES have grain, it DOES have pores, and it would take several coats of lac (lac being a thin building finish) to seal and level them. Maybe not as bad as Mahogony or Paduak, but they are there nonetheless.

You should have -seen- that Alder suck up that CA glue, like a damn SPONGE.

But it is now dried, pores are completely sealed, the edge sanded nice and flat.

Sealing the edge like that just made my life easier as they were sealed in one step with the glue, as opposed to shooting coats of lac and waiting for the lac to dry and shrinkback, and time is of the essence here if I am to go head to head with Derek and maybe Perry too. B)

About the inlay question, no, not for this one, I have to learn how to inlay first and there's no time for that with this guitar, gotta go go go!

It is now completely ready for finishing, I am steeled and ready to approach the Sourburst equation.

I am heading out to grab the spray gun now. :D:DB)

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...an interruption in plans.

I kept thinnin' and thinnin' about the color of the inside of an apple, and looking at the pics, and came to a conclusion.

I'm going to bleach the veneer now, then dye it an ~ever-so-light~ shade of red, so light you wouldn't even think there was dye used, so light it will appear to be pinkish in nature. Were talking really really REALLY light red here.

To me, that is the color of the inside of an apple.

And it is an integral part of the look of the Sourburst. Too brown for starters, it's WOD-Fest! :D

If you look at the first pics of the veneer, it looks brown. If I hit it with the first coat of clear lac and it goes that brown on me, the game is over right there.

So I'm grabbing the wood bleach now. :D

Still should have plenty of time to get it done today methinks.

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