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Soulfly Or Sepultura?


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I don't like new sepultura too much but Sepulnation was an awesome song. I find some of Soulflys songs too rushed though and lots of repeats of lyrics. Prophecy is an amazing song though. I don't get why the guitar player in the video is playing with a backpack on lol.

Old sepultura with Max is much better than Soulfly, however I am sort of tied between new Sepultura and Soulfly.


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to me , the first Soulfly album is the best album i've ever heard! Much better in my humble opinion than Roots, now,a fter that album...I hated Primitive, I loved Soulfly 3 and Prophecy, and i don;t like Dark Ages, but i haven't listened to it really. Sepultura...I liked Agaisnt, Nation was...weird loved Sepulnation though, and Roorback was horrible, I think they need each other, old Sepultura with Max was awesome, one of the best metal bands ever, by the way i'm gonna see Soulfly in london on tuesday the 7th anybody else going?

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I like Soulfly, but I think Max gets stuck in a rut. Some of his songs/remixes and such repeat a tad much. I like his angst ridden drive that he incorporates in with tribal rhythms, but after so many cuts or mixes, they do tend to get tired. I did pick up Prophecy and it did have some interesting partds (some of which I plan to use in my movie thing) but I dont understand the random latin sound between Max's screaming and the tribal drums.

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Soulfly better than old Sepultura????? ARE YOU HIGH?!?!?!?!?!? Soulfly is nu-metal GARBAGE.

No one has mentioned the actually good Sepultura albums. You people seem to forget what kind of Band Sepultura really was. Id gladly take Bestial Devastation, Morbid Visions, Schizophrenia, Arise against any of the sub-par albums Soulfly ever has released.

Sepultura is pure classic Brazilian Black/Thrash metal........Soulfly is here to make Max $$$$$$, ill pass.

Oh yeah, to save face.....this is all "IMO." :D

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Max is my favorite vocalist ever in any genre. People tell me I'm weird but that's how I feel.

That said, Sepultura is leaps and bounds better than Soulfly. Soulfly is a bad rehash of Roots. Beneath the Remains--now there's a record I can get behind whole-heartedly.

Also, Fred Durst has never sang on a Sepultura song.

Just sayin'...

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dark ages is the best and that its better than sepultura


old sepultura sure it WAS deadly BUT both bands suck now IMO


Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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Im with Winger above me. To me, Soulfly are always going to be Sepultura Mk2. Beneath the Remains is still my favourite album by the Seps, but Roots is a groundbreaking album in ways that not a lot of other albums have ever come close to.

I dont listen to either band now. Far more interesting things out there these days

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