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Zakk Wylde Custom


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Ummm. Subject material apart, it looks like the front end of an SG and the back end of a Dimebolt.

Cue endless debate about non-guitar stuff.

<edit: oh hell, i get told this all the time about me not actually answering questions....ummm "no"?....try digging around on the Dean site or Googlating the web for "Dean SG bolt" or whatever!>

Edited by Prostheta
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it's in full production splittail. cant be bought off the shelf with that paint job though, but as far as customshops go they are fairly reasonable. check bluerockguitars.com, or funkymonkeymusic.com. they are both reputable dealers that are also verry active on the dean forum

edit> SplitTail Sug. Retail $4,273.00 (from their retail guide) price it from a dealer, would prolly be a bit cheaper

Edited by suicidecustom
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thats the usa made version. there may be an import. if there is and its made at the china factory it will be a quality instrument and probably run in the 800 - 1000 dollar range

think thats bad: Schenker Brothers V Only 200 Produced Worldwide Sug. Retail $7,999.00

edit. now i am a dean owner, and although i beleive they make well built instruments and are the only mass produced guitar i will buy these days. theres no way in H#$L i will shell out $4300.00 on a guitar let alone $8000.00

Edited by suicidecustom
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U.G.L.Y. you ain't got no alibi you UGLY!!(bum,bom,bom,tish) you UGLY!!

yeah i just don't like it.reminds me of a dog with two butts


I also think that Dean Zelinsky has taken a page from the PRS and Gibson book on "if you price it high enough, people will buy it". Not that I have a problem with that, I just find it funny that Dean suddenly became up there with Gibson, PRS, Hamer, and Fender in terms of desirability. Even Dime wasn't endorsing them until they made him the centerpiece of their celebrity endorsement list, and now they're riding his corpse like Seabiscuit into the land of money and knappy ho's.

But Zakk actually helping design and endorse that abortion of a guitar? That last BLS album must really not have sold that well.

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It could be possibly made to look nice, if you taken the back end and instead of it just like a Vee, shape it a little more rounded, and it may not look too too bad,

But his version of the national anthem was just noise, you cant really top Jimi Hendrix's version.


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It looks like the basis of what could be a very nice axe.

yeah...if you took off the sg rear and made it a vee,then it would be nice.but we already have that...it reminds me of when a kid will come in here and say "look at this sketch i worked out in geometry class",and it turns out to be an exact split of two pre-existing guitars..."look how original i am"

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But, to each their own. ;-)

Anybody remember skinnier, less fuzzy Zakk Wylde? Just slightly right of being a typical hair-rocker? :D When did he turn into a stereotypical redneck? No offence meant to rednecks in the original sense of the term. :D

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He's completely over-concerned with proving himself as the "good ol' boy brawler" of rock.

"No More Tears" holds one of the best solos ever, though. Well. Maybe not as classic as other solos I could name, but I really like it.

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Yeah, I seem to remember an interview he did in Guitar Player a few years back when he started bulking up and using log chains as guitar straps. I dunno. I personally think his "tone" has been overrated for years, but even Randy Rhoads and Jake Lee sounded like chainsaws to me. The whole "look" thing is even sillier considering the fact that he's from Jersey and the only thing Jersey trash and rednecks seem to have in common is their fondness for Camaros and girls with big hair.

And yes, that rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner was truly bad, but not as bad as Satch's version a few years back with the out-of-control auto wah.

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Did somebody mention Satch autowah? :D

Personally, I think with Hendrix's spontaneous Woodstock version, with it's timing, power and slightly cynical feeling for the listener in the context of vietnaam, it will probably never be topped.

Well, there's this guy named Yngwie, and about 6 years ago, just after 9/11/01, he was playing a concert down in Brazil and played the SSB during his set. Needless to say, he got booed offstage to the crowd chanting "Osama! Osama!". He quickly came back out and performed an encore of the SSB and at the end proceeded to tell the crowd, "God Bless America and F*** You ALLLL!"

That probably comes closer to topping Hendrix than anyone else, and the fact that it was a Swede playing a Strat in Brazil makes it even cooler.

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Did somebody mention Satch autowah? :D

Personally, I think with Hendrix's spontaneous Woodstock version, with it's timing, power and slightly cynical feeling for the listener in the context of vietnaam, it will probably never be topped.

What is with the look of intense concentration on Joes face? He looks like he is playing some super complicated passage. Give me a break. He basically played the thing straight, except for the noted auto-wah.

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I will say in his defense though, that being asked to play SSB at a ports event he was probably given a brief to keep it to a certain length and not deviate off in wild paths, so effectively, even if he had the coolest thing ever planned, they'd still just want a basic rendition. He gave 'em what they probably wanted, not what the inner guitarist in all of us wants though :D

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seriously?you guys think you're qualified to critique satch?

let me know where i can purchase your vast array of albums,so that i can listen to how much greater you all are than him.

and why not worship hendrix?what deserves more respect than killing yourself with drugs?i mean,that puts anna nicole and hendrix in the same league,as far as i am concerned.

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Did somebody mention Satch autowah? :D

Personally, I think with Hendrix's spontaneous Woodstock version, with it's timing, power and slightly cynical feeling for the listener in the context of vietnaam, it will probably never be topped.

What is with the look of intense concentration on Joes face? He looks like he is playing some super complicated passage. Give me a break. He basically played the thing straight, except for the noted auto-wah.

What was that thing he had his foot up on?

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