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Well i just kant bring myself to smashing this thing so any cool ideas on what I should do with it



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hear is some pics of the warping, I think its because of the Alder! I got it off ebay after A friend from the forum found it for me, I just think the the climate change got to it :D

Its worse in person, its hard to get pics of the warping






Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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Ever seen a Warwick bass?? They are curved on the top and the bottom! Same with Brian Moore guitars! Why do you wanna get RID of this when people spend time carving just to GET this result? Now if the warping is un-even, as in more so in the rear area than the front, get creative and wet the top area in the less warped section to make it warp more to match until you have a nice uniform radius all along the length of the body. I say keep it, it's cool.

And if it REALLY bothers you, send it through a planner top and back to re-level the surface, and make a slightly thinner version of that guitar. And if that ruins the bevels so that there's a wood change in them.... them dye the top, and solid black the bevels and back, that way you atleast keep the figured maple look. There are tons of options here. Hell,


PS: Or if you're REALLY inclined to ditch it, send it to me, I'm a HUGE fan of really small and thin guitars. Like 12" across max and 1.5" thick, so I'm sure I could ifnd an appealing shape inside your's that I could cut out and make a very nice guitar with. Hell, I might even enjoy that challenge, would really get me thinking creatively on designs :D

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Holy Cow! Matt how wet was that wood when you used it? Did you allow it to aclimate after you got the wood? That is some heavy duty cupping for laminated sections that thick.

I was told it was dry and it seemed ok when it came in BUT the pics speak for them selves I guess :D

Ive lost about all hope on this guitar but the Maple is sooooo nice B)


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isnt that the guitar that you got that monster tearout on, then made that cover plate? if it is, weres the tearout?

Thats the one!! one more reason Im not happy with this thing :D




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Err... yeah, Matt. ***? Sometimes ya gotta break a few eggs, right? I totally agree with Verhoevenc! The tear-out might be a bit ganky, but seriously, I'm looking at carving a body INTO the shape you're so upset about to emulate Warwick in a guitar... believe me, that's not a problem, that's what Bob Ross would call "A Happy Accident." I'd shrug off the tear-out and add a few more to create an uber-distressed beast thats full of holes. When it's finished, you can call it "BATTLE DAMAGE" howzzat?

And seriously, if you're just gonna chuck the whole thing, for gods' sakes, send it to Verhoevenc and let him see what he can do with it!

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matt..why don't you mist it a bit and then clamp the hell out of it between a couple of heavy straight pieces of something and leave it alone for a couple of months? might just straighten out.

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matt..why don't you mist it a bit and then clamp the hell out of it between a couple of heavy straight pieces of something and leave it alone for a couple of months? might just straighten out.

I was thinking about trying that, but Im also thinking about just leaveing it as is

the Warwick idea is cool as well. I dont know Im not even sure I have the get up and go for this one any more

ill buy it off ya!!!!

Sorry man, Im not selling something I see as flawed


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you could always use it to practice finishing using Tru-Oil

You know thats A good Idea!! :D I dont have parts for this thing BUT I could rout it for parts and shape it and try my first Oil finish on it, than maybe over time I'll build it up in to something

I should get me self some cheepo parts and try it out!


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I'm sure that you could put it to good use, at least it's bending in a good way! Imagine how bad it would be if it was cupping forwards!

You sound a bit hacked off which is understandable so I suggest putting it to one side & doing something else. If you can spare the clamps then mist & clamp it, if not just put it to one side. Don't get stressed over it, sleep on it for a while & something will come to you when you least expect it....if you let it bother you even more you'll get stressed & do something stupid & possibly ruin it for real.

Put it down to experience, leave the tools alone for a few days, go for walks, read a book, watch TV, play some pool, have some drinks & forget about it. You'll get some inspiration & start over with renewed enthusiasm...after all, this is supposed to be fun :D

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Drak also makes A good point :D


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