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Edge chamfers

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Is there somebody who has built SG or some other guitar that has edge chamfers? What would be the right tool (tools) for this job? I've read that some guys on this forum used disc sanders (the guy that built that awsome PRS-like quilted maple top guitar in 'september contest" post). Also, I need some advice for rear contour of the body: the RG guitar body has really nice back contour with straight edges. How it can be executed?

Thanx in advance

mullmuzzler | OSSMT

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ooooooh, like the JS model has really rouded edges, and rg's have a really straight edges sides, and sg's have that kinda 45degree cut/trim on the bottom horn and along the top? Why not just use routerbits??

er no wait... ok i just read everything again.. ooo just to get the shape of the body.... yes i use an oscillating sander stantion, that also has an oscillating belt attachment 60 grit to get to the pencil outline, then i flip on the 150 belt to finish it off and get the final shape

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Rasp, spokeshave and round surform. All of these are great for quick stock removal.

You can just go nuts with abrasives, but that's a good way to fill a garage with sawdust. Rasps and spokeshaves produce shavings or large particles of saw dust, which you can't inhale, and which are far easier to clean up... Particularly important if you plan on spraying in the workshop later :D

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